Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

BGS urges SPLA stay away from politics of intimidation

April 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Citizens and traditional leaders from the southern state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal today on Sunday have urged the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, a military wing of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, the SPLM, to stay away from politics of intimidation saying SPLA needs to remain neutral from politics.

“We called upon president of the government of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit come to our aid. His generals in the SPLA with higher ranks are causing havoc by harassing and issuing threats and languages of intimidations. They are becoming obstacles to peaceful conduct of the electoral activities and rallies as they monitor movement of civilians,” said Nguech Jongkoor, a prominent politician in the area from Aweil town.

SPLA, according to the comprehensive peace agreement, is to be regarded as the national army for south Sudan whose main tasks are provision of adequate security and protection of local population against external aggression, protect the CPA and maintain security.

However, with majority of the SPLA top commanders removing their uniforms to become civilian leaders, the erstwhile military leaders maintain connections with other army generals.

In Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Unguech said, military personnel under direct instructions of Major General James Ajonga Mawut Unguech Ajonga and Lieutenant General Pieng Deng Kuol reportedly ordered the beating of the chiefs in Bar Mayen and Baau Payams for refusing to support candidates of their choice.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, the prominent politician in the area currently in Aweil town said posters and pictures link to supporters of independents in Bar Mayen, Baau, Panjap among other predominantly Luo (Jurchol) areas, were removed from houses of individuals including those believed to be supporters of General Dau Aturjong Nyuol, who stands as an independent candidate for the gubernatorial post against the official nominee, incumbent governor Paul Malong Awan Anei.

On March 31, 2010, General Ajonga and General Pieng Deng Kuol held a meeting in Bar Mayen with local chiefs and youth leaders asking them give their support to incumbent governor Malong Awan but the meeting ended without consensus, with the majority instead asking the generals never to interfere with individuals’ right to vote.

These disagreements later on resulted to the beating of Chief Lueth Unguech Ajong, Chief Ajonga Unguech Ajonga and local youth leader Lual Ajonga Lual in Bar Mayen by a group of soldiers identified to be bodyguards belonging to the two generals. They came late midnight and started harassing people, Unguech said, adding these three leaders were taken to Aweil civil hospital in critical condition and a report about the incident was taken to police but they took no action.

“We also reported this case to National Election Commission branch office in Aweil and United Nations Mission in Sudan office in Aweil was also served with copy and saw the victims,” he said adding different media groups including UN-owned Miraya have covered the incident.

Then on April 1, 2010, the generals did not go to Baau but sent soldiers with instructions to go to each individual house seeking posters and pictures belonging to candidates associated with independents, resulting in a clash with local leaders and youth during which there were serious injuries incurred, he said.

According to him, 12 people were beaten for refusing to remove and burn posters of the candidate of their choice, mostly independents. Those people allegedly beaten and detained include Ukel Uguak Ugol, Garang Chol Ludo, Uchu Apar, Sultan Akol Ajonga Mawut, Mawut Lueth, and Uchan Ubar just to name but few, he said.

All these people were beaten and arrested without charges and some have remained in prison. Although some of the victims have been released on bail, Ukel and Garang Chol Ugol Ludo have been denied bail by the orders of the two generals till after elections, he said.

On April 2, 2010, at Wunyiik military barrack, east of Aweil town, the two generals reportedly told soldiers during their meeting never to compromise with leaders of independent candidates. Both General Ajonga and General Pieng were quoted as saying, “whether they like it or not, Governor Malong, since he is an SPLM official nominee must come.”

“This time is not for democracy. Let anybody who wants power come after the referendum,” the generals reportedly said while addressing soldiers at Wunyiik.

Unguech says threats and the tone of intimidation must stop and SPLA generals must not be allowed to loiter about in the villages. It is dangerous, he said.

But Major General Akot Deng Akot, director of police in the state, denied having received any report linked to two the generals. “I have not received any report associating General Pieng and General James Ajonga. All I know is that they are here on military mission from general headquarters. They only visited Bar Mayen as a home to General Ajonga and I am not aware of any meeting they held there to disagree with local people,” General Akot said.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    BGS urges SPLA stay away from politics of intimidation
    This article is fabrication and indeed an exageration enforced by the enemy of South”SPLM”.

    I can not complete reading the entire article because of this quote.

    “Lieutenant General Pieng Deng Kuol reportedly ordered the beating of the chiefs in Bar Mayen and Baau Payams for refusing to support candidates of their choice.”

    Why people are allowed to post this kind of article to the public?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    BGS urges SPLA stay away from politics of intimidation
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny ,

    Yes in gurrilla or struggle people die, i have no point of disagreement about that.

    Therefore, You have some point dear friend,but let me tell you that the truth and be tell through cues and other supporting evidences. The article is bias and i really want you to digest it thoroughly. I am not from NBG but i have have to tell you the truth that I know Lt general Pieng Deng Majok mr then you do and asked me where and how?.

    This Lt general Pieng is the most and non-violence general i ever met during my struggling time. I knew him in 1988 and early 1989 before Dr John Garang order him to the militray zone.

    Do you know Lt Pieng Deng really? Why know harsh generals in SPLM but not Pieng

  • Gatwech

    BGS urges SPLA stay away from politics of intimidation

    General Pieng Deng Kuol should instead focus on how to save his people of Abyei from the Messirya instead of causing havoc in the South. The people of South Sudan will curse him and will not assist in saving the people of Abyei.

    Pieng Deng Kuol and Luka Biong Deng are doing a diservice to the people of South Sudan because what they are doing is to cause divisions in the South. They should be sent to Abyei and roam in that chaotic land.

  • Time1

    BGS urges SPLA stay away from politics of intimidation
    fake news, this website has not difference with the Islamic newspaper of al intibaha, what is the difference? the same reports of lies and pro-arab rumour with no confirmations.

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