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Sudan Tribune

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PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 9, 2010 (BOR) – The Popular Congress Party (PCP) presidential candidate Abdallah Deng Nhial says the conduct of southern Sudan referendum in January 2011 remains uncertain without the demarcation of north-south border.

Abdallah Deng Nhial
Abdallah Deng Nhial
Speaking to a electoral meeting held in Bor Town Freedom Square Thursday evening, Deng, who is a native of Bor, refuted the NCP claims of recognizing the independence of southern Sudan if southerners vote for it in January 2011.

“Those people who came here and deceived you that ‘you will have your independence if the referendum result says so’ are liars,” said the PCP presidential. “How can the referendum be conducted without border demarcation?” he stressed adding that the PCP is the only option to end crisis in Darfur and will allow southerners’ right to self-determination through speedy demarcation of borders.

The PCP rallies in Bor comes at a time southern Sudan ruling party – the SPLM, surprised voters with the withdrawal Yasir Arman last week. Abdallah is the first southerners chosen by a national party to run for the presidential election.

The PCP is led by Hassan Al-Turabi. The party is established after a political falling out with President Omer Al-Bashir in 1999 over the regional administration system.

Meanwhile, all political parties have called for farewell rallies today Friday with the SPLM conducting it gathering as early as 7:30am local time.



  • murlescrewed

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Mr. Abdallah Deng Nhial has raised some interesting points with respect to referendum. The NCP has successful dodged the issues of border demarcation making it difficult to determine where South begins. How can a country achieve independence when it does not have defined borders?

    Traitors like riek have been busy going to Khartoum to beg for empty promises and nothing has been achieve about the border. This is just pathetic. The current SPLM-Juba populated by enemies of South will surely screw things up so bad that the referendum will only happen in history books. The NCP will be left with no choice but to abrogate the CPA and null the referendum results. With current leadership, South will be left with no recourse. No one will have the guts to take on the NCP and South will remain in a limbo.

    At current rate, the SPLA will not even know who to trust with orders to start defensive war. This is the South’s worse nightmare playing out in broad daylight folks.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Dear Southerners,

    South Sudan is now in abig problem. SPLM has huge political mixed in it and that is because the leaders are struggling for power not the interest of people.

    How come SPLM speak in different voice. Salva Kiir and the senior leaders speak irrelevantly.

    I hope these SPLM leaders like traitor Riek Machar and Salva Kiir has know influence from outside. Withdrawing Arman at the last minutes is aviolation of CPA and there is no way South Sudanese will get referendum in 2011 while they had withdraw presidential candidate in the election. The referendum will not be a free event. Mark this in mind.

    If these SPLM leaders are bribed by bashier governmnet in which they hope that referendum will be exchange with the presidency of Bashier,then that means Salva Kiir and traitor Riek Machar are going to be responsible with the outcome of 2011.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    NYDG ,

    I want to tell you that SAY AMEN to DR JOHN GARANG de MABIOR because he safe you from Slavery because he fought Nuer and Arab North. He fought Nuer more than ten years and Arab for 21 years. I know food lovers can,t wait for food and that is why you said he delay referendum. Calling Dr Garang bright vision of New Sudan as poor help me that you are Nyagat who was born yesterday. You don,t even know that the EndFfather battallions contain numerious Nubaians, mabans, and Fuji who fought in upper Nile, blue Nile, Kordufan,and in Equatorians. Yes, i don,t have to waste my time with you because you just know something to eat while hot. Please always wait for food to get cool. I know those who called New Sudan of Dr Garang like the way you did are people who sleep under Bashier house. And i have no doubt that Nuer does it, just check yourself that if you are not Nuer then iam wrong but if you Nuer then understand that i am true. Thanks

  • Gatwech

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Confused Murlescrewed from Bor town,

    So you think your adopted Turabi’s puppy, islamic jihadist of Mujihadeen calling himself Abdallah Deng Nhial is telling the truth? Ahahahahahahaaaaa……What a confused group!!!

    You are wrong, dude. This stooge is just saying what Turabi told him to tell to his Bor-Dinka community in Bor town. Turabi is known for being the chief architect of continuous war between North and South.

    The North-South borders are traditionally known by chiefs, administrators of the border areas plus the South Sudan leadership. We only need formality.

    So, if the North-South border will not be demarcated, this will NEVER prevent the South from separating either with ballot or bullet. Get that in your slave hearted weak mentality. This remote controlled islamist jihadist, Abdallah, doesn’t own what he says.

    And besides, who knows this little islamic puppy in the South? He is an official shame to you people!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Hey Kuany Dak and Gatwech,

    Who are you to called Secretary General Pagan Amum an orphan of Dr John Garang de mabior?

    Are you the one who kiiled Dr Garang so that you will be singing the song of his death? Do you know when did Pagan Amum began his struggling in SPLM? Have you ever heard Pagan in a single day that he join enemy like Arab North during our struggling?

    Did John Garang ever defect and form another party that fought against South Sudanese?

    Why not you called his party amess at the time he was alive,and why do you join him instead of you to fight him?

    Please can you stop your nyagat and militia mentality here in the South. Who are those SPLA in States are they your mother fuckers of your your wishes or your mother born them to fight the arab regime.

    I hate when people talk nonesenese here and indeed i am very mad with this fools who keep talking false about the vision of New Sudan of Dr Garang.

    How do this Nyagatins understand new Sudan? they just listen through their anal and that is why they can not tell the truth.

    Mr Dak and Gatwech, you are stupid Ngundeeng breed who will understand the vision of Sudan under your grave.

    Do you know that your grand parents died lond time ago,and why are bothering Dr Garang due your cowardic acts statements.

    Do you Nuer no thinking capacity that can help ever one in their brain. missing New Sudan vision means stupidity indeed.

    Mr Dak and Gatwech, please shut your ass and talk about your stupid primitives and leave dr John Garang alone man!

    Calling Pagan and orphan of Dr Garang is abig insult to both Pagan and Dr Garang. Mr friend, if we would have know the killer of John garang, then man this would the end of the world of that particular country of ethnicty.

    Please stop talking nonesnese about Dr Garang and Pagan. They are your fathers because they stay in the South until you come back from foe and they help you to live in the South by protecting your nature after you left. Shame on you food lovers!

  • Time1

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Deng Nhial, of course the border of north south is known and will be demarcated before ther eferendum, no one will benefit from the border not being demarcated, not north or south will benefit, the issue was decided to be completed after elections, the process will be completed before the referendum that is not an issue of conflict or major disagreement, even the international court can send experts like it was done in Abyie and the borders will be determine finally, so the border is not an issue that will obstruct referendum but it is an issue which can cause future conflict between north and south as seperate states but i am optimistic both sides will rise above this level and solve this small issue to avoid future problems that both side does not want.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    PCP presidential candidate doubts timely conduct of South Sudan referendum
    Deng we know what we are doing, but why are you with the people who created Jihad against Dr. Garang? Al Turabi and the rest of the Islamist worked very hard to divide the movement of Garang and used the result of the division against the very people of Bor. Thousand Borians were killed as a result of the thinking of the Al Turabi and his people, that was shifted to a poor stupid people for implementation. Deng, Bashir is better than Al Turabi because he is a straightforward enemy of South sudanese. Iam very happy when my enemy is uncrooked.

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