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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir and Meles discuss Sudanese elections

April 18, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) – Sudanese FirstVice President paid on Saturday a short visit to Addis Ababa where he held talks with the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on electoral process and bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Southern Sudan.

Sudanese First Vice President Salva Kiir (Photo courtesy of Larco Lomayat)
Sudanese First Vice President Salva Kiir (Photo courtesy of Larco Lomayat)
The Sudanese foreign minister Deng Alor who travelled with the President of southern Sudan Government said the visit came in response of an invitation by the Ethiopian Prime Minister.

Zenawi who is the also the current chairman of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) attended a meeting dedicated to the Sudan by the regional body last month in Nairobi.

At the time that the IGAD, which brokered the 2005 accords, would send a ministerial team to Sudan to evaluate the progress in the implementation of CPA. He added that some components of the peace agreement are waiting for implementation and member states have the diplomatic responsibility in handling to the challenges facing along the way.

The Sudanese government represented at the meeting by FVP Salva Kiir and the Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha informed the meeting on their decision to launch the delayed demarcation between south and north Sudan and a referendum commission to be setup soon.

Ethiopia and southern Sudan signed a series of agreement dealing with a number of joint projects on the border areas but also on development and constructions projects to be implemented by Ethiopian companies.

The official ENA reported that the two parties discussed on the current situation in Sudan and regional issues, adding Meles expressed hopes that all the parties would be satisfied with the election which are held in a peaceful manner.

He also said keen to further enhance trade and investment relations with the southern Sudan.



  • Gatwech

    Kiir and Meles discuss Sudanese elections
    Bravo Kiir,

    It is wise to seek recognition of elections results ahead of official announcement. You and your twin candidate, Dr. Machar are going to win in the South for sure, while Bashir wins in the North. The CPA continues!

  • murlescrewed

    Kiir and Meles discuss Sudanese elections
    SPLM-PF members,

    Mr. Kiir can enlighten Meles Zenawi on how he managed to whim out and vote for a criminal president instead of casting a protest vote. What a bleeding heart. Kiir’s mortally wounded by the blunders he has made in the run-up to election and he will pay dearly.

    Bashir can now go ahead and make the referendum process as hellish as possible and hopefully, Kiir and traitor riek will reconsider going ahead with the referendum and hopefully give up. These two headless leaders are so afraid of going back to war that they will not even consider it if Bashir started peeing on the CPA document.

    Mr. Nafie and Bashir can smile confidently and do what no southerner thought could be done. Keep Sudan united.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir and Meles discuss Sudanese elections
    we need relation with the neighboring countries. Ethiopia has been our strong friend during hard time. Please Salva Kiir and Prime Minster Meles Zenawi need to maintain the peaceful friendship that they had.

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