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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision

April 6, 2010 (WAHSINGTON) — The dominant political party in South Sudan reached a decision to boycott elections in most of North Sudan following intense deliberations and amid indications of bitter power struggle within the ex-Southern rebel group.

Arman-Pagan.jpgSudan is due to hold its first multi-party election since 1986 on Sunday, which will include presidential, legislative and local elections.

Last week, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) took the surprise decision of withdrawing its presidential candidate Yasir Arman from the race and also announced its boycott of polls in Darfur. Reasons given by the SPLM leadership for the move included irregularities and voter fraud as well as conflict in Sudan’s Western region.

However, suspicions arose that the SPLM took the decision under pressure from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to withdraw Arman in return for facilitating South Sudan’s road to independence following the 2011 referendum in the semi-autonomous region.

Last January, the NCP declared its endorsement to SPLM chairman Salva Kiir for South Sudan presidency and urged their partner in the government of national unity to reciprocate in the north by pulling out Arman from contesting against incumbent president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The SPLM however denies succumbing to pressure from the NCP. Today the Southern party said it would boycott elections in most states in northern Sudan.

“After reviewing the situation … we the SPLM for the northern sector have arrived at the conclusion to boycott elections in the 13 northern states of Sudan,” excluding the sensitive states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, Pagan Amum, the secretary general, said after a meeting of the SPLM political bureau.

Amum told reporters the party was taking the decision in protest against irregularities in the build-up to the vote. The SPLM and opposition parties have accused the NCP of clamping down on campaigning and rigging voter registration and other preparations. The NCP denies the accusations.

“The NCP continues to issue threats to observers … what would happen to Sudanese people?” Amum asked rhetorically, citing worries of vote rigging.

A senior NCP official criticized the decision by the SPLM calling it “unjustified”.

“The NCP regrets this decision by the SPLM, and urges the movement to immediately reconsider it,” Ibrahim Ghandour told China Xinhua agency.

“The SPLM seems to reel under internal division which triggered unreasonable and unjustified decisions,” Ghandour, who is in charge of the elections file, said.

He also dismissed the poll rigging claims, saying “the elections have not kicked off yet.”

“If the SPLM boycotts the elections due to rigging in the north, it still runs in the same elections in the south,” he added.

In a related issue the Dubai based Al-Arabiya TV said that the Carter Center, a non-governmental organization founded by former U.S. president Jimmy Carter that aims to further democracy and human rights, said that it requested a written and public apology for Bashir remarks or else they will reconsider their monitoring mission.

The Sudanese president has twice threatened to mutilate and expel any foreign observers if they call for postponing elections.

“There is no chance to postpone the elections, even if one day…… any observer party requesting to delay the elections or interfere in our affairs….will not stay [another] 24 hours in the country” Bashir told a rally in Al-Jazeera state in central Sudan.

“[Our government] before expelled the British ambassador and the Canadian ambassador and special envoy of the United Nations … Whoever tries to insult us we will cut off their neck and extend his tongue to abuse us we will cut off his tongue” he added.

The only long-term international observer mission in Sudan said last month that Sudan may need a slight delay in its elections to deal with logistical problems, with hundreds of thousands of names missing from the voters’ list.

Carter Center also officials issued a report saying Sudan’s April presidential and legislative elections remained “at risk on multiple fronts” and urged Sudan to lift harsh restrictions on rallies and end fighting in Darfur ahead of the ballot.

The NCP and National Election Commission (NEC) have dismissed calls for postponement insisting it will go as planned.

There will be “no delay,” Hadi Mohammed, head of the technical committee of the NEC, told reporters after talks with US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration.

“Preparations are finished,” he said.

Some 50 demonstrators from the Grifna [We are fed up] movement gathered outside the offices of the commission to demand “free and fair” elections, an Agence France Presse (AFP) reporter said. They carried a coffin representing the NEC’s integrity.

On Saturday, Gration said after meeting members of the commission that he was confident the elections would be as “free and fair as possible” and would start on time and praised done by the board.

However, on Monday the US state department signaled it is open to a slight delay in elections and also urged Sudan to immediately lift restrictions on political parties.

Today’s decision makes the SPLM the second major party in Sudan to announce some form of boycott to the elections after the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) and the breakaway Umma Reform and Renewal Party (URRP). The mainstream Umma Party led by Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi has failed to reach a decision by a self-imposed deadline that expired today though it appears likely that it will end up taking part in the elections.

The opposition Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which pulled out of the presidential race last week after the first SPLM boycott, said late on Tuesday it had reversed its decision.

It decided to reinstate its presidential candidate Hatim al-Sir after appeals from supporters, party official Salah al-Basha told Reuters, without giving details.

The DUP has been holding talks with the ruling NCP in recent days and was a late member of a loose opposition coalition protesting against irregularities. Some commentators earlier saw it as a possible NCP ally in the poll.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Most independent analysts believe that the continuation of Dr. Riek Machar in power, with his cunning attitude, manipulative behavior, together with total embroilment in corruption, undermining the authority of the President (Kiir), as well as, overlooking SPLA military requirements all of which will eventually put the CPA at stake.

  • murlescrewed

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision

    The SPLM is now a weak party making irrational and erratic decisions that don’t even have basis in reality. I knew this would happen when Kiir open the floodgates for the TRAITORS to join our ranks. I am sure Pagan is being overruled on a number of issues and forced to go and make announcements by those idiots in Juba. What a pathetic end for our great party.

    Those holding their breath that SPLM will deliver referendum should really consider going to Bilpam for training because they will be rudely shocked. People will wake up one day and find out that SPLM-Juba has screwed up the whole process.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    SPLM made a wrong decision to withdraw Yasir Arman at the last minutes because it’s apparently asign of CPA violation. Why not SPLM make April election and if they loss then they will be hopping for the referendum in 2011.

    Now, what is the difference between withdrawal of Arman and providing free presidency to criminal Omer El Bashier ?
    This SPLM contained abunch of losers indeed. We all know that there are political power struggling in the South Sudan and this is why thing are really hard abd baseless like now.

    Darfur issue will not be solve with these three years let alone 2011. SPLM and NCP sign CPA while the Darfur crissies still there, but the problem of Darfur is not in the CPA to be solve by SPLM. Why are SS think like elementary spupils?
    First, our leaders need to define contract before talking nonsense to us.

    This is completely feriousing me since the time i hear this SPLM withdrawal.

    Traitors like Riek Machar are the one plotting ill politics in the South because they have slept in difference houese. This decision need to be made again otherwise let not think of 2011 as a free gift.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Hahahahahahahhhhh.uh.That’s so funny.

    Let me ask myself with this question. Where is new Sudan vision? Why I betray my hero? Okay guys.Iam sorry. I will follow those who are separatist now. shame on me and all follower because we kill 2 million.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision

    stop you militia mentality of supporting traitors. New Sudan means your oil share you are now getting, the Goss your you are now talking.

    Your militia leader will not be leader in the South,don,t waste your time barking like dog.

    We SPLa of before are still here, who is your leader who will led the South? none

    It you who have your own interpreatation of New Sudan,but people with sound mind knows that New Sudan mean not to be second class citizens in own country. The freedom of self governance, and the development of infrastaructures in the South.

    Say amen to Dr John Garang because he let you join SPLM when you begged him for the accomodation. Ngundeng born will go nowhere.

    Are you hopping for presidency in the South unless by peaceful that Nuer can get it. please shut up!

  • Pete

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision

    Stop being lunatic all the time okay.

    Don’t you realize that your dumbass masters never abided by their words. If SPLM can not handle this very well, this could be another 1972 agreement.

    SPLM have been hijacked by traitors

    God help us!

  • kuminyandi

    SPLM’s abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Dear Southerners,

    I support this boycott by SPLM Northern Sector. How SPLM is going to win in the North while they don’t have presidential candidate? I mean, SPLM is a very big party; is not like those small parties who just looking for legislative assembly seats. In politics, if your head is cut off, your body is not going to function at all. SPLM messed up “BIG TIME” when they withdrew their presidential candidate from poll.

    Now the same Political bureau that made the infamous withdrawal decision wants to convince Northern Sector candidates not to quit. NOT to QUIT!!! how they’re going to run when they have not campaign for two weeks? How they’re going to participate in election while the SPLM leadership believes that the election is rigged in the SAME North that they withdrew thier presidential candidate a week ago?

    I applaud Northen Sector decision to boycott this election because there’s no use to run. History will make Salva Kiir and his deputy Riek Machar accountable for these blunders. Thanks


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision

    Haaaaaa, you arr fool man. Is Dr John Garang de Mabior welcome Traitor Riek Machar to SPLM or do you think Traitor Riek put Dr Garang to third position?. Which position is powerful power being apresident of in the third position as subbordinate? I am talking with dead horse of ngundeeng.

    Dear Southerners, check these out:

    Nuer hope for another war thinking that it will happened for short time and there leader will be the presidency as was foretold by ngundeeng? But is that going to happen in this soil? let see.

    Nuer believed in primitive Wurnyang and Ngendeeng thinking that Nuer will be the president,but that is like pushing kilimanjoro by fingure tip. This war will take Riek Machar let alone your hope. Let see, if Riek is president in the South,then the world is upside down. this is for sure.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Mr Nuer primitive-Gatwech,

    Traitor riek Machar will be the first person to die among the South Sudan leadership. Just wait after 2011!

    Gatwech( born in 1990s), check this illustration my dear.

    When a dog steal some food in a container, it just squeezed its head properly to get the smelly food,but when the dog heard the foot steep,its just want to jump up and down running thinking that it will throw away that container;eventually, it will end up being killed because he can not see someone who want to spear it.

    I absolutely know that you are like dog who put it head on the container attempting to get food in the container.

    Why your mind is so narrow like this about corruption, food, money,and be the number one enemy lover(DC).

    Please ,you will be kill while your head get stuck in the container. Thanks

  • Gatwech

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Dinka Boy (34 years old man),

    Do you want to talk about Ngundeng?

    Well Ngundeng predicted that Garang would die and he actually died exactly in the description of the timing and the location where he died on.

    Nuer elders used to tell me that he would die after entering Khartoum if what Ngundeng said was to be true. It happened after the CPA and his enterance to Khartoum as predicted.

    Ngundeng predicted Garang’s death on “mountains” and it happened exactly like he predicted. Garang himself believed in the messages of Ngundeng and was always worried by them.

    Yes, Ngundeng predicted a brief war of separation. You will NEVER escape that! That will be brief, very dangerous and decisive unlike previous wars and the South will successfully split and form its independent nation!!!

    Ngundeng predicted independence of the South, and NOT the sell-out so-called new united sudan, okay? Khartoum you are hiding in will be like Somalia soon according to his predictions.

    I hope you are not scared, boy!

    And there are more predictions coming soon dude……Don’t joke about Ngudeng because his messages were not a joke!

    God gave the messages to him to deliver them to us and they all will surely happen as some of them have already happened……..

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Hey Gatwech,

    I like you to read this great comment that come from the previous wife of Riek Macahr before Angelina who was the girl friend of William Nyuon Bany at that time.

    We Nuer in the South Sudanese knows that we have people like Gatwech who is a peddler ,and his mother at the same time suffer from sadomasochistic. Do you know what i am talking about,son of bitch?

    Yes, Mr Nuer primitive-Gatwech, you have to make sure that your traitor riek Machar will be the first person to die among the South Sudan leadership. Just wait before 2011!

    Gatwech( born in 1990s), check this illustration my dear because the paragraph revealed your Nuer identity among Southerners. It goes,

    When a dog steal some food in a container, it just squeezed its head properly to get the smelly food,but when the dog heard the foot steep,its just want to jump up and down running thinking that it will throw away that container;eventually, it will end up being killed because he can not see someone who want to spear it.

    I absolutely know that you are like dog who put it head on the container attempting to get food in the container.

    Why your mind is so narrow like this about corruption, food, money,and be the number one enemy lover(DC).

    Please ,you will be kill while your head get stuck in the container. Thank

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    OH!! YES,SPLM had already withdrew their candidate from general election for presidential post, then whom to vote for? boycott that election to all parts of sudan except for south sudan.the people of southern sudan have now recovered from bitter ruling of Arabs in sudan.our aim is self determination for coming year of 2011,not this year’s election.all things will go alright,after we have to be separated with arabs of north.election will not do more for us like coming referendum!!!

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Dear readers it thanks to SPLM to boycott these election since there is rigging in Khartoum and let Bashir declare himself the winner. And hatred one thing on this wed because we do comment unwise that shows our illiteracy. Kindly Lets not comment on comments but on articles. The response from North will make us true Southern Sudanese i.e one blood one clour and one land


    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    SPLA/M is not like anyanya one whom you fooled,you stupid idiot arabs,south sudan must be the country itself either you want or you want not.SPLM/A is well equiped with knowledge and the armours.fuck your mum,dad,sister and uncle including your religion who made you mad stupid and fooled by ignoring the human dignity calling everybody a pagan.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Dinka Boy (34 years old man),

    Do you want to talk about Ngundeng?

    Well Ngundeng predicted that Garang would die and he actually died exactly in the description of the timing and the location where he died on.

    Nuer elders used to tell me that he would die after entering Khartoum if what Ngundeng said was to be true. It happened after the CPA and his enterance to Khartoum as predicted.

    Ngundeng predicted Garang’s death on “mountains” and it happened exactly like he predicted. Garang himself believed in the messages of Ngundeng and was always worried by them.

    Yes, Ngundeng predicted a brief war of separation. You will NEVER escape that! That will be very brief (perhaps weeks), very dangerous and decisive unlike previous wars and the South will successfully split and form its independent nation under new leadership!!!

    Ngundeng predicted independence of the South, and NOT the sell-out so-called new united sudan, okay? Khartoum you are hiding in will be like Somalia soon according to his predictions.

    I hope you are not scared, boy!

    And there are more predictions coming soon dude……Don’t joke about Ngudeng because his messages were not a joke!

    God gave the messages to him to deliver them to us and they all will surely happen as some of them have already happened……..

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    This is a grave mistake, Sound Souls can not understand, 25% ,whether referendum would be conducted or not, in this way SPLA have chosen a bad path, a path for unity if those who are inside SPLA strangle for Separation then SPLA is split in to two or more, Somalia 2 would be in South Sudan, it is clear that there is division inside SPLA Political Bureau. Kirr should be careful with those Doctorate Holders otherwise he will be nothing in south Sudan despite all the Guns he have. SPLA have let us down by boycotting this Election, we will be call Coward people.
    Let Military make coup inside this South Sudan nonsense Military Regime led by Kirr.
    would be good for us not pass than boycotting ? We Appreciate the winner who ever he is than boycotting and and ignoring one of CPA Proviso. In this way. i lost hope for Referendum, the reason is, what if NCP buy the referendum as they did now for Election from the Useless SPLA under Kirr.

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    Having SPLM withdraw completely from the northern election participation, it is good move. On the other hands, it is plotting that the SPLM northern sector is pushing postponment of general April election while the people in the south is looking forward to achieve referendum election in january 2010 whereby, northern sector is going to be left cool feets in the pocket of NCP. People dream must come alive!

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    This is not-well researched decision. There is something wrong with the mind of those who made it.

  • Time1

    SPLM abandons North Sudan elections race, Umma party delays decision
    This is a part of Interview by Yaser Arman carried out by Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] You have suddenly and unexpectedly withdrawn your candidacy from the presidential elections. What are the reasons?

    [Araman] For some time now, we have been sending many memos to the electoral commission drawing its attention to many violations and breaches without getting a definitive reply. At the same time, the rigging is proceeding in full swing. We have agreed with the other presidential candidates to wait for 72 hours to make a final decision on the electoral process. Each candidate will go back to his party and base in order to make the suitable decision. A few days ago, the SPLM Political Bureau met in Juba and concluded that the rigging is wide-spread and that the elections are a mere attempt to elect one person with the blessing of the others through this rigging. We concluded that the elections are not part of the democratic process but to protect Al-Bashir from the International Criminal Court that is demanding his arrest. He is trying to gain legitimacy without a democratic process. He is a person that has spent 20 years in power but wants to remain in power for 25 years. He has become a burden on the National Congress Party and on Sudan.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] Some people are talking about a deal with the National Congress Party, particularly since they had tried to make you withdraw in the past but the SPLM did not agree.

    [Araman] There is no deal with the National Congress Party; it has nothing to offer us. We support liberties and democracy. We support democratic change but the National Congress is a totalitarian party. It does not want to learn anything new.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the reason behind the decision to withdraw from Darfur?

    [Araman] Darfur is suffering from a state of emergency. Those that are voting there are not the people of Darfur but the security organs. During our election tour, the people of Darfur told us that their demand is peace, not elections. Moreover, the presidential elections without the people of Darfur would be deficient. That is why we decided to boycott the elections on all levels in Darfur and to boycott the presidential elections. In northern Sudan, we are coordinating with the forces of national consensus; we shall make a decision on the elections in the north after consultation with the forces there.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] The SPLM is accused of exploiting the political forces for its own goals.

    [Araman] We have no interest in exploiting the political forces. Our visions are identical regarding the strategic issues. Democratic change and fair and free elections are in our common interest. In political alliances, there are always interests and considerations at varying degrees. Alliances always need a minimum level of agreement and decisions are not made hastily. Perhaps some people have these impressions but they are not correct impressions. It was we that concluded the Juba conference for the opposition forces and emerged with the current coalition. We are the only ruling party that worked with the opposition. We made major sacrifices and we took positions that are close to those of the opposition although we were in power. We are the partners of the National Congress Party in a small arena, namely, the authority, and the partners of the opposition in wider arena of the homeland. The issues being raised these days are major issues that require national consensus.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is your opinion on the progress of the electoral campaign in view of the fact that it is the first campaign to be waged by the SPLM since its establishment in 1983 as a military movement?

    [Araman] It is a unique and historic campaign. As a movement, we were established in southern Sudan and now we are competing from Halfa in the extreme north to Nimuli in the extreme south and from Kasla to the east to Al-Junaynah to the west. We wrote our history and we now have the most candidates on all the levels. We are the only party with four women candidates to the post of governor in four provinces. My candidacy to the presidency marked a defeat to the public impression that the SPLM is a Christian southern movement since I am a Muslim and from the north. I am the only candidate that was endorsed by 56,000 people, followed by Al-Bashir with 31,000 votes while taking his position into consideration. Through our public work on the Sudanese streets these days, we had the opportunity to learn about the opinion of the people and we concluded that the [National] Congress Party does not exist. It is a tyrannical party that exploits the organs of the state in its favor, contrary to the SPLM that enjoys broad popular support. This demonstrates our depth within Sudan.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] You have made field visits to Darfur. Do you think elections can be held there?

    [Araman] Darfur is now in a state of emergency and it would be difficult to hold elections under such conditions. It would be very easy to rig the elections in light of the emergency law. Wide-scale migrations are taking place in Jabal Murrah and silence about what is happening there. They do not want to talk about it to the outside world but we do.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you think that the National Congress Party has a base in the south that is troubling you?

    [Araman] Definitely not for the southerners will not vote for a man that waged war on them.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] Will Lam Akol lower Salva Kiir’s chances at winning?

    [Araman] Lam Akol does not have a chance in the south; he is not respected by the southerners who know his history. In the past 20 years, he has belonged to nine parties. He is apolitical nomad and the southerners do not trust him. How can they trust him when “this is the scar left by his pickaxe” (a reference to an Arab proverb that describes treachery)?

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] Some are accusing the SPLM and saying that its main concern is the referendum and that it does not care about the elections.

    [Araman] The correct approach is to give priority to the referendum that will decide whether Sudan will be one state or two and the elections will answer the question on who will rule Sudan. The option was between amputating one organ of the body of Sudan and residing in this or that town. Practically, the referendum should have been held before the elections.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the fate of the south? Is secession more likely?

    [Araman] The south will secede if Al-Bashir remains in power and if Khartoum remains the capital of war, poverty, and arrogance. However, if change takes place through policies that say “no to wars” and if Khartoum becomes a capital that accommodates everyone, unity will be achieved because it will be an attracting unity.

    ..[Asharq Al-Awsat] Does the SPLM have a clear vision for a solution?

    [Araman] There is a clear vision and in our opinion, the problem is solvable. We believe that the issue is the outcome of political, economic, and cultural marginalization. It is not a military or a security issue as the National Congress maintains. We believe that the land of Darfur should belong to its people and we believe that the farms should be restored to them. As for the tribes that came from outside and from across the border, they have two options only: Either they stay and live as guests or they leave.

    Those who have doubts all your questions has been answered.

    Go to the newspaper website for the rest of the interview.

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