Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan future will be brighter

By Luk Kuth Dak

March 15, 2010 — As human beings, it feels good- sometimes- to know that we’re being missed and appreciated, particularly when we take a little time away from our day-to-day activities. Surly, as a journalist, it feels even better when the readers miss you and long for your contribution, especially in times of needs and deeds as it’s the case in the Sudan, the country we all hold dear and cherish.

Exactly, that was the case here these past few days, during which my weekly column was nowhere to be seen on the pages of a wide variety of newspapers, particularly in South Sudan. As a result, I was mocked by one of my dreariest friends, Ustaz Majok Arou, the distinguished Sudanese journalist and a former Professor at Wau University. He thought that I must have been goofing off somewhere in the United States of America (USA) that my enthusiasm in writing about our just causes had somehow diminished, or took the back seat among my priorities. “ Is it too cold for any activities?, he asked.”

Well, in many ways, Majok, was absolutely right. In fact, since I first set foot to USA a couple of decades long ago and counting, there had been some harsh winters and some mile ones, per se, but by far, this winter ( about to wrap up, thank goodness) was certainly one of the most brutal, the messiest, the coldest and the snowiest in decades, that blanketed the whole of the northern America, that in fact, for several days, even the most powerful man in the world, President Barrack Obama, was confined only to the White House. It also brought to his knees, Ezekiel Lol Gatkouth, one of the most active members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and it’s diplomatic chief in Washington, D.C. “ I can’t go anywhere,” he complained.”

Back to the title. Yes, It’s baffling enough to know about the ludicrous, mean-spirited, ill-intended fictitious speculations made by the pit bulls skunks of the Islamic National Front (NIF) along with their boot-licker in the “ Southern golden boys” club, that the future of an independent South Sudan is all but uncertain.

Said Vet. Doctor, Nafia Ali Nafia, the Presidential Advisor and the regime’s strongman, “ We’re afraid about the future of South Sudan, if separates, he claimed.” “ It has no ports to export its oil; it will have to come through the north, he asserted, rhetorically.”

Obviously, it’s all about oil . But in reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. Against all odds, South Sudan will be one of the most- if the most- successful countries in the region. In fact, it already is, if you consider the amounts natural resources and of course, all of businesses and investments that have been pouring in from the surrounding countries: e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Central African Republic, Egypt and some other countries, to name just a few.

Therefore, if you are a true South Sudanese, you should be outraged when you hear those naked insulting lies and misguided misconceptions, right off the bat. Because, in truth, what those NIF bigots are suggesting is nothing more than questioning our intelligence and the ability- as a people-to care of ourselves, let alone governing an independent state of any kind.

Now, do you find that acceptable? I don’t.

Unfortunately, even as we continue to mourn our loved ones, who were brutally and savagely butchered like animals, by the NIF regime, I find it unbelievable that there is no anger and an outrage in South Sudan over such racially motivated presumptuous belittling attempts, about the future of the South if, indeed, it happens to be in the hands of its own sons and daughters!!

Indeed, it’s quite chilling and disheartening to see the architect of the modern Holocaust, Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir being painted as a hero; not the devil he is, in the very areas that not so long ago, he had turned them into morgues.

For the obvious reasons, Al-Bashir, ( flanked by his campaign managers, Lt. Gen. Joseph Lagu and Ustaz Bona Malwal), carefully picked the West and East Equatoria states to launch his campaign in the South. Of course, al Basher was here to continue what he does best: divide –and rule the Southerners on tribal line.

The funniest thing, however, was when he admitted that he had no clue whether or not there were universities in the two states. Now, the real question is: how could he possibly not know that the reasons why there were no such institutions, in the first place, was because his racist radical regime was building more Mosques and Islamic centers than schools in South Sudan, as a foreground of the massive Arabization and Islamization policies?!

If I had my say in this, Al-Bashir, instead, should have been emasculated upon arrival.

But by warmly welcoming him (Al-Bashir) in the South, we have –in fact- sent an ambiguous message to the all of our friends around the globe, who have supported our just cause. We have told the world that: we are all but a people with no sense of history and with short memory about all of the atrocities of his regime. Either that, or we simply just do not give a damn about the over two million lives his Jihad war had claimed in South Sudan.

Here, I, respectfully, find myself in disagreement with my dear friend, Ustaz Isaiah Abraham, in that, a vote for Omer Al-Bashir, in the up-coming election, is a vote for more genocide, Arabizatin, Islamization and enslavement in South Sudan, and certainly, in all the of the marginalized areas.

We don’t need that painful chapter to repeat itself! We have come a long way away since 1956, and I think that it’s now that the bigots should know that we’re not about to turn around to the Long nights of oppression and tortures. It’s too late for anyone to tell us what our future will look like. It’s nobody else’s’ business but ours!

No matter what others think, our future will be bright. No doubt about that.

The author is free-lance journalist and a former anchorman with Juba Radio. He can be reach at: [email protected].


  • NYDG

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    You are right in your opinion that southern Sudan has a brighter future ahead. However, I doubted that it will prevail as long as greedy Dinka SPLM is still in power in southern Sudan. These greedy Dinkas will continue to loot people’s resources and continue to take away people’s right to choose their own representatives. We cannot claim that we are constitutional republic when the so call Political Busting continue to take away people’s rights. But, I still see a brighter future without the Dinka SPLM. We must eliminate unionists first in southern Sudan and send them to their husbands in the north. Dinkas! stop acting like pigs.

  • Oduko

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    Shurt your mouth off, you insulting the hero of all sudanese our beloved Mr preisdent of Republic of Sudan Mr sir Al Bashiir ! what do you know about future since your tribal regime fail in south, Garang him self knew that there will be no the whole future of Sudan without our strong hold Khartoum government, This Al Bashiir is the man of mens across the global so you guys better surrender to his policies or hell you guys will end as a refugee for life cause I parsonaly believe AL Bashiir won in many caseses no shit…. my government the strong great Khartoum goverment has already plan how to provent Sout on geting her so fake called “independent” which I the so called independence was put into you guys brain by white people, we Northerners are like wondering what make you all about indepedance without our aprovel!? bear in mind everthing in Sudan must be aproved by Khartoum or hell will goes to our plan like the way we plan so called “independance” will never take place in Sudan not even our death time said by Basiir, what a crazy idea, we already got independance from British what you southerners on about!? it even a time to Unite whole Africa meanwhile you guys are on the wrong side of hope bear in mind that all African leaders are working days and nights to bring Africa as a United state’s of Africa plaese vote against independance and you will be consider as a hero of unity.

  • Dengtaath

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    Luk Kuoth Dak, I think your article imply that we Southerners are wearing glasses with different lences when we look back to the history of our long suffering in the hand of the NIF regime.
    I also appreciated that your article distinguish your full understanding about our road to independent and how you judged the entire cause of our suffering.
    Appreciating Omer Bashier and escorting him to the land of Southern Sudan by the sons of the Southerners, doesn’t send only the message of being the first and the last traitor in our cause, but also label the person the most stupid human on the earth.
    With no surprise, People like “Borno Malual”, who had appeared in the media praising “Omer Bashier” as the only channel to achieve the implementation of the CPA, is no doubt that this Southern Sudan elder had been there for ages practicing his Arabized mindset. Luke
    I do acknowlege that your background is journalist professionally and that can be easily traced given the level of your construction and argument: this make it difficult some times to understand some of the terminology you used in your writing style.
    Brother, you have touched some of the realy hints, we Southerners shouldn’t be seeing Jalaba as the only way for our future, or easily forget the lives of the two million we lost in the strugle in which Bashier was the leader.
    Thank you for great contribution and I wish to see more coming.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    Dear brothers and Sisters,

    The writer of article, Luk Dak convey an inspiring message to South Sudanese across the country. In most African societies, when your brother express prudent speech, you feel proud as if you the one who tell that right thing.

    I feel the same way too that South Sudan future will be more brighter than the way our enemies think at the moment. Certainly, South Sudan still young since CPA was sign and this was the reason i talk less about some frequent issues that are facing South Sudan at this short time. We are more than short goal oriented,and that was the reason why most southerners differs from South short-term goals like DR Lam Akol and many who employed Southern tribes for their own benefits.

    We South Sudanese were not fighting for oil as my brother said,but we were fight the arab mistreatment because they had undermined our African identity through opaque ideologies that they wish.

    South Sudanese took up arms because the Khartoum governments want to supress our pride through imposition of Sharia law that they used to encouraged more marginalization and undermination,so that african tribes should be in total darkness in their own country. Obviously, we have to stay away from casting our vote to the killer of our brothers and sisters for centuries.

    Bashier knows very well that our war will and can not be solve by guns,but we Southerners still cann,t believed on unpredictable issues because we have our weak heart brothers who are always used by Arab to modified the interest of their citizens.

    Arabs are smart for manipulation and cold war. They have tried it since the war erupted in Sudan,and they truely suceed. They armed Southerners to killed themsleves,and its possiblly happened. They bribe the South using abundance money to caused destabilization in the country,and it really happened that was the reasons we kill each other for nothing. We have to wake up this time because we are long term oriented goals, though we have few.

    Warning! we Southerns must and should warn ourselves that South Sudan will be more brighter than the way our enemy think,but this stake need more committment than employment. We should and must stay away from Bashier government in this upcoming election because this is one of the reason our South will missed the golden chance toward referendum. Let watch plebiscite properly so that we should not be alure by the bait of bashier government during forthcoming elections.

    yes, brother you right. Electing Omer bashier and DR Lam Akol in 2010 means genocide in Sudan meanly in the South.
    Let vote for Yasir Saeed Arman and Salva Kiir ,so that we can secure part of CPA through wise voting. We need to watch out from ill politicians who endanger the lives of Southerns due to their own interest.

    Certainly, Arab government knows that we have people who can not wait when their is abait,but this time we should not accept any if we are having the pride of yearning for our own country-South Sudan in 2011.
    SPLM/A oyeee, DR John Garang Oyeee, Salva Kiir Oyeee ,and South Sudan oyeee.

  • Grader

    Dear Luk,
    You have a great following amongst the South Sudanese ‘middle class’ because of your ethics and high degree of constructive arguments

    Please keep it up, if I can use yours words ” South Sudan future will be brighter”!

    God bless

  • Chol Mading
    Chol Mading

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    Dear Luk,

    Welcome back bro. Sure, we all missed your bright ideas and wonderful articulations. You’re always right on point. I always thought that you are residing in London.

    You deserve the compliment of the day!

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan future will be brighter
    Dear readers,

    There is no doubt about it that South Sudan will be more brighter after, unfortunately, getting dark for a second. This is given the current circumstances as mentioned by some of our commentators. But the end result will be brighter.

    As for the welcome of Bashir by citizens in the South, I believe that those citizens understand the supposedly spirit of CPA implementation than many of us who may claim to be politicians. They understand that Bashir is the chief implementer on NCP side as Kiir is the chief implementer on SPLM side (the two CPA signatories).

    I believe we would also wish and expect Kiir to be welcomed in the North and not treated like an enemy (after peace agreement and its implementation stage). The spirit of welcoming such leaders in both South and North is important. It doesn’t shortsightedly mean forgetting the attrocities. But a peace agreement that calls for reconciliation has been signed and is in its fifth year of implementation.

    Unfortunately we tend to hate Arabs whom we accuse of making us second class citizens when ourselves choose other Arabs like Yasir Arman to represent us. Is it not an admission by ourselves that we are second class citizens. The Arabs have also succeeded to make us have them as their good Arab representatives. What is the big difference in this world of mistrust in politics? Bashir and Arman are both Arabs and can put the Arab interests against the South first. Don’t be fooled by the joint dance in the SPLM. It can polarize any time.

    “A devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know.”

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