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Sudan Tribune

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Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election

April2, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir pledged Thursday to conduct a large scale campaign aiming to persuade Southerners to vote in favor of Sudan’s unity.

Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (AFP)
Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (AFP)
The National Congress Party government in Khartoum and the former rebel Sudan liberation Movement (SPLM) agreed in the 2005 peace accord to work together to make unity attractive, but the poor implementation of the CPA and political differences encouraged many southern officials to join calls for independence.

Also supporters of southern Sudan independence called to vote for President Al-Bashir stressing he is the only who can guarantee the organization of next January referendum on self determination.

Speaking in an electoral rally held in Sinjah, south eastern Sudan, on Thursday Al-Bashir disclosed that his party, the National Congress Party, plans to lead a broad campaign in southern Sudan to boost southern Sudanese option for unity.

“There will be no separation but unity from Nimule (far south) to Halfa (border with Egypt) decided by the free will of our people in the South” he said, adding that the SPLM “with the peace because they tasted the war”.

During his electoral campaign in the southern Sudan states Bashir said he would respect the referendum result if southerners opt for independence.

In a meeting brokered by the Egyptian government last February to discuss Sudan’s unity, Pagan Amum, the secretary general of the southern Sudan ruling party SPLM, specified that southerners would not accept to be second zone citizens in their own country.

The former rebel official was referring to the Khartoum rejection to remove Islamic legislation in the capital and other part of the country.

President Al-Bashir reiterated during the electoral campaign his commitment to apply the Islamic legislation in northern Sudan, rejecting SPLM demand to cancel the Islamic laws prohibiting alcohol in the country.



  • Hardlinner

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    unity of sudan will only occur when NIF and other arabs parties in north give south sudan and other african darfurians, nuba, beja, maban, funj and other african an ultimate 50 years of ruling sudan.
    unity will be accomplish when NCP give SPLM total control of sudan goverment.
    NIF need to step down in mediately and allow SPLM, SLM,JEM, Nuba, and other to take control of the Government. by doing so, then south will accept unity.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    Dear South Sudanese,

    Read this deal that traitor Riek Machar did to SPLM. He was bribe by Omer Bashier.

    “One rumor which, if true, would be wildly explosive is that the SPLM cut a deal with the NCP to withdraw Yasir Arman (the competitor most likely to bring Bashir into a runoff vote), in exchange for Bashir’s promise not to interfere with next year’s referendum.”
    Is this decision not stupid?

  • Gai Kuol Deng
    Gai Kuol Deng

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    To Bashir,

    You are a shameless gluton. Now you are happy because everyone has left the dining table as a result of your glutony leaving you to eat the food alone and still you got the courage to talk.

    For us in the South, even if you give the presidency to Cde Salva Kiir, we are still going to be a different country, we are better off without you sub-humans we share nothing in common.
    You are muslims,
    We are christians,
    You are tyranists,
    We are democrats,
    You love hatrate,
    We love harmony,

    And the worse, you are terrorists.
    So you can see we share nothing in common and therefore can not be in common.

    Gai Kuol

  • Gatwech

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election

    Bashir’s remarks could be treated as suiting the audience of the day in that particular state.

    He supports separation in Yambio, he calls for unity in Sinah, he preaches for islamic shariah in Khartoum, etc.

    The bottom line is that the man signed the CPA and will have hard time explaining why southerners should vote for unity just seven months to referendum after failing for five good years to make unity attractive. This is just politics.

    And by the way, “With Ballot or Bullet, South Sudan Shall be Free,” said Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon in 1991.

    As for the so-called Master who tried hard to deny being called a terrorist. Can you explain why all those who have made their precious lives useless by blowing themselves up are Arabs? Are they not the terrorists?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    2010 election and referendum might be disaster indeed if Bashier take the presidency without Yasir Arman as achallenger.

    SPLM made awrong decision to withdraw Arman in the race. This influnce came about from traitor Riek Machar who was bribe by NCP so that SPLM can withdraw from the race so that Bashier will take presidency without any problem.

    Indeed, nothing critical thinking can come up when we have traitors around,and in fact they are Nuer in general.

    We Nuer are good for everything and we are supporting Bashier and Dr Lam Akol. Let me add something that we Naath believe in food and wurnyang.ngundeeng for centuries as our true god in our land.

    We make acoalition governmnet with Bashier in 1991 so that we can get our selve independent from Dinka who have been our presige leaders since the creation of Earth. After we make allaince with Arab governmnet, we agree with our respected president Bashier so that we can deployed our brave Nuer in the oil field in Bentiu to protect it from Dinka government who want to exploit our oil.

    We deployed Matip Nhial to protect our oil from Dinka SPLM because that is the only thing that we can lived with,no other that can help us in this soil. We Nuer have been living for stealing and raiding cattle from Dinka for centuries,and in fact if we felt like we have nothing to eat, we go and raid civilians and take their cattle for our living so that we can wait for our crops to grow in our Nuer land.

    Moreover, We Nuer value Arab more than the South because they have been giving as free food,and even they provide us free arms that can make us easy to go raiding and penetrate those Dinka who can resist our raiding. Yes, we Nuer knows that we can die but we value food than any thing and that is why we go raing the cattle because food is better than life.

    Indeed, because we Nuer have shallow mind that can compete with South Sudanese, the only thing that we can do is to be nagative always and complained when the food is ready because we Nuer have no capacity to lead at all because we are the curse comunity as predicted by Ngundeeng and wurnyang.

    Though we Nuer slaughtered Wurnyang when he gimmick as by giving as two identitical bulls, he kept one in the house and he led one bull killed and latter subsituted the dead with the alive bull and he said this bull is the bull that we killed before, as aresult, when we Nuer go to Dinka Bor land and every single dead Nuer will rose in his own house. In fact, because of the promise of Wurnyang, we just jump to the barrel of the guns and we all die while hopping that we will resurrect in our own house. None of us Nuer get up in houses therefore, we slaughtered Wurnyang and left with Ngundeeng.

    We Nuer are sure that our only and educated man- Riek Machar Durgon will be the president of South for 50 years so that he can make it like the way Dinka and Equatorians led in the country/Sudan. We believed in Ngundeeng as our only servior,and no more than that because he promise as to have aleader in the near future and he told us that we are the only people who will lead the South till death.

    Frankly, Dinka must know that we fight hard because of food and if they don,t provide us /Nuer enough food before April,then there will be no election as well as referendum because we desperately need somthing to eat. We Nuer are brave for the killing of innocents because those are the only people we can fight with. We Nuer knows that we are born empty and will die empty,but what can we do because our mind can not help us to undestand the positives of education. We are the curse community, we know about that but what can we do now.

    We Naath we die after the very best two Nuer leaders; Dr Riek Machar and Agenlina Teny because if they die no any other leader can lead the south. We hope we Naath want every one to be uncivilian than attending education because we need more young youth to do the raiding and give food to the old and weak individual. I regrete of being called Anuer because our mind is thick and dark and that is why we can not see the truth behind the eye level. Thanks Ngundeegng Oyeee, Nuer Oyeee.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    Referendum is the real election of Al Bashir. If he respects that right of Southern sudanese there is no problem. But if the oposite hapens; a war of years more than the rest of the life span of Al Bashir , Al Turabi and Al Mahdi will Happen and the South will win.

  • Time1

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    There should be no suspension or postponing of any elections or referendum, just the same way this elections is going as agreed in the CPA, also the referendum will have to go on without any delays or postponement, it hink NCP and SPLM agree on not postponing any of this plan events, the opposition should also abide by this and respect the agreement if they want nayone to take them serious, all stake holders in Sudan have to work together that is the only way out, there is no other escape route through the back.

  • Jima

    Bashir to campaign for Sudan unity after election
    Reading all responses against the weight and burden of identified problem, the following are worth saying.
    President of Sudan, Field Marschal Al haj Beshir Omar, wants to launch Unity campaign in South SUDAN.
    Knee jerk
    Northern Sudanese, Arabs and Moslems are Unionists.
    What they say?
    One of many diverse voices was and remains strong on the scale of truth and outcomes.
    The message was reactionary and waste in terms of time invested in relations. To say, the northern reaction against southerners opting for separation will weigh on the eliminating (terminating) all southern Sudanese (Africans), in Khartoum, or any part of Northern Sudan is or should be seriously taken taken note of by policy makers.
    It is one such voice, on the tip of iceberg, that means “Genocide”.

    Southern Sudanese (Africans) in the North, should rethink their choices for or against individual gains asking others to remain in the North.

    Bad blood is frankly boiling n Sudan among the Northern Sudanese as with Southern Sudanese as well. Northern Sudanese (Arabs), are already asking the Southerners (you) quitting there now or else!

    While Sudan remains on foot of war between the land “owners” and un-welcome visitors or “Invaders”, coexistence of the peoples of Sudan as one unit defined as one Sudan is very impossible no matter what ever diplomatic language , or sugar coating, we use to dress scars of war and many differences.
    For president Beshir to preach for Unity in South Sudan, Yes he can but the impact is zero. Through his Northern Soldiers, the current President of the republic, and many Northern leaders see but with prejudice, that the people from South Sudan (Africans) are enemies. Same is this with those from Nuba mountains or southern Kordofan, the Ingessna Hills and Abyei areas. This is not only an oral discourse but it even goes to the un written history lectured at homes to Northern Children be they in South or North. It doesn’t end there but also in the Mosques. While these are open Friday hate broadcasts, who asks for a proof. unless the deaf!

    The essential million dollar question is:

    What a waste of UNITY effort the President wants to put to waste tax payers money ? Historically with precision, this is his legend. I it deeply planted on the minds of every South Sudanese no matter how where he belongs, and including the many who want to snatch history through bribery (money handouts against signatures and bogus loyalty handouts)! The message to the president would be don’t touch old wounds but let Southern Sudanese decide for themselves.

    Tomorrow, the Southerners either visit old acquaintances and or wish to marry from the North and or vice- versa. But the people from the north have already married from the South but converted to Islam except. May be except General Lagu unless he could be under cover Moslem because of his Arab wife. On this, any efforts are don’t matter. The South is gone for ever. Let it go. “Allah Jabu” through your Islamisation project thanks to the architects. However, it is not too late to lay lives on the same course. This is seen a possible scenario for freedom to right to a nation come ballot boxes or come bullets

    To the Southerners
    Be suspecting. The hungry wolves have to be foxed and smoked out. Think about your losses and despair. Not to say any one can brag considering statistics to insult you but you also have your weaknesses to let yourselves be insulted. Come war, you can fight, come peace you spoil it by being selfish come betraying and some of you are there. Come dissertations and you are there. You swing like a pendulum to and fro round the clock without concluding a nation building agenda. You could prosper if you look at the wider picture of South Sudan than the myopic Nuer -Dinka – strong men, and Equatorians cowards thing!

    This blind pride of yours can only reward you to very rude realities because nation building is not a natter of postponing hidden agenda of own genocide, and think that the rest of the world will watch you with a favorable preference. Either you drop vengeance and behave yourselves now or you wait for your own self destruction!
    The tests for success or failures always come close to the end station. Prophetically, and judging from the volume of hate writings some feeble hearts from a few Dinkas versus Nuers and Equatorians, the possibility that Unity can fail or succeed will be proportional to the volume of hate and injustices practiced since the dawn of peace. The lessons to draw from history are, who ever is a leader, Learn from Moses, and the Israelites.- Suffering is not a numerical quality but both quality, dimensions and time wise, Do unto others what you can do do yourself and don’t to to others what you cannot unto yourself. If the Southerners rose to fight the Arabs because of injustice, and Southerners weaned, Southerners should not prove how painful such can be to do unto another fellow Southern Sudanese, Dinka . Neur or Equatorian. It is upon the learned, open minded, and nation builders to look beyond their own noses . This is with hope of coping up with change for unity amongst each other now and later. Unity for a purpose of buying time to for paying vengeance of past scores can be postulated possible with power among some groups in South Sudan. That is left to the test of time and maturity plus civilization to a national ethic. With due respect to all, please bear with me any errors of originality which in time cannot be revised here.

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