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Sudan Tribune

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Women’s day goals endorsed by SPLM leaders

MARCH 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The SPLM national presidential candidate, Yasir Saeed Arman, pledged to defend women rights and to ensure their implementation as stipulated in the CPA and the constitution.

SPLM's Yasir Arman
SPLM’s Yasir Arman
Arman made his speech during a meeting held at the SPLM premises in Mogran neighborhood, Khartoum on the occasion of International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8.

“This is why SPLM is currently considering various submissions related to equity and equality between women and men. Based on the mission, vision and objective of the SPLM, we give equal treatment to all our members and officials regardless of their gender,” Arman said.

“It is SPLM’s belief that through the constitution, it is laying a better foundation for enhanced equal rights and opportunities for women and men.”

The celebration, held under the theme ‘Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities: Progress for All’, attracted over five million women and men participating in marches across the country on Monday.

In the regional capital of Juba, the president of the semi-autonomous government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit promised that his government would increase women’s share of cabinet positions to 30% from 25% as stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

He noted that women in South Sudan continue to face enormous challenges including food insecurity, domestic violence, economic hardship, gender discrimination, lack of opportunities and “totally unjustifiable and unacceptable forms of sexual and domestic violence.” He cited a statistic that South Sudan has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world, with one of out of every seven pregnant mothers dying of pregnancy-related causes.

“If we are to have any chance of succeeding as strong nation with all respects and pride of its record on equal human rights, this has to change,” Kiir said in a statement issued by his office.

Kiir declared 2010 as the year of maternal and child health in the region and asked his Minister of Health ensure that there is concrete progress in putting strong efforts to reduce maternal and child death before end of the year. “We can not enter our new future in 2011 if we continue to lose our women unnecessarily through avoidable pregnancy and child birth related deaths,” he said.

He also disclosed that the Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare is undertaking a number of “important programmes to implement a National Gender Policy, address the needs of vulnerable women, and enhance women’s participation and leadership.”

UNICEF, the United Nations’ agency for children, announced international women’s day as a time to focus on adolescent girls adding that it is necessary to tackle the unacceptable level of sexual violence, oppression, physical abuse and exploitation of women and girls. The rights agency said every girl has the right to a childhood that provides her with opportunity to preach her potential.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Women’s day goals endorsed by SPLM leaders
    Sudan presidential candidate Yasir Saeed Arman gave substancial speech that we South Sudanese should know understand the objectives of SPLM since the formation of it in 1983.

    Yes, i know Bashier government if elected will imposed taught decission on women. He will not allow women to wear Pants/trousers and many other activities women need to enter through in the modern civilization.

    Please let vote Arman because that will serve the interest of Southerners in 2010 and then 2011 will be the choice of South Sudanese whether they will be the second class in their own country as was said by Dr John Garang de Mabior.

    Thanks, Arman oyeee.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Women’s day goals endorsed by SPLM leaders
    Dinka Boy, What of those whom have rejected arman now are the SPLM and his direct colleagues. Second to that, SPLM have even rejected its true veterans who fought alot in the recent war which ended between the South- North Sudan in 2005. Since the CPA was signed in Kenya,have you ever saw SPLM leadership one day talking about the Widows and children of the heros lost during the time of struggling of how is their situation now what possible thing thegovernment can arrange for them?
    Is zero. You always been talking of arman of being a freedom fighter me in particular i have never saw/hear him leading the troops to any battle around here, i just know him he is only a politician and his politic career are not so strong than any other in the government and that is the type of person whom you know he has fight alot than the sons of the South then you will vote for him but me i cann;t vote such kind of a person.
    Don’t keep preaching always about Yassir he is an arab you know very well how arab behave.we learnt one strong and very bad lession from Mahommeddit in 1993 and he was an SPLA/ M officer and turn to fight against SPLM/A forces around Gokhnom and he killed many soldeirs and burndown somany houses and looted many cattles and goats. If you are still thing that there is good arab then me i don’t trsut them though he came to my house and wanted to stay with me he can stay,but i cann’t leave him alone in the house with my kids because of that issue.

  • Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus
    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

    Women’s day goals endorsed by SPLM leaders
    Yasir Arman should call for a public protest against IGAD proposal for the delays of the national elections and 2011 referendum.

    Yasir, this is a great political card. Play it now and you will touch the hearts of all the southerners and all Sudanese before you touch their hands in the national elections.

    SPLM has been the only party in Sudan that touches the hearts of the people first before touching their hands. This is a great strategy for getting 100% vote s for SPLM in South, Nuba mts area. and Blue Nile region.

    Ncp wants to touch the hands first before hearts. It is a 100% Zero vote warranted for Omaar beskir.

    Mr. president Kiir mayardit touched the hearts of all Southerners today before he touches their hands or voters.

    Thank you Mr president kiir Mayardit and Goss

    Excellent, SPLM has learned how to say No. At such a time as this, we should support our leaders no matter what so the world may know they are representing our interest not their interest. Let us protest against IGAD to proof that Kiir Mayardit is right.

    My call is this,

    All southerners should protest against IGAD’s provocative proposal of postponing 2011 referendum to tell the world that, what Kiir Mayardit said in IGAD conference is in our national interest. Even if that protest costs millions of oil dollar, please let do it now not later. All the ten states in the south must protest to support our leader kiir mayardit’s statement.

    IGAD wants to put future blames on southerners when the civil war resume between North and South again in January 2011.

    IGAD wants to tell the world that they have to South Sudan to postpone the 2011referendum but south said NO. Southerners this is a very servious game. We must open our eyes and think more than when we were fighting NCP in 1990s.

    My slogan or motto in that protest against IGAD will be…

    IGAD, do not postpone 2011 referendum.

    Why? Because we need the Republic of New Sudan (RONS). When do we need it? January 2011.

    ’’silent is an image of death’’ president kiir should continue preaching his concise and clear message to NCP, USA, UN, EU, AU and IGAD.

    SPLM leaders must stop going to Egypt from now. Kiir statement means war to Egypt, but independence for South Sudan. It is great that kiir is pleasing southerners not Egypt any more.

    All southerners are very excited about kiir statement including Gatwech and Thieleling who hates kiir.

    Long Live Kiir Mayardit and SPLM…silent is an image of death southerners.

    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

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