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Sudan Tribune

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Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC

By Julius N. Uma

April 5, 2010 (JUBA) — Last week’s sudden withdrawal of Mr. Yasir Arman, the official SPLM presidential candidate contravened a section of the 2008 National Elections Act, a senior National Elections Commission (NEC) official told Sudan Tribune.

Yasir_Arman.jpgThe Act, which consists of 11 chapters and 112 sections, was enacted by the National Assembly, in accordance with the Interim National Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan 2005, and signed by the President of the Republic.

According to NEC’s Jersa Kide, Mr. Arman’s recent withdrawal should have taken place within a period of not less than 45 days prior to polling day, provided he notified the Commission of his actions in a signed written form that would have been legally authenticated.

Citing section 45 (3) of the 2008 Act, the NEC official said, “The candidate shall not withdraw her/his nomination after the period specified in section (1) and his name shall be included on the ballot paper and any vote cast for him/her on polling day shall be deemed valid”.

Asked about the implications of Mr. Arman winning the elections after he withdrew from the race, yet his name remained on the ballot paper, Ms Kide said the SPLM candidate will then be declared winner of the presidential elections.

“Since Yasir Arman’s name has already been printed on the ballot papers, some of his supporters will still vote for him and if he gets majority votes, NEC will have to officially declare him the President of the republic,” she told Sudan Tribune yesterday.

NEC has since come under attack, with political analysts accusing the electoral body of failure to set penalties for candidates who act contrary to the set election rules and regulations.

On Wednesday last week, Mr. Arman, the SPLM presidential flag bearer announced he was dropping out of the presidential race, saying it was “impossible” to hold an election in the Sudan’s troubled western region of Darfur, adding that the whole process had already been “rigged” even before the elections.

He however, insisted that his party [the SPLM], would still participate in the parliamentary and local elections across the country, except for Darfur, the area where an estimated 300,000 people are believed to have died and nearly 2.5 million displaced from the conflict, which started in February 2003.

Meanwhile, supporters of Mr. Arman yesterday staged a demonstration outside the SPLM premises in Khartoum in protest the party’s impromptu decision to withdraw its candidate from the presidential race with less than two weeks to the elections.

Dozens of Mr. Arman supporters, majority of them carrying flags of the SPLM chanted slogans in Arman’s favor, with the protesters accusing NEC of alleged fraud and violations of 2008 election law.

Hitherto, Mr. Arman candidacy had gathered scores of supporters from outside the SPLM, particularly in northern and western Sudan. As such, he was seen as a threat to the re-election of President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, the official National Congress Party (NCP) candidate.



  • murlescrewed

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    SIMPLE…let’s make sure CDE Arman continues to run if the NEC does not accept this decision taken behind his back. Clearly, CDE Arman did not willingly decide to withdraw but was overruled by secessionist in the SPLM. For that reason, this decision may have been taken even though it was in clear violation of the NEC laws. It is time to correct the mistake and ask CDE Arman to resume his campaign.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    Dear readers,

    I have been telling South Sudanese that SPLM violate the accord.
    I am really regret that SPLM has become the place of illiterate who can not reason behind the thick wall. Do we have educational background to obey the contract,or do we think that the sign contract is rubbish?
    Let me see and wait what will be happening in Sudan after April election.

  • Oduho Oduho
    Oduho Oduho

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    Arman supporters, You are all bunch of idiots. If that idiot knew that the election was “raged” before it’s even being brought to people to vote for it , why did he then kept you the supporters blind untill the last minutes. Infact I don’t blame Bashir for anything any more, because both SPLM and their cadidates Arman are all just asssss hossssssssssssse with big mouthes.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    Gatwech and Oduko,

    Your commonsense is always contradicting. Withdrawal and replacing are opposite dear.

    Do you mean that if SPLM replace its candidate then it will be aviolation, right? SPLM take out their candidate from the race;therefore, it’s a violation of CPA because this election has been documented and signed.

    This election is amust game and therefore there is alimited to withdrawal your candidate( 45days). Now, SPLM withdraw it’s candidate after 45 days, is that not aviolation?

    Please, you are just knew to politibs because you just born yesterday in 1990s. Please

    Oducko, your reasoning ressemble that of primitive who never been to school.
    Yes, we are not happy with the withdrawal of Yasir Arman at the last minute because it’s a violation of sign law/election.

  • Thyinka

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    The decision to withdraw Yassir Arman in a mad rush to ensure refererendum for the South( if that is what SPLM think) is the worse political move ever made by SPLM PB and it has put them in a very weak position. An article entitled “Bargaining with NCP at any cost is a threat to Southern Sudan referendum” by Parek Paduot provides a realistic scenario of what is likely to happen after the election. Read it here http://www.newsudanvision.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2082:-analysis-bargaining-with-ncp-at-any-cost-is-a-threat-to-southern-sudan-referendum-&catid=1:sudan-news-stories&Itemid=6

  • Time1

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    I think this section has been misunderstood by many, it talks about withdrawal in exchange of another candidate, not the same candidate.you cannot replace another candidate with anotehr within that period, also candidates can freely give up their race for presidency whenever they wish, This lady Kide what does she know about the elections Act? there is no rules which says a candidate cannot pull out even if they want it or no, a candidate can always withdraw or give up the race at any point, we have seen that in many elections were there has been disputes and candidate just pull out to avoid further dragging of the process, go and understand the section dealing with that, otherwise NEC would have been the first to talk about it and not someone on the internet.

    Armans case is closed, he cannot be brought back in, wether omer bashir will win it or not, lets leave it behind because anyother further moves will waste peoples time and mess the whole elections.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC

    I know 100% that i am conversing with fool and a child at the same time who knew zero politics. But let me bother my self to response because a fool learn through nake eyes.

    My friend, Abel Alier is just a chairman of NEC, who followed the document of CPA. Yes, Abel did not say anything about the withdrawal of Yasir Arman,but he is following the path of CPA. WoW! you are primitive in thinking.

    The withdrawal of Arman is illegal according to CPA that if aparty withdraw its candidate after 45 days,then it will be considered inappropriate and it will be an automatic violation of CPA. Read the article again to undersand,instead, of you intrudding your nyagatism eyes.

    I will see what will be the outcome after April election. Thanks

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    We South Sudanese know Yasir Arman more than El Bashier,

    We need Election to be done at the right time and we want SPLM to put back his presidential candidate( Yasir Arman).

    What are the evidences that help you that Mr Yasir Arman is not a legitimate leader who indeed can,t guarantee South Sudanese referendum in 2011?

    First, Arman is a full SPLM cammander who served the interest of South Sudanese since 1986 till the signing of CPA. His struggle in case of our interest can make him the president of Sudan understand the contract of CPA accord.

    Now, we mean that Omer El Bashier will give referendum in 2011 if Sudanese in general elect him in this month?

    My Southerners, if SPLM withdraw Yasir Arman because we South Sudanese think of him as an obstacle in 2011 referendum,then we all are wrong. Why?

    Because the Arman presidency has no obstacle of referendum. He will and can not force South Sudanese to unity. We have to know that this election has been propose and it’s a must election that SPLM will not skipped unless if we agrred for War due our SPLM violation. Or we South Sudanese agree for the postponement of election and referendum to the farther notice.

    I beleived all know the precedures of how to handle contract,but if we not then it will be the blame to all of us at the nearest future.

    Yes, we think of Arman as Arab guy,but we will not do us harm than the ways many of Southerners thought of it. Why SPLM worried about ICC and the problem of Darfur. Are we sure that Bashier will hand Us the free referndum because of him being the president of Sudan. No dear brother.

    These issues of Darfur will probably take couple of years and it will delay the referendum that we are all yearning for. My friend, i really want Arman to compete with Bashier in this April no latter then next year so that we can quickly go to the referendum that was schedule next year.

    The withdrawal of Arman is an hazardous step that will not serve SPLM by peaceful means unless by war. Certainly, tell me latter in 2011 if we will get our independent while we had skipped this election. My prediction is too high then any other hypothensis that my brothers are wishing.

    SPLM is not clear because some of leaders like traitor Riek Machar said that Arman was the one who demand his withdrawal. Is that right?

    Some others said that there irregularities and the sign of rigging of election, then what are the evidences,and why not we provide cues to NEC and monitors about the irregularities;instead of we SPLM just withdrwal our candidates without concerned. Fear for what! who knows that Arman will take the seat so that we freely can go to 2011 without any alternation.

    SPLM and PB made a wrong decision that will take South Sudan to nowhere. I don,t think we will achieve 2011 while we have not participated in 2010. Tell me latter unless SPLM get it by war. Thanks

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    Withdrawn SPLM candidate violated Elections Act, says NEC
    Arman is behaving as the loser opposition parties members.It is shame he insists to withdraw his candidacy in the presidential race while he is now considering to rejoin the race after a week of suspend campaigning.

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