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Sudan Tribune

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Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions

James Gatdet Dak

April 8, 2010 (JUBA) — The Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Salva Kiir Mayardit, has denied reports by junior officials that the party has decided to boycott elections in Northern Sudan in a sign of growing divisions within the ex-Southern rebel group.

Kiir_Bentiu.jpgOn Wednesday the SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum announced that the Political Bureau had reached a decision to boycott elections at all levels in Northern Sudan with the exception of Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.

But addressing a campaign rally in the Unity state’s capital, Bentiu, on Thursday, Salva Kiir said the Political Bureau did not resolve to boycott elections in the 13 states, describing the announcement as “unacceptable.”

He explained that the Bureau had last week passed a resolution to only withdraw the party’s presidential candidate, Yasir Arman, from the presidency race in addition to boycott of elections in the troubled region of Darfur.

The Deputy Chairman of SPLM, Riek Machar Teny, earlier also said party officials spearheaded by Yasir Arman in the Northern Sector had been pushing for boycott of elections, but however explained that a decision was already made by the party’s Political Bureau to hold the elections in the North.

The 13 party candidates for gubernatorial positions in the Northern states earlier signed a petition requesting for the boycott, but their suggestion was rejected by the Political Bureau’s recent meeting.

In an interview with Al-Shurooq TV network, incumbent governor of Southern Blue Nile state and one of contesters in Northern states for the governorship position, Malik Agar, also regarded the announcement of boycott in northern Sudan as not true and violating the resolutions of the party’s Political Bureau.

He further stressed that the boycott decision taken by the SPLM Political Bureau last week concerns only the Sudanese presidency and the restive Darfur region.

Agar who is also the third deputy chairman of the party further said individual candidates might opt to boycott elections in their respective states but should not be construed for a decision of the party’s leadership.

Kiir said the party would continue to participate in the elections in all the Northern states, except Darfur.

Today the Sudanese presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie accused the Northern sector at the SPLM of standing behind the “continuous tension” saying it is working for its own interest that has nothing to do with the interests of the Southerners.

Nafie who was addressing South Sudan businesswomen said that the SPLM Northern sector wants to hinder the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

President Kiir and his running mate, Riek Machar, who returned to Juba from Bentiu on Thursday, is scheduled to conduct his final campaign rally in Juba on Friday, two days before polling day on Sunday.



  • johnmaker

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    God of help this people.Which one is true now.Is it Kiir remark or Pagan announcement which in which.

  • murlescrewed

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Oh this is just perfect. Now the SPLM-Juba led by known Traitors is now trying to lay the blame squarely on Northern Sector because it’s become too embarrassing. Perfect. When will Kiir get his head out of the sand and look close to his chest for the traitors trying to weaken and divide the SPLM? Until he does so, he is in for a rude shock. The night of the long knives is upon us and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

    It is time to for youthful and insightful leadership groomed under our gallant leader Dr. Garang to take over. There are plenty of patriotic SPLM officials who never wavered in their believes. We don’t need Traitors who abandoned their people in the middle of the river and swam to the enemy begging for help to murder their own people, to lead our glorious party. If SPLM were pure as it was under Garang, we would know exactly what to expect. But now it’s headed by an idiot seeking to extend his miserable rule in South and a TRAITOR called riek seeking to unseat him in the most ugly way possible.

    Brace yourself folks. Referendum is going to be a bumpy ride.

  • Manyang

    Mr President,’Your leadership had tainted our name in the eyes of international partners’.
    Mr president there is nothing good that is going to out of your mouth. The useless decision the Political Bureau took last week had betrayed our course. You look confused mr President. You withdrew the SPLM flag bearer from race and again you encourage people to participate at the low positions in the election that you blind claim to have been rigged. Who is now in charge of SPLM affairs. You will be remembered as a weakest leader the south sudanese had ever have. You lack the vision and courage to lead your people with pride and dignity. You are now the NCP boot leaker. Everybody is now concern of your style of leadership. Referendum of south sudan is now at stake. You leadership think that we need for NCP to give us referendum. You are day dreaming Mr President.

    Your leadership had tainted our name in the eyes of international partners. You have given NCP some political ammunitions to weaken the SPLM. Now division had emerge between SPLM Northern and Southern sectors and NCP will exploit it to the maximum. Shame on your leadership.

  • Gatwech

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Dear readers,

    It is stupid for some haters of Kiir/Machar to confuse themselves between the chairman and a junior cadre. Kiir’s statement represents the official position of his party.

    Dr. Riek Machar, first deputy chairman, also confirmed that the party already decided to conduct elections in the North.

    Again Malik Agar, the third deputy chairman also condemned Pagan Amum’s announcement and called it a violation of political bureau’s resolution.

    So what is the point of your confusion?

    Pagan is just a rebel who has rebelled against the leadership of SPLM.

    He was misled/deceived by northern opposition parties of Sadiq al-Mahdi and Yasser Arman to cause confusions that would affect the process to referendum in the South. He is a traitor!

  • Jacob

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Please accept my apology, of changing the topic.
    Please you are free to visit the webesite.
    It is as follows


    Just abreaking news.

    my mail:[email protected]

  • Abuni

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    The SPLM is a national party it should have strategic decision. This shows how people are unable to handle issues that are crucial to the lives of our people.

    the SPLM should put forward the pros and cons of any decision for the good of the people not for their personal gain. Bravo Salva Kiir and Bravo Malik Agar this shows how firmly you stand on your words for the people, bring back Yasir please.

  • billieth

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Hello patriots,

    The SPLM party is in a state of disarray. Southerners have to be vigilant about what’s going on in the party. The party leadership acts like it has achieved the goal ‘Jinubian’ have been fighting for. The party leadership has already forgotten the million lives we lost and it’s not even working for infrastructure of the south Sudan but for self-benefit of individuals. The power struggle that is now going on in the party will raze the future of the South and will be advantageous to the NCP/NIF.

    I believe most persons in this forum have been affected by the war either directly or indirectly; therefore, it would be nice for us to take break from writing derogatory or nonsense articles and joint hand in denouncing the SPLM leadership. If the SPLM split, there is a chance that the referendum will not take place. Mistrust always brings division and division instigates war and war will cause us our beloved nation, South Sudan. Let’s say no to greediness and yes to our destiny.


  • Akuma

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    It could be clear if SPLM can accept defeat. When Southerners talk of SPLM, then they should not seperate other parts of the country or Sudan as a whole.

    The withdrawal of SPLM from the Sudan National General Election is an adversely the image of SPLM and all the supporters. According to the SPLM manifesto read by Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior on July 31th in Addis Ababa.
    The first manifesto was the creation of new Sudan, and the transformation of Democracy, in order to respect Human right, religion, ethnicity, Economic development.

    I think SPLM was not only for Southern Sudan. The former Sudan’s foreign Affairs Mounsour Khalid and Yassir Arman SPLM Deputy Secretary are both Arabs.

    Where will the go if Southern Sudan secession succeed?
    Big question is still to answer by SPLM leadership because they withdraw their candidate in National Election meanwhile their names are still with Election Commission Board.

    We should analyze things in detail before taking action. I think SPLM leadership has develop commotion among the leadership because they decision they made are always contrary with ordinary members.

    Look for answers and get ready for war.

    Dr. Akuma,
    Chicago, USA

  • Africano

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    SPLM-Dinka dominated movement is now like 12-disciples of Jesus talking different tongues which one to believe. When people say SPLM have lost track some dinkas do not to believe that they alone can not govern the south. Their leadership is now confused telling different things every hour. Kiir will be voted out by the people. People are now speaking. There is no chance that this bunch of this SPLM-PB all of whom are Dinkas will not rule us again. We keep our fingers cross. If Dinkas wants to initiate a fight, then let them begin it.

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Mr. president your hat is good, but your picture looks like ghost as it is resembling. I think, you’ll have landslide victory in the south presidential race. Lam Akol who is your opponent is ready scarced to death by your military uniforms. National Election Commision ask you to step down from your military rank, but you vigorously it eventhough you know it was violation of constitutional rights. Okay! victory is on your way. What are you going to do then? Go back to corruption and nepotism in the south! What a situation!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Gatdet, you are stupid journalists dear,

    This journalist(James Gatdet) want to deface Salva kiir on how he compose the words of mr president. Yes, Salva kiir is now going to fall to traitor Riek Macahr on the ways he address auduences. Why SPLM leadership says different stuffs to Southerners if they are knowing what they are doing?
    This SPLM is in great mess,but those of Salva Kiir and PB will be blame for any irrelevances coming up in the South because majority of them are now fools.
    They don,t know what they are doing for sure.

  • ogopadj

    Remarks by Kiir on North Sudan elections highlights growing SPLM divisions
    Where did most of you, particularly the ones with senseless comments, learn English? Please go back to a ESL class and get yourself fed.

    Again, why don’t you stop making senseless comments; for example, in this article, you can comment on an idea that proposes and/or opposes the article theme(s). STOP bringing in irrelevant details.

    Learn please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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