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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

WES authorities up in arms over voters’ intimidation allegations

By Julius N. Uma

April 13, 2010 — (JUBA)- With polling entering day four of Sudan’s historic general elections, authorities from Western Equatoria State, one of the 10 states in South Sudan have already emerged to express dismay over alleged interference into election conduct.

WES caretaker Governor, Jemma Nunu Kumba casting her vote on Sunday (ST)
WES caretaker Governor, Jemma Nunu Kumba casting her vote on Sunday (ST)
Yesterday, Mr. Louis Wabeyote, the Press Secretary to the WES caretaker government, Jemma Nunu Kumba told Sudan Tribune that its earlier report alleging voters’ intimidation and harassment reportedly in some parts of the state were mere rumors and speculation.

“We need to correct some of these allegations which may give wrong impressions of the real situation on the ground. No one has been intimidated by state agents. Voting has been and is still going on peacefully here [WES]”, Mr. Wabeyote told Sudan Tribune by phone.

His remarks follow scores of allegations labeled against state authorities, where the army and some Police forces were allegedly interfering into the voting procedures, contrary to regulations set by the National Elections Commission (NEC).

Such irregularities, mostly blamed on NEC were cited in polling stations within Tambura, Maridi and Ezo counties. Efforts to get a comment from NEC were futile by press time.

But the Press Secretary to the caretaker Governor said irregularities were only cited in the areas where registered voters complained of missing names on the registry, something that delayed voting in most stations.

Meanwhile, the caretaker Governor, also the official SPLM candidate reportedly cast her vote at about 8:40 am at Nabima Primary School. She was accompanied by the Minister of Local Government and Law enforcement, Samuel Bati.

The incumbent Jemma faces a stiff challenge from the independent Joseph Bakosoro, although analysts still think she will emerge ahead of the latter in the race for WES governorship.


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