Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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New group claims abduction of Darfur peacekeepers

April 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The fate of the four missing UNAMID peacekeepers in the restive region of Darfur remains uncertain as unknown group claimed have abducted them.

The four South African police advisers, two male and two female, went missing on April 12. The peacekeepers remain unaccounted since April 11 when they left their team site, outside Nyala, at 04:00pm returning to their private accommodations.

On Wednesday the Movement for the Struggle of Darfur People (MSDP) led by Mohamed Abdallah Sharar, in a statement to radio Dabanga, claimed the responsibility of the kidnapping of the four peacekeepers. It further demanded a USD 500,000 ransom and the release of its detained leaders.

The UNAMID did not yet receive any contact from the abductors, said the daily press briefing of the hybrid mission. However, Ibrahim Gambari, head of the AU-UN operation, said worried by the possibility of abduction of the peacekeepers.

“Our concern is that that we are now facing a carjacking and abduction situation. Notwithstanding recent media reports, we have not been contacted by any party nor have we received any claim or demand of any sort,” Gambari said.

The Radio said the new group is a breakaway militia of the former rebel SLM-Free Will which joined the Darfur Peace Agreement in June 2006 and experiencing internal troubles since the death of its leader Abdel-Rahman Moussa last year.



  • DabeJoseph Gale
    DabeJoseph Gale

    New group claims abduction of Darfur peacekeepers
    Dear Gambari,if you want to survive with your mission in Darfur Stop being a Supporter of NCP ignoring interest of Darfur people i have been seening you in severial occasions speak in support of Sudan a result bringing the suffering to innocent police Advisors who travel to the field daily making them victims of circusmances.while you enjoy talk good of distorative government.

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