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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM-Abdel Sahfi terms Doha framework as reconciliation between Islamists

March 7, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — A Darfur rebel group rejected the Doha framework agreement signed by the Sudanese government and rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) describing it as an attempt to reconcile Sudanese Islamists ahead of the general elections in the country.

Ahmed Abdel Shafi (ST)
Ahmed Abdel Shafi (ST)
Following secret negotiations held in Ndjamena, the Sudanese government and JEM rebels signed on February 23, a framework agreement including a truce. The signatories also agreed to form a political partnership and to free rebel fighters sentenced to death in Khartoum.

The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Ahmed Abdel Shafi was one of eight groups gathered by the US envoy Scott Gration in Addis Ababa last August, as part of his efforts to facilitate the resolution of Darfur conflict.

However, four factions of Addis Ababa group forged with Tripoli group, SLM-RF, a new rebel structure Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) on the same day where the government and JEM rebels signed the framework agreement. The SLM-Abdel Shafi was not part of this process.

The framework agreement “is an attempt to reconcile and reunite the factions of Sudan Islamic movement “from the fallout of the late nineteen nineties,” said Ahmed Abdel Shafi in an interview with Sudan Tribune.

He further said that the deal reflects the dilemma of the two parties as they both need each other.

“JEM on the one hand has no presence in Darfur (either militarily or at the grassroots level) to use either as a bargaining chip, and the NCP on the other hand is faced with indictments and arrest warrants from the ICC against Al-Bashir (…), economic embargos, strained relations with the west and the US, general elections are fast approaching, etc.”

The two parties agreed in the framework agreement to finalize a peace deal before or on March 15. However the talks between the two parties are stalled as JEM objects the involvement of the LJM in the peace process unless they reunite with them while the new group accepts coordination and rejects unification.

Ahmed Abdel Shafi was twice in Doha for talks with the host country Qatar and the Joint Chief Mediator respectively. The rebel chief asked the mediation to deal on “equal footing” with all the rebel groups and not to practice “favoritism” among them.

Ahmed was a close friend to Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and the head of his military structure before to break away in Asmara after the SLM rejection to sign Abuja peace agreement in May 2006.

However, he told Sudan Tribune he continue to dialogue with him stressing that “The issues that differ us collectively with the NCP, for sure, and are by all means greater than the issues that differ between us.”

“Abdelwahid is my comrade and I have been in contact with him. Yes; differing of opinions strained our relationship, but we know that we both possess a common objective and goal. Our believe in the common cause necessitates that we continue our dialogue, and we will have to find a way to work out our differences.”

Asked about the newly formed LJM, Ahmed termed its established as mistake made by the mediation. He also pointed out that the members of this new group have no common ground between them.

“This will in the end backfire on the mediation and will negatively impact the process of realizing peace in the region,” he said.

The mediation has refused to interfere in the efforts held by Libya, Egypt and the USA to gather the rebel groups and reunite them. The Libyan authorities who had initiated the unification process in Tripoli last year, played a crucial role in the LJM formation also they convinced a former governor of Darfur province, El Tijani El-Sissi to take the leadership of this group.

Ahmed said his group is consulting with all like-minded forces in the country to create a mechanism to allow us to work together and achieve the common goal.

“The road of struggle is long and bumpy, and we will use all means to achieve our objectives. We are certainly willing to wait it out until the rights and dignity of our people are fully restored,” concluded.



  • sagadick

    SLM-Abdel Sahfi terms Doha framework as reconciliation between Islamists
    Dear cde. Abdel Sahfi

    You deserve a 1000s thanks and appreciations for terming the Doha agreement as a reconciliation process between Islamists to maintain their control over the country.

    In fact, the deal was designed to deter the SPLM’s candidate cde. Yassir Arman out of power. The NCP is very bad when it comes in making peace deals.

    The JEM should have learnt from the past peace deals with Minni Arko Minnawi, Dr. Lam Akol and the CPA which is not implemented 100%.
    Please, keep your struggle which will bring the real peace to our brothers and sisters in Darfur. The people in Dafur deserved the same rights that other Sudanese enjoy.

    Self self-fulfilment (positions) are short term for selfish leaders. Keep struggling for peace that will bring security and development for the people of Darfur.

    Don’t make the same mistake. But above all, unite yourselves and work for the common goods of your people.
    The one way to keep struggling is to tell your people to vote out El Bashir and his NCP and bring in the people’s choice cde. Yassir who for sure will bring everlasting peace not only to Darfur but will put an end to Sudan’s chronic problems.



  • ismail

    SLM-Abdel Sahfi terms Doha framework as reconciliation between Islamists
    Ya Shafi,
    I know politics for some self seekers is a booming business. Why selling your people for just thirty pieces of silver? If you real mean business why then keep on your claptrap with stupid Bashir the buther of Darfur?
    As a Fur, I am annoyed to see the way you act like a prostitute on the expense of our souls, bodies and blood.
    We are tired of politicking. We need meaningful peace not sell out. Peace should mean practicability not barbarity and blackmail. We need peace on ground not papers. Stop this sinful act of betraying your own people just because of feeding your unthankful stomach. Do you believe in Allah? If you do then believe ye me you fool that one day you will stand to be judged.
    If there is peace, it must come under collective and united front not desperate divide and rule. Bring your army to Jabar Marra instead of hiding yourself in Juba. I know you as a fighter. But the way you play the game, you’ll be beaten at it for the peril of your people including yourself.

    Don’t keep on the way of Khalili and Mini Minawi.

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