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Sudan Tribune

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Is Salva Kiir ready to work with “Independent” governors?

By John A. Akec

April 13, 2010 — It is not unusual for an independent candidate to operate as a sole backbencher in a law making body (that is, Legislative Assembly, as we call it in South Sudan). It is also not a big deal if the leadership of a ruling party with overwhelming majority, such as SPLM, chooses to ignore an independent lawmaker (MP).

However, it is totally a different matter if an independent candidate concerned was voted in as a governor of a state. If that is the case (having an independent candidate becoming an elected governor), it is going to be inevitable that some common understanding be reached between the independent candidate and the ruling party as soon as possible in order to facilitate the smooth running of the affairs of the concerned state.

In the event of these elections bringing in a number of SPLM independent candidates on gubernatorial seats (as it is very likely to occur in a number of states), it would call for immediate negotiations between SPLM leadership and the candidate to build bridges if the citizens of those states are not to be victimized (or rather, antagonized) by the government.

Yet, surprisingly enough, excommunicating independent governors from her party’s government support was what Dr. Anne Ito, the deputy SPLM Secretary General for South Sudan, was alluding to when she told an audience at a campaign trail (as reported last month by the Citizen) that: “If you vote in an independent candidate as a governor, that governor is not going to be supported by President Salva Kiir…”

Following this statement, we would also be obliged to wonder whether or not the SPLM leadership is going to mete out a similar, albeit unconstitutional, treatment on potential winning candidates of other political parties, or is this is going to be confined as a special punitive measure against those who rebelled within the SPLM and chose to go it alone against the wishes of the mother party? Were Madam Anne Ito serious, or was she just playing scare-mongering tactics to discourage pollsters from voting in independent candidates, which also qualifies as electoral blackmail?

I believe, by ‘support’, Anne Ito must have meant financial provision in the form of budgetary allocations for day to day running of the state bureaucracy as well as availing the resources necessary for successful execution of developmental projects that are going to be initiated by the winning SPLM independent governors in their respective states.

If such a position as expressed by Anne Ito is carried out to its logical conclusion, it would create political crisis of immense magnitude. Apart from being unconstitutional, it will antagonize whole states and classify some of states as pro-SPLM and others as anti-SPLM. And will find ourselves in similar situations where Palestinian Authority (headed by Fatah) controls the West Bank, while Hamas rules Gaza. The gravity may vary, but the picture is one of the same. And no one in their right senses would like to see this kind of situation played out on top of the many thorny issues South Sudan may already have to contend with at this juncture of our political history.

The situation of a party member rebelling against party’s selection outcome and going it alone is not entirely unique to South Sudan, or SPLM to be specific. I witnessed in the UK when Ken Livingstone, a long-serving Labour Party politician, refused to recognize the Electoral College selection process that favoured Frank Dobson (another erstwhile Labour Party member) and Livingstone contender for candidacy for London Mayor’s elections in 2000. Labeled as a left-winger in the Labour Party, the Labour Headquarter (the equivalent of SPLM PB) preferred Frank Dobson over Livingstone who won majority of member votes but lost what was described as “complex” Electoral College selection.

Livingstone argued that the selection process by Electoral College was flawed and possibly manipulated by Labour leadership; and that he was more popular than Frank Dobson, and stood a better chance winning. Notwithstanding, Labour leadership contended that Livingstone leave the race to Dobson. Failing that, they dismissed him from the Labour Party as he adamantly insisted to run as independent candidate. Elections were conducted and the Londoners voted in Ken Livingstone, while Frank Dobson (the preferred Labour candidate) and Steve Norris (the Conservative candidate) lost.

Under Livingstone’s mayor-ship, London continued to thrive as Europe’s leading financial capital, contrary to expressed fears that Livingstone (a left-winger) was going to drive business out of London. A creative leader that he is, Livingstone was responsible for many ground breaking initiatives such Congestion Charges in central London during working days, tolled motorway routes, exclusive bus lanes in London, and free bus passes for under-16s school children. In 2004, his membership was reinstated in the Labour party, and he ran the race for London Mayor as Labour candidate. That gave him a second term win.

The situation we have in South Sudan, especially in regards to SPLM independent candidates, is extremely similar; and Madam Anne Ito and the leadership of SPLM party need to take a leaf from it. Vocal and strong-headed Independent candidates of caliber of Alfred Ladu Gore, Joseph Bakosoro, Deng Aturjuong and others are likely to make it through to governorship seats in their respective states.

SPLM as a party has had many divisions over recent months. We have seen DC breaking away not long ago. Then we have independent candidates being disowned. Then most recently, there had been serious disagreements within SPLM political bureau (PB) on whether or not to join or to boycott all elections in the North. The disagreement which was manifested in form of a party speaking in different ‘tongues’ warns of a brewing factionalism within SPLM. So far, SPLM independent candidates have maintained that they are not leaving the party, while all of them support Salva Kiir candidacy.

Therefore, SPLM should have plan B of mending fences and welcoming their independent candidates back into the Party’s fold; and to work fruitfully with them to take the South through the final leg of CPA implementation.

Flexible politics is good politics.

Dr John Akec is assistant professor at the University of Juba Sudan. To read more of his articles please click the following link to author’s personal blog:


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Is Salva Kiir ready to work with “Independent” governors?
    Dr Akech,

    Majority of independent candidates in the South are just being motivated by salaries not the heard of bravery. We know only few independents that can do good when the war erupted,but the majority will just join the north quickly.
    I only know General Gorge Athor Deng and general Dau Aturjok as the few who can fight the aggression,but the rest like Agenlina, i doubt about them.

  • Oduho Oduho
    Oduho Oduho

    Is Salva Kiir ready to work with “Independent” governors?
    Mr. Akec,
    I tend to agree more with your analysis of Ann itto’s comments about independent candidates. Sometimes one wonders if Ann Itto is a fit plitician. Itto should know that, those independents cadidates have firmly stood their ground and cann’t be deterred by scary tactice once they became governers. we southerner are still looking forward for 2011, and if Kiir agreed with her(Itto’s) comments and tried to punish Independent governers in any way or the other because of their standing, the result will be devastating for them (SPLM) comes the 2011 referendum.

    ITTO should also know that those, independent governers can get their support from many SPLM opposition parties including (NCP ,UMMA, and PAP).

    Most southerners know their governers personaly and not by the party they represent, and if a particular independent governer decided to join NCP or any other party rather than SPLM before the 2011 referendum, voters may still vote for him/her or the party he/she represents during the referendum, and thus giving the electoral collage of the state to a wrong party, and if that happened, it’s not because voters liked the party he/she represent, but because they(voters) either support the governer personally or else they are ignorant of the party he/she represnts, and ITTO should take all of the above in to consideration before giving such blunt comments.

    Southern Sudan separation from the North will be determined by vote and that also will depend on which party gets more electoral votes. Thus; if NCP gets more electoral votes than SPLM for example, Sudan may be headed for UNITY, in which most southerners do not anticipate. but if it happened the other way, it would be left up to SPLM to decide, either to go for unity or separation.

  • Time1

    Is Salva Kiir ready to work with “Independent” governors?
    Am sure salva kiir is looking forward to woring with all those who have ben legaly elected as representatives of Sudanese, he has worked with governors from othes paties before, like governor of Upper nile is not SPLM but has worked well with Salva kirr, it not working with personality or party it is working with those who know how to do the work and have the interest of the cotr and its people ahead of anything else, so lets wait to see which independent candidates wll wi, even the independent candidates have been al members of SPLM they just run as independent to try their respective potential and popularity, so this is something that SPLM will respect, this is part of democracy even though no party worldwide tolerates members who break ranks as independent candidates. Am sure this coming government of GOSS is going to be the most united cabinted ever formed, it will united south sudan to referendum. Actually most independent candidates have already said it that they would join into SPLM ranks as soon as they are elected, wether in CES, WES, NBGS, JONGLIE, LAKES or UNITY states.

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