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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says

March 11, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov today hailed progress made towards settling the conflict in Darfur stressing that it is no longer the country’s top issue.

Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov
Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov
“Contrary to the situation two or three years ago, when everyone was talking about Darfur and the issue seemed too hard to resolve, today a feeling is generated that the Darfur issue is less serious than the issue of the North-South relations or the question of relations between political groups and tribes in the South” Margelov said after talks with the leadership of the United Nations and African Union joint peace mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

The Russian official is on a four-day visit to Sudan heading a delegation that includes businessmen and parliamentarians. He held meetings with Sudanese officials from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) such as presidential advisers Nafi Ali Nafi, and Ghazi Salah Al-Deen Al-Attabani.

Margelov said that prospects for a settlement in Darfur has now become “clear to a large extent”.

“The data for the Sudanese elections [shows] that 70% of the population of Darfur members, including residents of the IDP camps registered to participate in the elections is particularly significant” he said.

“The people [of Darfur] have expressed their desire to overcome their differences in the political arena through dialogue and the normal political process” he added.

Darfur rebel groups have rejected the census result and the voter registration process instructing their followers to boycott it. Many observers say that the restive region should be excluded from the polls given the security situation.

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which signed a temporary ceasefire agreement with Khartoum last month in Doha are insisting that April elections be delayed to properly prepare the country for the polls and allow non-registered people of Darfur and Kordofan to participate.

However, the ruling NCP, Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) and National Elections Commission (NEC) signaled that they will not reschedule the elections.

Margelov met today with NEC chairman Abel Alier and informed him of Russia’s decision to send observers to monitor the elections. He said that his government was interested in the elections process “because its success would be a success for democracy in Africa and the Arab world”.

“It is very important for Russia that the elections in Sudan are successful to ensure stability and development” he said, and expressed hopes that the 2011 South Sudan referendum would also be successful.

Margelov’s remarks on the Darfur conflict come one day after US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration said that that it is imperative that a peace deal be reached in the region so that the world can focus on the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between North and South.

Russia has recently been expressing interest in Sudan’s affairs particularly in areas of trade and investments. It is currently one of the main importers of weapons to Sudan along with China.

During Margelov’s meeting with the Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir last year, the latter offered Moscow a share in the oil and energy sector as well renovating the railroads considered the largest in Africa.

Afterwards, the Russian envoy made remarks that were construed as support to Bashir’s candidacy which drew fire from opposition leaders.

“I have not yet seen this alternative [to Bashir] even back in January when I had to convince [our] western partners that the arrest warrant by International Criminal Court (ICC) to arrest the Sudanese president is not viable and unrealistic” Margelov was quoted as saying at the time in response to a question on availability of other candidates to run for president against Bashir.

The Minister of Energy and Mining, Al-Zubair Ahmed Al-Hassan discussed today with Margelov enhancing economic cooperation in the fields of energy, mining, petroleum and the infrastructures in the field of processing industry and petro-chemicals.

The representatives of the Russian companies at th emeeting expressed their desire to establish investment projects at the oil, mining, gold and electricity power field in Sudan

Appointed in December 2008 by the President Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian special envoy who speaks Arabic fluently, visited Darfur where more than 300,000 were estimated by the UN to have perished, to assess the humanitarian situation.



  • Majok e Deng
    Majok e Deng

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    Just get the commies out of Sudan.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    What exactly Russian government one day will do good in this world?.Now they are talking of business,again they want to start selling weapons to the Khartoum government?.God do not want that type of business to continous,and in the feild of industry,Khartoum was deceiving them in the feild of oil. Russian government should try to change their policy in real democracy than supporting nonesense,which is one sided.
    On the issue of southern sudan Russian has less information about,only with wrong information they are getting for Nafi El Nafi plus others guy in NCP party.Away with their Bussinessmen

  • telfajbago

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    I believe the Russian Special envoy is either out of his fucking mind, or pocketed his price from the regime in Khartoum to make his biased and pre-paid statement while the NCP and it’s allied militias supported with gunships, Antinovs,MiGs are currently launching massive attacks on civilian targets in Darfur. Furthermore; unless you are serving special agendas or being bribed, you could see or hear that, all the clean media and the honest journalists are reporting the ongoing atrocities in Jebel Marra. Finally, the people of Darfur did not expected on day an envoy from a country like Russia who put it’s military capabilites and mercenary pilots at the hand of Khartoum to commit genocide in Darfur and war crimes in other parts of Sudan to speak good about the them or their cause. So to hell with your statements and the cause of the people of Darfur will triumph.

  • murlescrewed

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    Is it just me or does Russia find the most dumbest drunk with a vodka stuck to his ass to be their envoy to Sudan? I don’t understand what is in going on in that country or why it is even interested in flexing its muscle on Sudanese issues.

  • choldit

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    “…today a feeling is generated that the Darfur issue is less serious than the issue of the North-South relations or the question of relations between political groups and tribes in the South”

    I am really suprised to hear this kind of comment from an envoy of a country like Russian! What is Mikhal Margelov have in mind? trying to generate source of revernue for Russia in case the war in Darfur is over. Isn’t what Mr. Margelov is doing by making this comment? Yes there may be an element of tribe in the way South Sudan is being run but the way Mr. Margelov has commented about in this article is really unprofessional.

    So it leaves one wonder whether Russia is in peace with her foreign policy in relation to Sudan in general or South Sudan in particular.

  • DeltaBravo

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    What do this money cartel know about Sudan they are there just to feel their pocket with our pple blood. I think this guy have no clue what is going on in Sudan. They are just there to sell their weapon to Sudan Government as they are know for sort of business as well.

  • Vuni Wani Richard Akule
    Vuni Wani Richard Akule

    Darfur conflict is on the backburner, Russian envoy says
    Are you Russian Envoy!!!!! or you come to instigated Vilonce in Sudan. We are tired of you of Russian. I know you come to search for the market of your Guns and You assumed in this election there will be vilolences But mind you there will be no Violence.

    Why should you make such redicilus stament saying the sitution in Darfur is not Worse now. Did you pay a visits to the IDPs camp in Darfur to justify your Facking remarks.


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