Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State

By Manyang Mayom

April 21, 2010 (RUMBEK) – Seventeen (17) people were killed and several others are displaced by cattle raiders who attacked Yirol East County, in Lakes State, from neighboring Panyjar County of Unity state, according to a county official.

In a three-day attack the raiders took cattle and children.

Athian Majak Malou, Commissioner of Yirol East County of Lakes state said that “the problem recurrently is insecurity which has been imposed by Nuer people of Panyjar county of Unity state… this month alone three attacks occurred at various places comprised with Maniany cattle camp were four people were confirmed killed and Shambe cattle camp were two people were wounded and also attack at Billing village whereby 27 cows were taken away as well yesterday attack Nyluel killed five people and five more people wounded with over one thousand head of cattle taken by attackers”.

Athiang affirmed that there are not enough police to protect civilians. He noted that youth herders in Lakes state are disarmed but those of Panyjar are not. “This is very serious situation and I appeal to government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) to intervene to help this situation – this inter-state needs GOSS to help plus United Nations to help through peace building and conflict resolution”.

Without their cattle, children and elderly people are left hungry. Athian Majak appealed to the UN to deliver food to the county.

“Such situation cannot be allowed to prolong itself because we are all under this GOSS administration and this need full effort from two states as well GOSS and UN agency to help in peace building and conflict resolution”, he said.

However, commissioner Athian added that “on Wednesday, 11 people were reported killed as well 7 children also abducted in Kolkuei cattle camp and over one thousand head of cattle were raids by Nuer native of Panyjar county of Unity state – The attack Adior and 7 children were abducted and this morning the attack Pagarou and raid Kolkuei cattle and now owners are pursuing them, there is fighting going on – you know that Dinka man cannot allow his cow to go with any man like that, those anger man are using their white arm”.

Majak affirmed that on April 19 there were 5 people killed, on April 20 there were seven children abducted and on April 21 there were 11 people were killed.

However, Lakes state caretaker Governor Telar Ring Deng, attempted to raise the issue of cattle raiding case to Southern Sudan Vice President Dr. Riak Machar Teny, but he was initially unable to reach him by phone.

Meanwhile, raiding resumed last week between Cueibet county of Lakes state and the neighboring Tonj East County of Warrap state. had resumed their cattle raiding last weeks ago. The raiders are from Gok youth of Cueibet and Luangjang youth of Tonj East. Tonj East County of Warrap were responding to a raid last week and now the two state governors of Warrap and Lakes are going to hold a rally in Cueibet County by Friday.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State
    Raiding cattle of innocent is a kind of stupidity.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State
    To Dinka Dominate SPLA(the Arab ), Kim Deng, Gatwech and Dinka Boy

    Conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer is not in the best interest of Southerners at this critical moment in the south. Riek and Kiir should intervene immediately.
    Revenge and counter-revenges between the two tribes will lead to an infinite loop of conflict. Such conflicts are immediately celebrated in Khartoum because they are viewed as a prelude to our demise.

    The most appropriate step to take is to bring back the looted cattle and children peacefully through the GOSS and convincing the Dinka not to revenge. I know some of us will view this as an illogical step but it will help us to keep our eyes on the ball. Think about referendum folks.

    Ahmed chol, the future commander of Anya-nya III, in case the South is forced to join the North

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State
    Coward Jaang,

    When will you stand your ground as real men and confront the Mighty Nuer Warriors in warfields rather than always crying for help from sky or from South Sudan armed forces/SPLA?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State
    Kim Deng,

    Cry for your lost candidate please in Unity State.
    Stealing method is not apride, it’s ashame.

  • CatBlue

    Cattle raiders kill 17 people in S. Sudan’s Lakes State
    My blame goes to GoSS, why not make disarmament uniform in all states of Southern Sudan? I will personally hold GoSS responsible for the death of these people. Some of these cattle raiders are even SPLA soldiers of Nuer tribe who sometime pass message to their brothers to come and raid cattle from the disarmed population of Lakes state whereas some of them hide in the bush to loot and steal cattle and take them to their home.

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