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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents

By Manyang Mayom

April 2, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The incumbent president of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and First Vice President of the Republic of Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, sharply criticized his rival from the SPLM-DC party but also told supporters in Lakes state not to harass members of other political parties.

Dinka_black_shell_gift_to_Salva_Kiir_in_Cueibet.jpgKiir arrived at Rumbek the capital of Lakes state on Thursday. He is the SPLM presidential candidate contesting against SPLM-DC challenger Dr. Lam Akol.

In a rally held in Wulu of Lakes state on Thursday, Salva Kiir called for a peaceful election campaign across Lakes state. “I don’t want any SPLM supporters to harass any member of another political party – if you commit any harassment to other political parties, then NEC (National Elections Commission) will open a case against me and I will be speechless,” said Salva Kiir.

Likewise, Lakes state caretaker Governor Telar Ring Deng reaffirmed that he would put in place maximum protection for all political parties during the campaign phase until the polling days.

Kiir toured in a number of counties of Lakes state during Thursday and Friday. After arrival in Rumbek on April 1, he immediately held three rallies in Wulu county, Cueibet county and Rumbek Central County on day one of his schedule; he also held one rally in Rumbek North County and one in Akot Payam of Rumbek East County.

However, his campaign trip was cut short due to an emergency meeting held Friday night in Juba where his presence was needed. Consequently, he missed scheduled stops in Yirol West County and Yirol East County. Beautiful preparations made in Yirol West County of Lakes state for the welcoming of the Southern presidential candidate were thus not put to use. Mayardit sent his apologies through Lakes state caretaker Telar Ring Deng to convey his message to people of Greater Yirol that he promises to come back after the end of the emergency meeting in Juba. However, the public of Yirol West County remained very disappointed over Kiir’s failure to visit them.

Kiir also donated to a girl’s primary school and gave one electricity generator to Wulu County for the first time.

During one speech he criticized Southerners running as independent candidates, saying “independent candidate are not doing SPLM agenda, all independent candidates are doing their own agenda far from SPLM vision – if the independent candidates deceive you that they are working for SPLM objectives, that is completely a lie – independent candidates are not loyal to SPLM party and if they were loyal, they should have considered SPLM’s mission,” said Kiir.

Mayardit affirmed that “you (should) keep all your votes to SPLM officially nominated candidates contesting for various seats in both national level and states as well GOSS parliament.”

He said “SPLM is the only party who knew all your condition and it is the only political party that will save you. We have suffered with you during the war, we drank bad water, we slept with you in terrible places and common diseases affected our community such as guinea worm due to drinking dirty water, we have also witnessed Antinov bombings, so which party among all those political parties now can assumed that to had suffer with you during the struggle in the bush for 22 years?” Asked Kiir.

Kiir also said that if war comes again, all those other political parties’ members will run back abroad and “you will remain with the SPLM party which daily defends you – if war returns again to this country, I will close all borders, airports and road transport and let us shoulder coming bullet fire without anyone to escape away in threat of bombardment from an enemy zone.”

In the same vein, he brought up his opponent Dr. Lam Akol, saying it was surprising to him that Akol presumed he could rule Southern Sudan. “Which army would accept his orders? Which public would listen to him? If I am given just a traditional chance to wrestle with Lam Akol, I will still throw him down.”

Mayardit affirmed “we will defeat him through your votes – we will not kill him by bullets or spear. The SPLM will defeat Lam Akol of SPLM-DC with votes in this coming election. SPLM have a clear mission for the people of Southern Sudan – just vote me into power of Southern Sudan presidency — SPLM will meet all your needs.”


Over seven thousand people turned out in Cueibet county of Lakes state to welcome the GOSS president; this was his first time to visit Cueibet County since the signing of the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Kiir first went straight to the tomb of late Paramount Chief Jok Dau Kachol who was killed in crossfire last month during fighting between armed civilians and SPLA soldiers over an attempt to break into a weapons store.

Rhun Arol, Cueibet Chief, offered a traditional Dinka shell to Salva Kiir Mayardit. “Take this black shell – it belongs to the Dinka people of Cueibet County (Gok tribesmen). This shell is used by us Dinka to resist trouble with it – take it and you will resist complex problems that are facing Southern Sudanese people with it. This black shell will empower you a lot,” said Chief Rhun Arol at late paramount chief Jok Dau Kachol’s grave on Thursday.

President Salva Kiir said at the rally held at Cueibet football field that “the death of paramount chief Jok Dau Kachol is a great lost to SPLM party. It is painful death to SPLM party. Investigation is running and in fact will be delivered to you people of Jok Dau with satisfactory result – cry inside your stomach without making any alarm of trouble and get confident that SPLM party will not let you down at all cost over Chief Dau’s death.”

Kiir mentioned that the late chief had accommodated SPLA soldiers on the march to Bilpam, Ethiopia during the guerilla period when SPLA went to Ethiopia for arms.

“The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) is a most disciplined army. Preparations are done to separate the army from public places. There are barracks created for SPLA army to stay without meeting civilian population,” said Kiir. He also promise that those soldiers who committed killing of civilians in Akot and Cueibet are going to face justice if investigations could implicate them.


Lakes state residents were quietly negative in reaction to the news of Yasir Arman’s withdrawal from the race for Sudan’s presidency. Street boys and officials alike are unhappy with the SPLM Political Bureau decision for Arman to withdraw.

Salva Kiir Mayardit announced that the SPLM Political Bureau had decided to withdraw its national presidential candidate on Wednesday because NCP is causing a lot of irregularities in this forthcoming April election.

Kiir justified the decision saying that “there are signs of rigging of votes by NCP in this coming election– there is ongoing war in Darfur and security laws are not passed, Abyei popular consultation, Blue Nile popular consultation plus border demarcation have not been implemented by NCP.”

A resident of Rumbek, Mose Taban, affirmed “I am not going to vote whether Salva Kiir or whoever needs my vote. I had already made my mind to vote for Arman who really suffered because of Southerners. He was arrested because of us and did Salva Kiir or whoever leader in South Sudan go to jail because of us? I love Yasir Arman and I need him to be reinstated back to contest with Omar Al-Bashir of NCP immediately…”



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents
    Too late to apologize, this little idea of yours will never convince an yother people to trust you accept your own clan. Your a big Loser. The next option for my people to vote for independent candidate not greedy and selfish government.

  • Time1

    Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents
    Salva Kirr is very correct in everything he said, the march has to continue to the elections and to the referendum with SPLM leading the country, LAm Akol is a weak heart leader and not a true brave son of south sudan, he prefer Arabs to south sudan that is why he break to form SPLM-DC many people had problems in SPLM they were very patient, Deng Nhial left SPLM then he came back, Telar Deng now caretaker had also been suspended but he stayed patient now he is back, also there are many officials who gone through the same situation, why has Lam Akol failed to be patient or to rise his concerns within the parties? why he fails a very small tests between brothers? he is just a weak heart traitor that no one will elect. i don’t see him being a president in south sudan, may be he will be a minister or something like that but he is not fit to be president because alot of people are upset with him and will never elect him for his stupid mistakes that he always repeat, pagan Amum is from his area , even Oyai deng , why all this individuals stay loyal to SPLM but only one person Lam Akol always act like young Child. Salva Kirr is the right leader and he will achieve alot when given chance to continue the mission of the SPLM.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents
    Incumbent president Salva Kiir of GOSS,

    Please if you want SPLM to be united under it’s members like before, I really want you to put back Yesir Arman to the presidential race. We can not afford this deceptive strategy which was applied to humiliate SPLM and very strong leaders like Yasir Arman. I feel completely angery for his withdrawal and i think most of South will still vote any body that they want if SPLM don’t immediately put it’s candidate to the race. SPLM is a powerful party therefore we don’t want to act like recent militia. If this happen then we will cry loud for the un expected death of our SPLM heros that can stop fooling ideas within our party”SPLM”.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents
    Why NCP requested the withdrawal of Yasir Arman since he was elected and at the last minute it was accepted by SPLM.?There is something fishy here!

  • Mabor Adut Mayor Jong
    Mabor Adut Mayor Jong

    Touring Lakes counties, Kiir says not to harass opponents
    shame on you mr. president of not reaching to the heart land of southern sudan “yirol the greats” i known you have never be attentive in what ever case yirol is concern and we people of yirol we will make finding on how you didn’t go to yirol since in 1986 up to this time.mr. president we can not be fool when we can be enable to read and write . if you can be ask, what kind of emergence meeting are you attending which is not posted on the website?. anyway iam sorry to mention that but i would like to acknowledge and aware the country wide about your low opinion on my people of yiol.iwish i would have be a paramount chiefs of greator yirol like mangar Nhial, racdit Aynieth, Kon mayor, Bahon mabor, madit maker etc. i would have suggest boycotting of election. whom are we going to vote?. should we vote for the person who does not know us and we don’t him?. sorry…………………… may be for the sake of nation otherwise i don’t like it.

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