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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Uganda’s Kony may have moved to Darfur, Musevini says

March 12, 2010 (KAMPALA) — The notorious leader of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) Joseph Kony may have relocated to Sudan’s Western of Darfur, the Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni said at a press conference in Kampala today.

06-15-2007-museveni-uganda.jpg“Central African republic allowed our troops to operate there. Our troops have been successfully hunting the LRA rebels and a good number of them have been killed. The rebels have been operating there in three small groups. The Ugandan troops operating there have told me that the group comprising Kony has fled into Darfur,” Museveni according to local media.

The Ugandan leader further said that he is not concerned if the intel turns out to be true because it means that the LRA figures have settled in Darfur far away from his country and sparing it the havoc they are known to create.

The fugitive LRA leader has been on the run since December 2008 when regional states launched a hunt to nab him after he refused to sign a peace deal with Kampala.

Since the operation, remnant LRA fighters have been moving in the jungles of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, south Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR).

Kony and two of his lieutenants have been charged with atrocities in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, which under international law requires they be turned over immediately upon capture or surrender. Past attempts to ink a peace deal between LRA and Kampala has failed primarily because the rebels wanted to persuade the Hague based court to drop the case.

The Ugandan president vowed today that he would see that Kony gets hanged once he is captured despite a legal obligation as an ICC member to send him to the Hague.

“If our troops get a chance of capturing Kony, he will be tried here and be hanged. We will not take him to ICC court in Hague court because there they take such people in hotels. Here, we will hang him” Musevini said.

He also did not rule out the possibility that LRA are receiving support from Khartoum as the case was in the past during the civil war years between North and South Sudan.

“If the Sudanese want to accommodate him in Darfur, that makes no difference to us” Musevini said.

“It makes no difference because they supported him much more in the past but whatever they gave him, we captured,” he added.

Earlier this week, the Washington-based Enough Project said today that a contingent of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has taken refuge in areas of South Darfur controlled by the Government of Sudan.

Accordingly, an LRA reconnaissance team in late 2009 sought to make contact with the Sudanese army at their base in Kafia Kingi, near south Darfur’s border with CAR, according to Enough Project. Now, based on field research and interviews with government and United Nations officials in several countries, Enough says that it can “confirm that LRA units have reached south Darfur.”

A similar claim was voiced by the official spokesman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, who asserted last year that LRA leader Joseph Kony himself was in Darfur. This was denied by Salah Gosh, presidential advisor and ex-chief of the intelligence and security service.

However, senior members of the rebel group’s political wing in the Kenyan capital Nairobi dismissed the claims.

“This is part of continued fabrications and guesswork about LRA whereabouts and we would like to dismiss this baseless report with all the contempt it deserves,” Colonel Michael Anywar, who acted as LRA military liaison, told Alertnet in Nairobi.

“It’s true that Khartoum once supported LRA but that kind of support stopped in 2002 after which we chose cut those ties,” said Justine Labeja, who said he is the head of LRA peace delegation.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is also wanted by the ICC for war crimes he allegedly masterminded in Darfur.

According to the U.N. refugees agency, the LRA caused most of the displacement in central Africa in 2009 with hundreds of thousands uprooted.

The rebels have looted, killed civilians and abducted children from three countries, forcing many to flee their homes, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Uganda’s Kony may have moved to Darfur, Musevini says
    I think Museveni is probably right, Konyi is heading northward to join his criminal counterpart Mr Al abshir. How about if his friends loses power where will they be? For Bashir, I suggest that other arab countries will offer him a room to move for exile, how about the ten criminal commandments behind Konyi?

    10 commandments of Lord Resistant Army

    Cutting ears

    Cutting of lips

    Cutting of breast





    child soldier

    Assault of civilians

    Trespass international border

  • murlescrewed

    Uganda’s Kony may have moved to Darfur, Musevini says
    Museveni is the truest of African leaders who believed in self-dignity for Africans. Many of today’s leaders would sell their mothers for measly oil from Arab countries. But Museveni has seen what Arabs can do when left unchallenged. That is why he supported his university friend Dr. Garang in his fight to prevent the spread of Islamists from reaching Africa’s hinterland.

    There is nothing useful that Kony can do for the Khartoum government. It would be in their interest to apprehend him and send him back to Uganda to stand for trials. Hosting Kony amounts to harboring terrorist and Sudan has a long history of supporting and hosting unsavory characters.

  • Akuma

    Uganda’s Kony may have moved to Darfur, Musevini says
    Mr. Kony is another terror now in Sudan if Sudanese government and it’s militias operation in Darfur will cause Incumbent Bashir to face international Criminal court (ICC) or Traditional Community court (TCC).

    The rebellion of mr. kony is hopeless and ground baseless, how come for him to fail fighting and peace negotiation as Madhorou is engaging in peace talk.
    Kony will dy like Osama Bin Laden

    Dr. Akuma,
    Chicago USA

  • Time1

    Uganda’s Kony may have moved to Darfur, Musevini says
    president Museveni is correct, LRA leader Joseph Kony is in Darfur, but also Kony will be Hanged alive if captured, there will be no ICC, if we look at the scale of the crimes and devastation cost by LRA in Uganda, Congo, south sudan and C.A.R, there is no more need to peace or even ICC, Kony will be hanged on national TV for all the victims to see justice done, Also those mercenaries who have been helping the LRA, and some of this NGOs, let them think their calculations right because Konys behavior could results in them being punished severely. ICC should investigate their cases, otherwise ICC cannot go on with the case if it ignore the involvement of foreign elements,.

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