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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

S. Sudan radio reporters trained on elections coverage

By Manyang Mayom

March 17, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The Lakes state local reporters from various media houses, including state-owned Radio FM-98 and Radio Good News, attended a three day capacity building workshop in Rumbek at Palmtree hotel, from March 14-17, 2010.

Reporters_participants_in_Rumbek_post_picture.jpgThis training aimed at equipping local media houses with the ability to cover the Sudan’s forthcoming April election. Participants were affiliated with Radio Rumbek FM-98, Good News Radio, Radio Internews (Nhom-Lau) in Malualkon, South Kordofan, and one reporter from Bentiu who works for Gurtong online.

Topics included the role of media in democracy, the role of the media in elections, news reporting, legal and ethical considerations in election reporting, the role of religions in elections, and the code of conduct for journalists. This project was funded by UNDP and implemented by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA).

Jacob Atem, NPA project officer affirmed that “Sudan Media and election consortium (SMEC) prepared journalists to cover the elections in Sudan. This has been organized by a number of international and national agencies working in Sudan.”

In all, before the elections NPA will have held four training workshops in Juba, one in Torit, one in Rumbek just concluded today and the last one in Malakal. Each workshop is three days comprehensive training, said Atem.

The workshop in Rumbek was attended by 25 participants that came from Lakes state, Northern Bahr-El-Ghazal states, Unity state and Southern Kordofan state.

Moyiga Nduru, a workshop facilitator, told reporters during the training that journalists can play a crucial role in educating the society on elections by reporting accurately on issues pertaining to the elections. That is why Sudanese Media and Elections Consortium organized these workshops to prepare journalists on elections coverage in the Sudan.

One member of the Lakes State High National Election Commission, Samuel Machar, was invited to educate the journalists about the role of the media before elections and after elections time. “I have come to face you with empty hand, many people fear to come and face you journalists,” said Machar at the beginning of his key notes speech.

Samuel_Machar_member_of_Lakes_state_NEC.jpgMachar noted that the elections reporting handbook at page 10 talks about good journalism based on accuracy and balancing the story. “All journalists are responsible on what they will report in this forthcoming election. If any reporter defames a person and is confirmed guilty, then he will face jail or he will be told to recall back his reporting,” he said.

Likewise, facilitator Moyiga Nduru warned journalists to stay away from what she called ‘the brown envelope’ as this will discredit their information to the civil population.

Moyiga urged reporters in Rumbek not to defame or exaggerate any information to mislead the public. He told them to be the watch dog and not to take side in reporting.

Machar surprised local reporters by saying that the security of each reporter is in his own hands: “a reporter will provide 75% his own security and the government will provide the other remaining part.”

However, reporters demand more protection to be carried out by the community, human rights groups and the government. Father Don Bosco Ochieng of Rumbek Catholic Church was also invited to tell participants the role of religious churches in election.

This correspondent, who has undergone security threats in the past, encouraged local reporters to be cautious in reporting political issues and to have enough patience and kindness in one’s approach, as well as to cooperate among themselves as a family of journalists.

One of the participants from Good News Radio, Ms Veronica Ajok Angok speaking during the workshop’s conclusion described the training as an eye opener as it came at the right time when they needed it most.

The workshop was closed by ex-minister of information and communication Hon. Adak Costa Mapuor on Tuesday after speeches from participants and invited guests.

The organizer, Norwegian People’s Aid, is a nongovernmental organization operating in Sudan in activities such as mine action, health care, rural development, rapid and emergency response programs and civil society development programs. Media is one of the projects under the civil society development program.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    S. Sudan radio reporters trained on elections coverage
    GOOD FOR THEM BUT THEY NEED TO STAY A way from wrong reporting becaused those of doom colloboraters which is DC will camplain about election SHAME ON THEM

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