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Sudan Tribune

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Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state

March 9, 2010 (JUBA) – Security sources have reported a fresh tribal clash as Warrap state raiders attacked a buma in Mayom county of Unity state.

The attack which occurred on Monday is said to have left six people dead and 17 wounded.

An estimated more than one thousand heavily armed Dinka civilians were believed to have launched the attack into the neighboring Mayom County, inhabited by a Nuer section, in a surprised 2AM dawn raid on a number of homesteads as people were sleeping.

No casualties were yet confirmed on the side of the raiders who ran away with 1,800 heads of cattle as they were reportedly being pursued by the villagers.

Among the six casualties some are believed to be women and children.

The confirmed death toll is yet to be confirmed by the authorities on the ground.

Inter-state armed cattle raiding have mostly affected the three neighboring states of Warrap, Unity and Lakes, in addition to Jonglei state in the eastern side of the Nile River’s bank.

Authorities in the states concerned have done very little to stop it.



  • thieleling

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    Dear Readers,

    The Dinka civilians with the suport of Kiir and SPLA intelligence open a pandora box of violence against other communities. This is the beginning of post-election violence in disguise before the election started. kiir & his poor Warrap Dinkas do NOT want election to go on in unity State. The Dinkas have rather Taban as their economic life-line in unity State or violence as they practicing now, cowardly coming at 2:00a.m while the civilians asleep. Wait for April 13, when the post-election violence break-out.

    The Poor warrap Dinkas have no one to blame. They started the violence with the help of some tribalist SPLA intelligence in Warrap State. Soon will be paid with the same violence coins. Blame Kiir & Salva Mathok Geng’s bloody-hands for the next uncontrolled violence in the poor Warrap.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    Exactly to what I say to poor paralyzed Dinkas boy on this forum. On previous incidence he claim that Nuer, murle and Mundari are the only people with guns, Now I would like Dinkas boy to tell me where exactly did these weapons come from? damaging the image of innocent communities will not solve your problems, it is good to talk on generalism and blaming GOSS which is Slava Kiir Mayardick. I hope you understand why I am always addressing the truth. Another question is where were the 5000 police in Bor, why can’t they rush to the spot and save the poor civilians?

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    Mundukurus are really at work!

    I condemned that if it has really happened. But for sure it is a baseless aligation from the mundukuru oriented journalist.

    This is just but sub-standard report form a poor foolish human being who claimed to have been to school of journalism.

    How sure is the reporter here about who raid who and what quontity of the raided substance were taken.

    Please don’t incite our peace loving states for no reason. Your lies shall remain like a dog’s night bark.

    Please dear people of Warrap and Unity state, the above is a clear mundukurus planes way of destroying you and you must look into it with your usual wise eyes and your administrative lens.

    Shame on the mundukurus and their boots lickers. we will defeat you in the name of Democratic Republic of South Sudan(DRSS)

    Go a head barks me!

    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism and corruption,a true liberator from the liberators.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    Yes, Iam proud of people of Warrap.
    that is how we should solve the matter.
    Great, we should not die like as if our armed are tied on the post. Indeed, every Dinka section must adopted this kind of behavior and that will solve nuer wish.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    Mr Big Logistic 2,it is really very difficult,how to support the cattles/armed raiders,today from warrap state against Bentiu state,tomorrow from Jonglei State against Upper Nile state,yesterday from Lake State against Equatoria state.
    Exactly what does the southerners people want? The small children are tearing photos poster for the election placed on the electric poles, when you ask them why are youd doing this?, they do tell you we are for SPLM-DC.GOD should forgive we the southerners who are still in very grate darkness.

  • Time1

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    can anyone verify this report of please mention your sources? where did you get the story from? a reporter or hearsay or how? please quote your sources ST. thanks

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Warrap state armed raiders attack Unity state
    please, people of SPLMA the disarment is going on in the others counties of the southern sudan,did warrap is not included? why those of warrap always taking raid to unity state and killing people and GOSS always keeping silence,is that because the GOSS president is belong to them? if those Nuer of unity state will take the revenge,they will bring their cattles back and add more others,what the GOSS will say?

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