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Sudan Tribune

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Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria

April 14, 2010 (YAMBIO) – One day into the threshold extension given by Sudan’s NEC for voting in Sudan, security force beaten the agent of the independent candidate for Western Equatoria governor and left him only when he was in a coma.

Sylvester Ruati, lying in coma at Yambio Hospital on Wednesday 14 April (ST)
Sylvester Ruati, lying in coma at Yambio Hospital on Wednesday 14 April (ST)
Election observers and opposition parties in the semi-autonomous region say many polling centers are being controlled by the security forces, scaring many registered voters to exercise their democratic rights as enshrined in the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan.

On Wednesday evening, many citizens were dismayed to witness the beating of Sylvester Ruati, an agent of Col Bangasi Bakosoro Joseph who is contesting for the gubernatorial position of WES; Sylvester Ruati is brother of Richard Ruati, Sudan Tribune journalist, who has written extensively on the LRA atrocities in the Great Lake region, particularly Southern Sudan.

The same young man was beaten to coma during security forces crackdown last January.

The beaten party agent was left in coma and he was rushed to Yambio hospital and he was admitted, the state police department is investigating the case.

Eyewitnesses said, “At Ikpiro polling center, NEC officials and party agents had closed the center, at about 5:30PM, however, SPLA commanding officer deployed to the center since day one of elections in Western Equatoria, came in after the closure, harassing the NEC polling officers and party agents, particularly those affiliated to Col Joseph Bakosoro.”

“I will deal with you, because we fought for this land, you party agents you are accusing or reporting us to white International Observers, we want make sure SPLM candidate maintains power, we don’t care about your votes,” was quoted as saying the SPLM official.

The SPLA officer said, the NEC officials and agents should have waited for him first, in spite of the fact that time was over for voting.

Observers of Sudanese Network for Democratic Elections (SuNDE), a domestic organization monitoring election in the country, were removed by security personnel from Juba polling stations in Hai Jalaba, Youth Trading Center, and Saint Theresa as well as Kator South Constituencies in the eastern part of the regional capital.

SuNDE denounced the move saying this “troubling trend” obstruct observers in Juba from carrying out their right to observe the election process.

“This trend started yesterday when 19 domestic observers were removed from three polling centers in Kator South Constituency by unknown security personnel and taken to the Public Security office and eventually detained at the Police of the Public Order office near Konyo Konyo market” the NGO stressed.



  • Gatmi raan
    Gatmi raan

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    Dear Readers:

    If this is true, and this report seemed authentic, I would like to appeal from now on especially to Dr. Riek Machar , Gen. Matip , LT. Gen. Hoth Mai, and LT. Gen. Mamur to stands up to this thugs in the SPLA. Why are they beating the same people who will protect the South should there be a war in the North. and one of them said ”I fought for this land”. well let me tell him many of South sudanese have lost loves one in the just because you fought and cheated the death doesn’t licensed you to beat and kill other Southeners who happend to lost their loves one in the war ok? Dr. Riek if you don’t stop this.. and then non of you in the leadership deserved to follow all the heroes who have perished in defend of the liberty of this land and its people.!!!!!!!1

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    I do not think that you can lead South Sudan by force and the behaveiours you have been carried on civilians since CAP. Put in your minds that the era of creating the kingdom was over long time ago.

    Let me aske this questions. How would it has been,if SPLM took the power by force or won the war against north? What would their behaviours be then they have now to word the citizen they had claim long time ago that they were fighting for the right of people and democracy?

    Other may conclude that, this is greedness and that is why other died with out even testing sweetness of land. Everybody is watching and recording the history down.

  • Aparana

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    Dear All,

    SPLA security forces mostly Dinka are terrorising people in Western Equatoria during this polling exercise. They will regret their acts soon. They have underestimated greater equatoria might.

    Col Bakosoro is the winner.


  • Gatmi raan
    Gatmi raan

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    Dear readers:

    DR. Riek, Gen. Matip, Lt. Gen. Hoth Mai, and Lt. Gen. Mamur mete, please stop this stupidity in the SPLA. soneone said ” I fought for this land”. Well, all I can say is Bravo! many southerners fought, died and more over many lost loves one, relative in defend of this land. so i say to whoever tortured that inncocent election agent, just because you have fought and cheated death doesn’t lincesed you to roam around beat up people who have been waiting for so long to exercise their right to vote their choice inti office. Many heroes have died and they wouldn’t not agreed with your notion of not given people their right. now their death is in vain because your stupid jack ass is denying Southerner their ineliable right of voting that many heroes died for.

  • Africano

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    Salva Kiir will win this elections thanks to his Dinka agents in SPLA who are rigging elections every where and beating and detaining innocent people who happen to be not with them. But let be clear to all Dinkas that will be difficult for Kiir to rule in peace. Yesterday all SPLA soldiers were line-up in Gogrial to vote for Salva. Watch them on earth-Google and see how Dinka SPLA Soldiers are mishandling southerner whom the claim to have liberated. You primitive Dinkas, the world is watching at you. The next war is coming, be ready.

  • Gatwech

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    Appeal to SPLA officers,

    SPLA is spoiling the name of SPLM party leadership if they don’t stop their primitive media comments. They should not publicly give out comments like that which can be used by international observers to prove that the army has interferred with the process. Does Salvatore Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar want their election to be discredited?

    Those SPLA officers are against Kiir and Dr. Machar and so they indirectly want to show to the world that the elections was not free and fair. Those of Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol’s comments are always harming Salvatore Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar. They are discrediting the process.

    These are anti-current SPLM leadership elements are using clever tactics to spoil the elections. Leave the voting free and fair, SPLA, because Kiir/Dr. Machar alliance is enough assurance for their re-election.

    Don’t do that!!!

  • Time1

    Security forces beat Independent candidate agent in Western Equatoria
    so Sylvester Ruati is brother of Richard Ruati that is why Richard uati has always been coming here on the Sudan tribune wit his fake baised reports , always supporting independent views, well let Richard be blamed for his brothers downfall, this is what rumours and lies on the internet can result in, Richard has to stop reporting baised and one sided news which is not true. any personal fight which occurs ourside the polling station after it closed should not be blamed on the authoritries, for example the NCP agent in western bahr ghazel had a family despute with his wife over cheating problems, they had a fight and the relatives of the woman came and killed the NCP election agent with some of his relative, now they went around trying to blame SPLA and election violence for their own family breakdown, everbody having a problem wants to blame authorities, personal and private fights is not part of elections or government business.

    As for SUNDE observers, why are 19 observers all going into only 3 stations? don’t they have anything else to do? the polling stations are already staffed with dozens of observers from other groups then you have this useless SUNDE coming in with more than 10 observers just for one small station, also it looks like they never informed the NEC of their presences and never had permits for the elections in the south that is why they have been stopped, it does not matter if you are local or internatioal observer, if you do not have the right permit of ID then you cannot go through.

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