Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

RUMBEK: Radio technician arrested for taking payment from NCP

By Manyang Mayom

April 11, 2010 (RUMBEK) — Security officers in Rumbek on Friday evening arrested Johnson Lago Machot, a radio technician for the Lakes state-owned Radio Rumbek 98 FM. He was charged with having sold audio recordings to the National Congress Party (NCP) local campaign manager Mathew Mayor.

Director of 98 FM James Magok confirmed the arrest, explaining that the security officers have claimed that Mr. Machot received a sum of 3,500 Sudanese Pounds from the NCP campaign manager in exchange for the audio speeches of the President of the Republic and the one of the President of Southern Sudan made during their public rallies in Rumbek’s Freedom Square.

He further said that the allegations have not been verified.

Mr. Magok also said that the Minister for Information for Lakes State was not happy with the manner in which Mr. Lago was arrested adding that the “98FM Radio Administration should have been informed and the matter should have been dealt with administratively.”

“I don’t know what to do now since my staffs are arrested in such a manner without state authority informing me first,” said James Magok.

Johnson Lago, speaking to Sudan Tribune from behind bars, denied having profited from the sale of the audio. He said that “the radio had laid out its rule that all audio played over radio are charged with money to be paid by a particular party whose own audio is to be paid to radio management.” He said what happened was that Mathew Mayor came to radio station with the intention of paying money to broadcast Omar Al-Bashir’s speech. He said the audio was broadcast on the basis of payment but NCP did not pay their bill. He added that during this process a member of public security Elijah Mabor appeared and demanded for his arrest.

NCP campaign manager Mathew Mayor confirmed that he went to the radio station to pay the bill – his aim was not to buy the audio, he said. He requested to be given the audio but the audio was not given to him by the radio technician.

Nevertheless, Director Magok said that the Governor of Lakes State, Dr. Telar Ring Deng, has instructed the police to immediately release Mr. Lago, but as of 6 p.m. on Saturday evening, Mr. Lago was still behind bars.

The arrest of Mr. Lago of 98FM Rumbek came on the eve of Sudan’s first democratic elections in the last 24 years.

Speaking in his office, Telar Ring Deng said that Johnson Lago would be set free. He defined journalism as the fourth pillar of government structure around the global.



  • Pee-Funk

    RUMBEK: Radio technician arrested for taking payment from NCP
    Hey Mr. James Magok, stop crying your staff are breaking the law why they get the money from NCP without Knowledge of Security officers. stop corruption and do the right things for your people. loving money and don’t care for your country is not good for our government. You and your staff can be charge for the crime you committed, and your Radio will be bans in Rumbek because of the legal crime you commit by allowed sold audio recordings for NCP.

    by:- P-funk

  • Thonkiir

    RUMBEK: Radio technician arrested for taking payment from NCP
    Dear Manyang Mayom,

    You are really doing different business apart from your work you are doing. I see, you are not basically on reporting things accordingly. It seem sometimees you are an intoxicated person why you created this big black lie or share lies this with caretaker, to call Mr.Tellar Ring, Doctor. Where, when and which year did Mr.Deng, receiving his doctorate or has Rumbek become place warded the higher academic degrees. Please Manyang don’t gives such a title without more enqueries alright!!.

  • ogopadj

    RUMBEK: Radio technician arrested for taking payment from NCP
    Although I am not a judge by profession, there must be a charge against Lago. It seems like something happened.

  • CatBlue

    RUMBEK: Radio technician arrested for taking payment from NCP
    That is very bad instance that has spoiled name of Lakes state. Mr. Johnson Lago, if the allegation is true, why did you do such a thing? Why don’t you first think why NCP paid this huge amount of money for just an audio speech, they want to do something with it. It is also very unfortunate that the person who paid you this money has not been arrested too. He would have told us what NCP wants to do with audio speech.

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