Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration

March 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — A leader from Nuba Mountains, who fought equally with Southerners during the two decades of civil war, has warned today in a stern statement of possible disintegration of the SPLM if it does not handle the current situation carefully.

“I have observed and saw that possibilities of SPLM disintegrating into smaller and weaker factions, like what happens in Darfur, are at the verge of coming into reality,” said Yusuf Hassan, a leader of Miri section in Nuba Mountains in Khartoum.

“My observations are that SPLM will be disintegrating if Salva Kiir, the leader of the Movement, is not careful to address sensitive issues at the earliest possible time based on popular understanding and compromises;” he stressed.

He further stated loyalists and real war veterans will be getting disciplined and suspended from the party indefinitely by the same comrades with influence from group of interest and families. “They will finish themselves one by one through disagreements and dismissals hence leaving SPLM susceptible to weakness,” he adds.

I am saying this because SPLM chairman in the Southern Kordofan State, Abdal Aziz Adam Al-Hilu, fired chunks of long and committed SPLM members recently on allegations that they are becoming dishonest and serving interest of the NCP without verifying it.

The traditional leader who spoke to Sudan Tribune from his residence in Khartoum expressed concern that SPLM loyalists were being disciplined and suspended from the party ahead of upcoming elections.

However, Yusuf did not reveal which loyalists were being targeted and dismissed indefinitely from Nuba reiterating that there are signs suggesting possible disintegration of the SPLM if immediate actions with precautions are not taken.

According to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the people of the Nuba Mountains do not have the right for a self-determination referendum as it is the case for southern Sudan and Abyei. The popular consultation allows them just to express a point of view that Khartoum is not forced to implement.

Nuba resentment of the SPLM is building, as many feel the Movement has “betrayed” them. Also the appointment of Abdel Aziz Hilu, a Massalit’s son from West Darfur, as deputy governor by Salva Kiir last year had been seen by many as another betrayal from the SPLM leadership.

Yusuf called on the Sudanese particularly Southerners not to be vindictive and emotional. Leadership and fight for any freedom is never free and hastily. It takes time, people and resources, he said appealing to Southerners to remain united and focus on federalism rather than division of the country into south and north.

Sudan is our country as the name defines and so does not see the reason for division, he said asking “to whom it will be left?”

As people go to elections, there will be more people discrediting other people. Those people should be exposed to elections so that those who are not required can be defeated and those that are required can continue to lead not divide, Hassan said.



  • Major Deng
    Major Deng

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Dear SPLMers,

    The time is not far for our Lovely political party to be disintegrated! This Nubian’s politician is very correct on forseeing the possible colapse of SPLM. As south sudanese, I can put blame on President Mayardit for failing to remove all political viruses within our movement. Those of Riek Machar and Paulino Matip are making more harms that good. They should have been retired. I can now see the rebirth of SPLM-Bentiu, and SSIM.

    President Kiir needs to hurry up and rescue our movement from possible desintegration. He need to fired evil man by name Riek Machar and replace him with loyalists and nationalists such as Taban Deng Gai or Gabriel Changson. President Kiir need to understand that SPLM wouldn’t even move one foot as long as Devilist Riek Machar and his ex-wife are still existing in SPLM.

    Major Deng.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Dear brothers and sisters for Nuba,

    SPLM might have some possibilities of disintegration because we have some enemies within the Goss. We have traitors who are behind the progress of South Sudan ever since and these are the one that are feeding for the blood of of those whom they killed. I hope Nuba people knows that Abdel Aziz Hilu is adedicated man who can be governor because we saw his effort in the North-South struggle.

    Please brothers, you have your right in 2011 to choose between the North and South Government. We South need Nuba 100% to join the South because we want to created this country like the way we fought Jallaba.

    I know not all of Nuba fought the South,but we South respect the contribution of greater Nuba and maban in the war,and that can not make us united with the North because we both understand that North Sudan is completely deformed with their religious ideologies that they want to impose against people of Nuba and South,and other marginalized.

    Yes, we all witness that these Arab came as traders,but they have been manipulating the country for their own interest for decades in front of Southerners and the other marginalized people.

    We are very regreteful when we divide the country with traders,but i beleived that will contribute good than harms because we all have weak heart from South, Nuba, Darfur,and many more. Because of the above we have to divide Sudan because thing will be the same like before if we support the unity of Sudan.

    Please we have Blue Nile and Nuba mountain brothers and sisters to join the South per CPA because that will contribute more benefits than harms.

  • James John
    James John

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    It’s true why always Dinka people are on the position why not other culture and other people???

    I think the next war will be about tribe? and the war will be by States………let us see which States will win?

  • Gatwech

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration

    There are those who try always to divert the issue in the article and instead talk nonsense. In the article a sound minded person would not see the reason that brings in Dr. Riek Machar and his beloved intelligent wife, next governor of Liech state (Unity state), Angelina Teny.

    Dinka Boy and Dinka Diminated SPLA, if they really exist and are not ghosts, should stop commenting like terrorists.

    Or could they be already members of Al-Qaeda calling for the death of others as they always do on this website?

    I believe Abdallah Deng Nhial of Dr. Turabi’s Islamic party and Sheikh Biar, the chairman of the Islamic Movement in the South will not import Al-Qaeda to the South in general or to Bor town in particular. They should not make it a breeding ground for terrorists because Southerners will not tolerate it and will eradicate the root of this evil, terrorism, from their family level. It will not be allowed to happen.

    As for the Nuban politician, yes, Garang signed the CPA without self-determination for the Nuba. The people of Nuba will only exercise the so-called popular consultation which is nothing more than mere presentation of concerns within the united Sudan (North).

    I see the possible collapse of SPLM or rather re-incarnation of SPLM from a different prospective.

    1/ SPLM as such will not exist after 2011 independence of the South. The name itself will be changed because it will not continue to be relevant. It will be given a different name in the South since this current name, SPLM, will not make sense any more.

    2/ In the North, there is possibility of complete collapse of SPLM because it may be outlawed unless the South separates peacefully from the North. If the South will separate through some kind of violence, then the North will automatically label SPLM party as a rebellious party and ban it from operating in the North. Its current license will be confiscated.

    3/ The same thing will happen to the SPLA as an army. Its name will be changed to suit the name of the independent South. It could be changed to South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF) or South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF). The name SPLA will have no meaning.

    4/ Nuba Mountain is free to decide to call for self-determination to either join the South or annex itself to Darfur, which is also considering the call for self-determination. Southern Blue Nile may call for self-determination to join the South. In the East, the same wind can blow there too.

    Yes, Sudan is destined for disintegration into separation countries while SPLM will collapse in the North and its name changed in the South.

    These are the realities we will soon see happening within the next one year.

    Stay well,

    Tut Gatwech

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Mr Malakal

    We Nuer are good for everything. Let me add something that we Naath believe in food and wurnyang.ngundeeng for centuries as our true god in our land.

    We make acoalition governmnet with Bashier in 1991 so that we can get our selve independent from Dinka who have been our presige leaders since the creation of Earth. After we make allaince with Arab governmnet, we agree with our respected president Bashier so that we can deployed our brave Nuer in the oil field in Bentiu to protect it from Dinka government who want to exploit our oil.

    We deployed Matip Nhial to protect our oil from Dinka SPLM because that is the only thing that we can lived with,no other that can help us in this soil.
    We Nuer have been living for stealing and raiding cattle from Dinka for centuries,and in fact if we felt like we have nothing to eat, we go and raid civilians and take their cattle for our living so that we can wait for our crops to grow in our Nuer land.

    Moreover, We Nuer value Arab more than the South because they have been giving as free food,and even they provide us free arms that can make us easy to go raiding and penetrate those Dinka who can resist our raiding. Yes, we Nuer knows that we can die but we value food than any thing and that is why we go raing the cattle because food is better than life.

    Indeed, because we Nuer have shallow mind that can compete with South Sudanese, the only thing that we can do is to be nagative always and complained when the food is ready because we Nuer have no capacity to lead at all because we are the curse comunity as predicted by Ngundeeng and wurnyang.

    Though we Nuer slaughtered Wurnyang when he gimmick as by giving as two identitical bulls, he kept one in the house and he led one bull killed and latter subsituted the dead with the alive bull and he said this bull is the bull that we killed before, as aresult, when we Nuer go to Dinka Bor land and every single dead Nuer will rose in his own house. In fact, because of the promise of Wurnyang, we just jump to the barrel of the guns and we all die while hopping that we will resurrect in our own house. None of us Nuer get up in houses therefore, we slaughtered Wurnyang and left with Ngundeeng.

    We Nuer are sure that our only and educated man- Riek Machar Durgon will be the president of South for 50 years so that he can make it like the way Dinka and Equatorians led in the country/Sudan.
    We believed in Ngundeeng as our only servior,and no more than that because he promise as to have aleader in the near future and he told us that we are the only people who will lead the South till death.

    Frankly, Dinka must know that we fight hard because of food and if they don,t provide us /Nuer enough food before April,then there will be no election as well as referendum because we desperately need somthing to eat.
    We Nuer are brave for the killing of innocents because those are the only people we can fight with. We Nuer knows that we are born empty and will die empty,but what can we do because our mind can not help us to undestand the positives of education. We are the curse community, we know about that but what can we do now.

    We Naath we die after the very best two Nuer leaders; Dr Riek Machar and Agenlina Teny because if they die no any other leader can lead the south.
    We hope we Naath want every one to be uncivilian than attending education because we need more young youth to do the raiding and give food to the old and weak individual. I regrete of being called Anuer because our mind is thick and dark and that is why we can not see the truth behind the eye level.
    Thanks Ngundeegng Oyeee, Nuer Oyeee.

  • Bialach

    Nuba warns Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Dear readers,

    If you read what Yusuf Hasan was saying carefully, he directs his advices to the SPLM chairman and he point it out clearly that, Kiir doesn’t handle contentious issues as a leader simply because he is serving Dinka interest.

    All these things which are happening and which will happen, Dr. Riek has told him but because he believe that decision made by Dr. Riek will serve South Sudanese interset therefore Dinka interest wil literally fail hence Kiir can not acknowledge or even appreciate. Besides, this guy ( Yusuf Hasan) has realized that South is going to separate and they( Nuba Mountain) are not in good term with north, why do we care and after all they are Muslim. Guys, those are just ways of creating mechanism to delay or prevent self-determination for South Sudanese.

    Mr. Yusuf Hasan, Sudan is not one, never, and it will never be one, this Dinka Boy and Gatwech can not get mary to northern Sudanese young girl. I hope without going further you will gather other evidences related to this. So, please mind your own business in Nuba Mountain.

    SPLA dominated by Dinka, Riek Machar was not only one in Politica Bureau which cause all these confusions. Besides, it was Kiir who appointed the Political Bureau members to serve family interest (Dinka). Let me tell you where the probem started, Kiir suppose to be the presidential candidate according to the CPA but because Kiir can not read and construe what law is all about, he refused to contest for presidency with Bashir and yet he blames other (NCP) that they violate CPA, haa haa haa haa haaa haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kiir really behave childish

  • Peter DeMun
    Peter DeMun

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Would you ignorant fools shut it. It’s getting a bit silly that we Southerners are always talking about each other rather than to each other!!

  • Gatwech

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration

    I know some of you will not believe these coming changes or political events. But take a deep breath, relax, think over it and see the inevitability:

    1/ The South will become independent by 2011 and hopefully under a new and competent visionary leadership.

    2/ The name of the new nation will have to be agreed upon. It may not necessarily be called Republic of South Sudan. A different name may be discussed in parliament and given.

    3/ A new flag will be designed for the new nation to suit its history, environment and struggles and what it aspires to be. Anya-nya I flag, particularly that buffalo picture in its center will more likely feature in the new flag. This current temporary SPLM flag (also used as GOSS flag) will not be any more for the independent government. It may continue as SPLM party flag if the party will not change it or be changed.

    4/ We will have a national anthem for the first time in the history of mankind since God created this region.

    5/ The name SPLM will be changed to suit the new situation. Or many parties including the SPLM will form a coalition party in the South and give it a new name.

    6/ SPLM as a political party is more likely to disappear in the North after independent of the South because the North will outlaw it and ban it from operating.

    7/ SPLA as the South Sudan army will have its name changed to something like South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF) or South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF) or after whatever the name of the new nation will be.

    Folks, these are some of the inevitable political events or changes that are destined to happen soon in the next one year.

    Stay well,
    Tut Gatwech

  • Gai Kuol Deng
    Gai Kuol Deng

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    You ‘re right concerning a possible disintergration of SPLM because some guy up there at the top has made it as their own private company, this became an open secret during election candidates nomination. These guys throw away indviduals who were elected at the grassroot level and replace them with their friends.
    I don’t believe the chairman knew that this could have a nagative effect in party’s unity. Now am appealing to our chairman to reintate those cdes who are contesting as independent candidates back in to the movement.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    yes,Yusuf the civil war in sudan for two decades combined all parts of sudan especially those of southern sudan,those of Nuba mountains,those of blue Nile with non from Darfur.now,the people of southern sudan decided for their self determination,is a full right for them.we,the people of southern sudan will have our southern part of sudan as a separate nation from arab of north and one of the African nation.no matter we still have a relationship with our comrades from Nuba mountians and those from blue Nile.we dislike any unity with arab completely and for sure, we will have our southern sudan alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    Well , Southern Sudan is not mother to every body and its separartion should means death to every one remaining in the north after separation. Those which want the south not to go a way because it resources are needed for the development of their regions are only dreaming. South and north are completely diferent entities as God made them.


  • Marco Nyak
    Marco Nyak

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration

    i hate when political issues are directed towards tribalism, if we need to move on with our beloved southern Sudan, need to drop this tribalism

  • Time1

    Nuba warn Kiir over possible SPLM disintegration
    The best way forward for the SPLM is to really take out Abdel Aziz Hilu and put him in SPLM sector in Darfur, he was not the right person for south Kordofan from the begining, may be he can serve in northern Kordofan much better,the Nuba has sacrificed alot and they need ato see more Nubian leaders and Unity in the Nuba areas.

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