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Sudan Tribune

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JEM, five rebel factions agree to coordinate toward unity

March 17, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Twenty four hour before the signing of a second framework agreement between the government and another rebel group in Doha, the Justice and Equality Movement with other five groups agreed to coordinate their positions and work for unity.

An armoured column of JEM fighting vehicles drive to a meeting between its leader Khalil Ibrahim, and UN AU Envoys for Darfur April 14, 2008 (Reuters)
An armoured column of JEM fighting vehicles drive to a meeting between its leader Khalil Ibrahim, and UN AU Envoys for Darfur April 14, 2008 (Reuters)
Besides JEM, the unity agreement is signed by the Sudan Liberation Movement Unity Command (SLM-Unity), SLM Juba-Unity, the United Revolutionary Forces Front, the Democratic Justice and Equality Movement and breakaway commanders from SLM- Abdel Wahid Al-Nur. These groups were part of Addis Ababa Roadmap group sponsored by the US envoy Gration.

The signatories reiterated the need to reunite the resistance in order to get the rights of Darfur people and extended the invitation to all the forces keen to reach that goal, stressing no just peace deal can be reached without unity.

They further decided in a press release put out on Wednesday to form a joint mechanism “seeking to achieve unity or close coordination”. This “mechanism will be in permanent session, and will follow up and implement issues of mutual interest until the completion of the objectives,” read the statement.

The deal negotiated in Doha, the venue of Darfur peace process, represents a concession from JEM rebels who in the past rejected coordinating with the other rebels saying only merger in one movement will guarantee the rights of Darfur people during the peace process.

JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam told Sudan Tribune that the deal “constitutes another prove of JEM seriousness to bring together freedom fighters in one structure in order to achieve the aspirations of Darfur people”.

He further added the move expresses the rejection of ongoing plot to falsify the will of Darfur people, stressing the need to postpone April elections to enable the ongoing efforts in Doha for a comprehensive peace.

The signatories of Doha declaration rejected “categorically to hold the general elections in this difficult time” stressing that the priority should be given to the peace process. They also asked to re-conduct the national census, ensure the public freedoms, reestablish security in Darfur, breaking link between state agencies and the ruling National Congress Party.

The Sudanese government and JEM signed a framework agreement dealing with issues to be discussed between the two parties during the peace talks, but the talks are stalled as the rebel group rejected separate talks with another group formed in Doha, Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) led by Darfur former governor El-Tijani El Sissi.

Sources close to the peace process claim that El-Sissi who is from the Fur tribe, largest ethnic group in the region, could be appointed as vice-president while Khartoum proposed to JEM only the position of presidential assistant.

El-Sissi accepted to lead the new LJM after being approached by a neighboring country which ensured him of its total support. JEM rebels say he had never being part of the rebellion and it could not be accepted to appoint him in such position.

The other rebel leader from the same ethnicity, Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, rejects to join the peace process for the moment asking to disarm the militias and provide security to the civilians.

LJM leader is expected to sign a framework agreement in Doha on Thursday with the Sudanese government. Vice President Ali Osman Taha has arrived to Doha to attend the signing ceremony with the Qatari Prime Minister.



  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    JEM, five rebel factions agree to coordinate toward unity
    Darfuri Rebels.

    Please united and kick these Arab asss out of Darfuri Regions. Kick their asss out and you must united together in order to defeated them.

  • David_N

    JEM, five rebel factions agree to coordinate toward unity
    The LJM’s El-Sissi identified again as a puppet of Khartoum, rather than Al Nur is the puppet of French colonialists.
    The Fur might be the largest tribes in darfur, but what is their identity towards Independence or either for The Voice of Darfur?

    I guess Fur has no identity themselves it has been too late when Darfuri Conflicts errupted in 2003. because their capability of governing the system, leadership, and identity.

    Other hands, Zaghawa clans came from far sided with Khartoum, but today, they made and build the identity towards Khartoum, and it is not for them but their responsibilities towards other responsibilities towards Khartoum to appeal their identity.


    The Nile River is the identity towards Egyptians and Egyptians can’t live without the Nile, but for them the Sinai Peninsula is foreign to them even though it’s states are brought from colonial struggles from Europeans proclaim independence of the states of Egypt.

    For Egypt, Libyans are arabs, Moroccans are Arabs, Mauritanians are Arabs, Iraqi’s are Arabs, but nothing more than different peoples in the ethnic race speaks same language and identity, but not as a family tight than Nile reaching continents of Africa for Africans, that Egyptians with heart and spirits are more connected towards Nile Basin Africans than any Arabs, so Sinai for them is still foreign to their identity.

    The Geographically location of Sinai is not an African Continents, but in Asian Continents.

    The Sinai Peninsula speaks about the peoples of whole Arab North Africans and Bedouin Nomads, and it’s migration route towards ancient Mesopotamia, the present days of IRAQ.
    Another early civillizations in the world and it’s for Arabs and Chaldean peoples.
    Which refer to Abraham as IRAQi, not Egyptian, so which means Ibrahim was not an African, but Asiatic.

    The ethnic language spoken in Africa consists, North Africa refers to Asiatic, because Arabic is the Semitic language.

    And there is called Afro Asiatic spoken in Sahel States which are Semi-desert regions with Afro dialected Arab spoken peoples.

    Then Cush dialects, which considering Halaib towards Red Sea south into Horn of Africa and to East Africa.
    But Cush named not refers to the ancient Kush, but categorized name, because it’s locations and peoples does not refers to the Kush.
    *Beja=Cushites dialects, but not the peoples of Kush, and more refers to close relatives with Ethio/Somal Eastern African dialect tribes/ East African, not North African.

    *Nubian/Asiatic dialect called Dongolawi and Mahas, Nobiin spoken of Kush origin which refers as original.

    And, let’s me going back to Darfur.

    So, Sinai is the part of Sahel route all the way from Mauritania into Mesopotamia, but the Nile River nor Niger River are not the subject for them, because their life style belongs Saharan Desert than River/Delta related ethnic tribes.

    The Egyptian depends the life on the Nile because it’s strength and peoples.

    The Iraqi refers to Arabs, because it’s related bloods in the Arab spoken peoples and Ibrahim descendants .

    Sometimes you will hear that the Egyptian is the mother of Arabs, but it’s contradiction and Middle Eastern culture for Arabs, the father of the family given to the sons, not from mothers for the family names and wealth.

    The Doha is the father of Darfur today and help for Independence of Darfur.

    Rebuild the continents back again.

    Because all the Arabs are ONE Blood.

    IRAQ is the father of all Arabs.
    The Nimrod is the son of Ham, refers to Iraq.
    The Hittite/Hatush Turkmen is the son of Ham, Turkey.
    The Kush is the mother of Nimrod, which refers to Nubian are the mother of IRAQi origin of Baghdadi/Asshur.

    Technically, the pharaonic conquests of Nubian and Egypt is controversial, because Nubian never refers to Egyptian, but conquests over two different kingdoms in united into Pharaonic devise.

    The Egyptians/ Midians refers to Egyptian and Palestinian are the sons of Egyptian.
    Also Libyan.

    For DARFUR.

  • Time1

    JEM, five rebel factions agree to coordinate toward unity
    This should be a focus of Darfur rebels, they should work on unity with eachother, Darfuris are not their own enemy , so they should unite and fight their main enemy otherwise they will become their own enemy if they fail to unite, unity all Darfur forces under one umbrella will give Darfur region as a whole a strong voice in Sudans political and economic affairs, Darfur is a big region and contributes alot in Sudan economic from Gum Arabic and now oil, they are also the majority in north Sudan but their population is scattered across north Sudan, if Darfuris can unite their people and form a strong political block they will surely rule Sudan. Darfuri movements focus should be on unity and not on disagreements and complains among eachother, then sit with government on the table as a united force.

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