Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese President campaigns in Jonglei

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 17, 2010 (BOR) – President Omar Hassan Al Bashir launched election campaigns on Wednesday in Jonglei starting by Bor town, the State capital, continuing to Pibor and Akobo. He underscored projects funded by Government of National Unity in Jonglei and urged southerners to choose “voluntary” the unity of the Sudan in 2011’s referendum.

President Omer Bashir (C) officially opens Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Bor as Gov. Kuol Manyang (L) and Prof. Agrey Ayuen (R) look-on in happiness on March 17, 2010 (Sudan Tribune photo by Philip Thon Aleu)
President Omer Bashir (C) officially opens Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Bor as Gov. Kuol Manyang (L) and Prof. Agrey Ayuen (R) look-on in happiness on March 17, 2010 (Sudan Tribune photo by Philip Thon Aleu)
President Bahsir was received by Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk at Bor airstrip and traveled about a kilometer to Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology. Bashir made a symbolic official opening of the State’s sole institution of higher learning by cutting a rope and later declared his support and recognition in a NCP’s campaign rally at Bor Town Freedom Square.

In his first visit to Bor since the north-south hostilities ended with the signing of 2005’s peace accord President Bashir inaugurated town water system. Campaigning in south’s largest state which the Sudan People liberation Movement (SPLM) says is it stronghold, Al Bashir went on to outline unity supported projects in Jonglei including Bor town power station, Dhiam-Dhiam dock construction and Gadiang modern village where the recently cleared road network connecting at least 5 counties stretches.

The State Governor, Kuol Manyang acknowledged contributions made in areas of development by unity support funds and urged “further improvement” in health and education sectors from the government of national unity headed by Al Bashir.

Flanked by Dr. Riek Gai, Bona Malual and Joseph Duer – the NCP hopeful for Jonglei Governorship in this year elections, Al Bashir waved his walking stick and danced to surprise of supporters and citizens seeing him for the first time.

With leopard skin tight around his waist and a white bed sheets along his shoulders president Bashir reiterated his commitment to accepting southerners’ choice in 2011 referendum but lauds a “voluntarily united, Africa’s largest nation.” However, says “the final decision for a united Sudan is yours [southerners].”

Alongside the post of governor, NCP candidates are also competing for parliamentary seats in Jonglei including Bor County Geographical Constituency for federal assembly being contested by Maker Thiong Maaal (SPLM) and Achiek Peech (NCP).

The NCP campaign attracted a huge crowd but slightly less than the SPLM latest campaign attended by Salva Kiir Mayardit. A visit and commitment to support Dr. John Garang University, however, boasted Al Bashir’s campaign in Bor town. NCP’s manifestos in the south Sudan campaign claims establishment of every State university.

There were also cheers and hands claps interrupting his campaigning speech as he promised more work in areas of security by developing all season roads in Jonglei State marred by cattle raiding and children abduction in 2009.

An undecided voter and a separatist told the Sudan Tribune that “Omer Bahsir is a good leader but what I doubt is his willingness to allow independent south. He might be seeking votes only.”

A NCP disciple said “once there is peace as promised by NCP, there will be development. This is the party object.”

Bashir is the National Congress Party’s Sudan presidential candidate for April polls – the first inclusive multiparty elections in the south. Other 11 candidates, including former rebel party, the SPLM nominee, Yasir Arman, are competing with the Sudan incumbent president who took power in a bloodless coup in June 1989.

After Bor town rally that ended at 12pm local time, President Bashir headed for Pibor and will proceed to Akobo for political gatherings.



  • mzalendo

    Sudanese President campaigns in Jonglei
    mr. Bashir, you will never get a single vote in Bor….
    you are wasting your time to go there….as i know that Bor citizens are like before, they did not changed… they only wanted to go to the promise land shown to them by their lovely son, late Dr. John Garang…. they are not interesting in your what ever message you are telling them…
    Bor oyeeee, SPLM oyeeee….

  • Northsudanes

    Sudanese President campaigns in Jonglei
    why is this dunmy omar albashire is campaigns so much in southern sudan alot and why he wasiteing his time like that i don’t understand why. anyway this election is going to be like John Mccain and Barak Obama time and of coures Albashire and Arman will remain the top compete in this election of coures our next president is going to be Mr. Arman oyeee no question about. any guys look people right in khartoum are so tired with Ncp and if anyone interesting watch here this video go to http://www.girifna.com ok just spent liltle time to watch so video good luck.

  • David Chiengkou
    David Chiengkou

    Sudanese President campaigns in Jonglei
    First of all, I do appreciate the democratic steps being taken by officials in this election. Omer Beshir need to do better now because the chance of country going apart are very high. He may sound great as per his today speech but the question remain to what he was doing for the last 5 years.

    This is also a good face for democracy that everyone explain their point how the citizen can receive them. Let him make is way but he need to discourage the poor performances by NCP on security ground.

    I can’t wait to watch the election for a first time in my life in Sudan next month.


  • Gatwech

    Sudanese President campaigns in Jonglei
    Dear readers,

    The reporter has confirmed that a huge crowd of Bor citizens turned up to receive Bashir in Bor town, but he added the reception was “slightly” less than the reception to SPLM’s Salva Kiir. So what?

    Well, this means that those who received Bashir are also in their thousands like those who received the SPLM candidate. They may differ in few hundreds but that doesn’t matter. Bashir will definitely get alot of votes from Bor. No time to deny this fact of reception.

    The other thing which shows that Bor and Kuol manyang in particular are in love with Bashir is that they denied Salva Kiir from opening those so-called John Garang Science and Technology institution plus other projects during his campaign for citizens to see him in huge number.

    But they have allowed Bashir to open them and get that credit. The citizens will now believe that these projects were funded and supported by Bashir which will make them feel more love towards him to re-elect him for the third time.

    Any way, Bashir is far better than any other hyena northerner because he has signed the CPA, implemented 90% of it for the last five years and ready to take us to referendum. May be the Bor people acknowledged that given the huge reception as reported by the reporter and Kuol Manyang’s decision to let all those projects symbolically re-opened by Bashir as his campaign token.

    With the help of Abel Alier (son of Bor) and staunch supporter of Bashir who currently chairs the Election Commission, Bashir will without any doubt and denial get a chunk of votes in Bor town and beyond.

    The cheerings and continous hand claps as reported by the reporter shows that they like and approve of what Bashir told them. So there is no any other explanation to such cheerings and hand claps all the time. The claps can turn into practical votes!

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