Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Government reshuffle in Lakes brings two spy men into power

By Manyang Mayom

March 22, 2010 (RUMBEK) – Five new county commissioners were appointed in Lakes state by presidential decree of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS). Two of the appointees have served in special security branches.

In the new decree No. 32/3/2010, President Salva Kiir Mayardit relieved five commissioners, two state advisors and the state finance minister. He was acting on the recommendation of the caretaker governor to relieve the officials.

Dut Makoi Kuok, the appointee for commissioner of Rumbek Central County, served in the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) based in Khartoum. David Marial Gumke, the new commissioner of Rumbek East County, served in Salva Kiir’s special military bodyguard.

The two powerful spy men will administer counties that last month were the battlefield between armed civilians and Sudan People’s Liberation Army soldiers.

The state finance minister is also relieved and nobody has been named yet to replace him.

Those commissioners appointed and relieved are:

1. David Marial Gumke, appointed commissioner of Rumbek East County replacing Mabor Mayen Wol.

2. Diardit Bol Dak, appointed commissioner of Yirol West County replacing Agok Manyiel Dhieu.

3. Athian Majak, appointed commissioner of Yirol East County replacing Mabor Achol Kuer.

4. Dut Makoi Kuok, appointed commissioner of Rumbek Central County replacing Abraham Makoi Bol Kodi.

5. Madhang Majok, appointed commissioner of Cueibet County replacing Kongor Deng Kongor.

Changes in top cabinet posts:

1. Matur Makuer Gol, economic advisor, is relieved and replaced by Mabor Mayen Wol.

2. Maciek Akucpir, security advisor, is relieved and his position is now vacant.

3. Matot Tut, Finance Minister, is relieved and his position is now vacant.

Agok Manyiel Dhieu, the outgoing Yirol West commissioner, reacted positively to his removal saying “I feel very happy indeed – I will still serve this county as SPLM chairperson and actually this relief gives me full time for the campaign.” He said that he had worked for the government of Lakes for three years intensively without relaxing.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Government reshuffle in Lakes brings two spy men into power
    He (Kiir) thinks that he has done a wonderful idea, but this is nonsense. Lam Akol would have send especial police force who have been trained for 24 months not 6 months fake police. Those spies will never settle the tension in that dangerous spot. The issue is chronic and need capable leader like Lam who knows how to apply diplomatic knowledge to hot situation.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    Government reshuffle in Lakes brings two spy men into power
    It doesn’t matter whether someone has served in whatever field of service, but my interest in all of this is the removal of the two notorious commissioners of Rumbek East and Yirol West.

    These two commissioners have been wild and uncouth to civilians of these counties, true looters of the public funds, abusers of power – (Mabor Meen Wol and Agok Manyiel Dhieu)

    Now that new government is expected with votes from the very public that has been robbed by these disgruntled fellows, many and I will recommend that none should be brought back to any government seats.

    Great thieves of South Sudan and in particular Lakes state time – these two former commissioners.
    I am writing my intensive article about these fellows.

  • Tilling

    Government reshuffle in Lakes brings two spy men into power
    To the entire community of Lake’s State, especially Eastern County sorry my people for the bad leadership you are now facing but, thing will soon change with the time.

    My message base on the new appointed commissioner of Eastern county, please! please! take care of the community because being a leader means a lot, it is not like dancing which a everyone can join and dance even if he/she doesn’t know.

    My brother Marial, we know and I know you very well from the beginning, not the qualification you have which give you that position it is just a promotion from your former boss, please bare with us otherwise we shall not maintain you any longer.


  • Malual Jongbai
    Malual Jongbai

    Government reshuffle in Lakes brings two spy men into power
    ‘Resuffle 2 Ruffle’

    I was checking my lovely friend when the great news dropped! I was surprised and disbelieve simply not to the appointed leaders but for the entire community of these Counties especially Rumbek East. Is this the change we want? of course not! Yes, we cry for young leaders but do we put them in a right place at a right time?. There is no doubt the saying goes ” every dog has its one day!” I would like to wish David M. Gumke ( Dictor)and the rest well despite huge critism for all over East. I believe he is not the right man at this stage but he is capble of other jobs or at some stage he would be a commisioner. Finally, to those who would be outrage about this ‘nomination’ you need to ask Salva Kiir if ‘being Intelligence means running the community affairs’. This men should be kept in the Defence section rather than Counties commissioners. Choose a right man for a right Job!! Thanks

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