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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan says security paramount for integrations

By Ngor Arol Garang

April 3, 2010 (JUBA) — The regional government of semi autonomous government of South Sudan has said the role of security services is paramount as the regional integration deepens.

“When we talk of free movement of all factors of production provided for all developmental activities, we mean free movement of persons, goods, labor and capital in this stage and the role of detectives and intelligence services become extremely crucial,” noted Minister of internal affairs General Gier Chuang.

Gier was addressing a two-day meeting of Directors of Criminal Investigations and the Registrars of Motor Vehicles from all the ten states of southern Sudan at the ministry headquarters in Juba on Friday 2.

He called on the Inter-State Security committees to be more pro-active as the region enters the first phase of its political and developmental integration process following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CAP) in the Kenyans capital of Nairobi five years ago, ending the two decades long of civil war between the south and North.

States sharing borders are expected to form inter-state security committees charged with coordination and monitoring of security developments in the region. Be part of the integration programme not only by responding when there is a crisis but foretell and forewarn us, General Gier urged officers at attendance.

He also noted that the region should try to avoid management by crisis and develop its conflict prevention, management and resolution urging participants to harmonize their policies and programmes to make South Sudan free from crimes and other illegal activities, including illicit possession of firearms.

There are some states whose borders with the north and other neighboring countries have become a convenient transit routes for entry of illegal arms into the region and seems to be on the rise. Our youths should not be part of the destruction; otherwise we will have no future generations to push forward our development agenda, he said.

And yet they are an easy target because of unemployment and lack of income, he pointed out. General Chuang further reportedly informed police officers that his ministry in close collaboration with peace and reconciliation commission, office for peace and reconciliation advisor to government of South Sudan President, under Ismail Kony, the SPLA affairs ministry and DDR commission, was preparing a comprehensive regional conflict prevention, management and resolution (CPMR) framework and early warning mechanism to avoid responding to conflicts in an ad-hoc manner.

When this is done, a report will be written and copies will be sent to each state for reviewable and ratification before implementation takes place, he said.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune the minister said the meeting of the Directors of CID and Registrars of Motor Vehicles is part of the Inter State Security coordination and monitoring committees , which have agreed to take on a thematic approach to their work.

Peace and Security has been acknowledged as critical to creation of the right environment upon which regional integration in all aspects can be fostered.

He described attendance and conclusions of the meeting as encouraging stressing those strategies on the control of cross border crime are continually being developed to ensure security of persons and goods.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan says security paramount for integrations
    What security are you talking about, this is one of the worse area that the government has totally fail to uplift, now it is election people are running their mouths after it. Who can be persuaded to act blind at this time. Tribal detectives allowing dinkas to roam free and committing crimes what are you on about?

  • Time1

    South Sudan says security paramount for integrations
    Minister of internal affairs is the right man for this job and should remain to continue his mission, he always doing the right job, this is what all ministers should be doing, holding meetings, conferences with all comisioners, CID, traffic police and so on, to bring all the ten states together and set a uniform police of integration and monitoring events and coordinating intelligence and activities in all the ten states to keep borders safe and protect civilians in advance, next GOSS medal of honour should go to him this year.

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