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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought

April 23, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Despite earlier convictions that the Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is headed towards a landslide victory, the voters in the South of the country may prove this theory wrong.

Bashir-Arman.jpgSudan held its first multi-party elections in more than 24 years, a step that was hoped to bring about the democratic transformation envisioned in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the North and South ending two decades of civil war.

The 2010 polls were marred by widespread accusations of fraud and vote rigging as well as boycott of several major opposition parties. The ones that actually took part refused to recognize the results saying the National Elections Commission (NEC) collaborated with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to skew results in the latter’s favor.

After bitter internal struggle, the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) decided to pull out of all elections in the North with a handful of exceptions. Its presidential candidate Yasir Arman, a secular figure from North Sudan and deputy Secretary General, was believed to be one of Bashir’s major challengers.

However, the pullout is technically irrelevant given that the decision was taken after the window for withdrawing meaning that Arman’s name still shows on the ballots.

Today it emerged from several well placed sources at the SPLM and other figures as well as Sudan Tribune reporters, that despite the boycott, Arman has secured an overwhelming majority in the South leaving Bashir trailing well behind. The sources gave figures as high as 90% in favor of the SPLM candidate with as little as 5% for the NCP contestant.

The SPLM SG Pagan Amum hinted to this info saying that the party is not keen on the national presidency pointing out that even if Arman wins, he will not take up the position. He further said that preliminary results show more than 90% lead for Arman in Southern Sudan.

On the other hand, the NCP election officer Ibrahim Ghandour today said that Bashir is ahead of all candidates in South Sudan but gave no exact figures.

The South Sudan corroborative sources said that around 4 million registered voters turned out at the ballot boxes. The total turnout in the entire county is not clear given conflicting numbers of registered voters given to international observers.

The NEC announced that 16 million registered to vote in the entire country . However, some sources close to the NEC say that the actual voters’ figures are around 30% lower equaling a little over 12 million. They note that the 60% turnout figures mean that only 8.5 million turned out to vote with fewer than 50% in the South.

If the numbers are accurate this would theoretically mean that Bashir may in best case scenario barely manage to achieve the 50%+1 majority required to be declared winner.

The NCP said that the incumbent president won 90% of the votes in North Sudan but it is not clear if this includes the Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains and South Kordofan areas which are believed to be hostile to the NCP.

The NEC is already four days overdue in announcing the results of the presidential elections attributing that to delays in receiving results from other states particularly those in the South.

The electoral body has so far made no announcement on partial results for presidential candidate in the South as they did in the North. One senior SPLM official told Sudan Tribune on condition of anonymity that the NEC “is seeking to manipulate the votes and make Bashir’s numbers look better than the actual ones” in light of the disappointing outcome in the South hence the delay.

The NCP leader has made long tours in the South of the country during his campaign promising to respect their choices should they choose secession in the 2011 referendum in a subtle message that voting for him will be a guarantee that the ruling party will abide by the outcome of the self determination vote.

Bashir is seeking a decisive re-election to gain legitimacy in face of the International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant issued for him on charges of war crimes in Darfur.

Last week, an aide to Bashir, Nafie Ali Nafie, said that Bashir’s re-election would prove allegations against him by the ICC as “false.”

According to the electoral law, any candidate who does not get the 50%+1 majority then a second round is conducted between the first two winners.

However, the SPLM is likely to skip on a run-off should Arman be one of the two top candidates. Many opposition parties have said they would unite behind the candidate against Bashir in a second round vote. Most observers believe that the SPLM is wary of angering the NCP fearing that this would jeopardize the 2011 referendum.

Earlier this month, the Umma Reform and Renewal Party (URRP) chief Mubarak Al-Fadil told the Dubai based Al-Arabiya TV that Bashir dispatched his adviser Salah Gosh with a firm message to Kiir of the consequences of not pulling Arman from the race.

According to Al-Fadil, the Sudanese president said that under no circumstances will there be a second round in the presidential elections and that the army will stage a coup should it appears that Arman has an edge in the elections.

The SPLM denied the claims by Al-Fadil stressing that they have rejected all similar pleas from the NCP.



  • Gatwech

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Dear readers,

    Bashir is still winning. So what is the point of a coward loser, Yasser Aram?

    He pulled himself out fearing that Bashir will defeat him in the majority North and he didn’t believe in the minority votes from the South.

  • maumau

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Even if he wins the election, he can still refuse to take up the role as the president of the republic of Sudan. MAUMAU

  • murlescrewed

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Traitors who came up with the brilliant idea to pull CDE Arman out of the poll are now left with little but shame. Instead of taking time to explain that this move was motivate by secret political dealings, they went ahead and lied to us. This just shows that neither the NCP or SPLM wanted Sudanese to really exercise their democratic will.

    Al-Bashir will surely start acting up as soon as he is sworn in. He has already started planning an all-out war in Darfur to defeat JEM militarily while fooling the world and Chad about the peace talks.

    Once his project in Darfur is complete, he will turn his full attention to making security in the South as hellish as possible to the point that the referendum will not be held. And if the referendum goes ahead, there are many ways Bashir can thwart the hopes the separatists who have decided to put all their eggs in a basket called NCP.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Dear South Sudanese,

    CDR Yasir Arman win by more than 90% in the South and Omer Bashier by 5%.
    I really deplore SPLM leaders by scaring the arman Supporters in the North for the withdrawing of Arman in the race against Bashier because he would have win the election miserablly in Sudan.

    He would have win South like now, Blue State, South Kordufan, Darfur,and even some favorable votes in the North.
    This is agreat mistake did by SPLM and this will not make people like me happy because there is no way that we just leave the comfortable presidency to the criminal.

    Now, it is time for SPLM to secure 2011 under Bashier otherwise the guy when to make manipulation with his hostile regime whom we know.
    Now, You South Sudanese can just simply see or hear their ill arguments about the 51% and the percentages that will determine the secede of South Sudanese.
    2011 will be the most difficult task activity in the South, why? because we have many weak heart in the South who love Bashier more then SPLM leader.
    Shame to those who caste their vote to Bashier. Bashier is lucky this time other he would be out for Sure against CDR Arman Saeed.

  • Jacob

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Dear friends, thinkers and readers, there is no way for abusing each other.Yasir was not acoward like other people put it or view it.It was a political move by the SPLM as a party for a reason best known to them. Dear readers let respect oxne another in all aspect. Today , the politic in the Sudan has taken different rout because in the history of the Sudan there has never been an election like what we witeness today.
    Therefore, let give thank to God to bless our leaders both lossers and the winners. Politic is like afootball where there is winners and the lossers.So friends let Think Big.

    Sudan OYee, Southern Sudan Oyee.
    Referendum Oyee

  • future president(troublemaker)
    future president(troublemaker)

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    hi…… there was a secret deal between ncp and splm upon withdrawal of Arman so that others political power like umma …will follow the same idea so there will remain some weak group or branches of ncp then NCP will win simply and fairly.
    i guest bashir promises to SPLM fair referendum….. that is way SPLM is playing around northerner opposition mind…..SPLM be careful,bashir is like devil now he is using your mind and help to win but tomorrow(referendum), he will make you hopeless………wait and see…….
    why SPLM is going to accept the result while all oppositions are going to reject the result…..

    independence of south Sudan is in doubt…

  • Gatwech

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Dear readers,

    Just forget about the current demo-crazy in South Sudan.

    God will not give true democratic transformation system and true development of South Sudan to the incompetent and coward Salvatore Kiir Miyerdit.

    He doesn’t deserve this system to truly come under his administration!

    God reserves that time for Dr. Riek Machar’s leadership in 2011 where both development (with sky scrappers, tall buildings replacing grass huts in every city and town, big high ways connecting every town through village in the South, shinning modern cities with all facilities available, rich in agriculture where hunger is a history, South Sudan Armed Forces with fighter jets, etc) and democracy (WITH FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS AND TRULY DEMOCRATICALLY CHOSEN LEADERS, ETC) shall flourish and people will be happy in a happy nation.

    Now it is the time for thugs rulling as Prophet Ngundeng predicted that during this interim period he will rule South Sudan with “vultures”, please refer to his songs of predictions composed more than hundred years ago on the current political situation in Sudan.

    These “vultures” include Taban Deng Gai as Salvatore’s team of “vultures” in the mess.

    But Ngundeng said in order to push for change he would insert among the team of “vultures” a “spot of light” in the system and that is Dr. Riek Machar to keep the nation moving until the time for vultures has come to an end and his true leadership fully takes over.

    So it is your time guys “vultures’ and enjoy it to the maximum but be assured that the clock is fast ticking. Don’t be surprised soon to hear that ooooops….it is over “vultures”!

  • babadit

    ANALYSIS: Bashir’s victory may not be as decisive as originally thought
    Arabs NIF/NCP may not win the Election as they cliams, because if you see how Arman got votes in some areas in the south it will be diffcult for him to secure the 90% they are talking about, some polling stations in magwi EES, omer got 2,875 while Arman got 96,470 votes, kapoeta south omer 2 votes, Arman got 13,916 votes, kapoeta north omer 1,143 votes while Arman 51,784 votes, kapoeta East omer 02 while Arman got 13,326 votes those are the figures that are real and who are you telling us that he will secure 90 % votes
    changes are a force itself so even if they play their trick no one will recoganise their government.
    shame on them

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