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Sudan Tribune

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Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections

April 26, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) presidential candidate was declared winner with a 68.2% of the vote, the state electoral commission said on Monday.

Bashir_Kiir_in_Malakal_20090109-2.jpgThe SPLM candidate Yasir Arman came second with 21.7%.

In the South SPLM chairman Salva Kiir got 93% of the votes. His challenger Lam Akol 7%.



  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Dr Lam Akol do not worried your time will come if you have change your hyena skin,apology to your BOSS Kiir Mayardit.
    By Okucu Pa Lotinokwan

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Dr Lam Akol do not worried your time will come if you have change your hyena skin, give apology to your BOSS Kiir Mayardit.
    By Okucu Pa Lotinokwan

  • Mathiang BT
    Mathiang BT

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Congratulation Dr. Kiirdit….SPLM Oyeee South Sudanese Oyee,,,,,,,,, Thanks dear brothers for join hands to elect Dr. Kiir.
    Dr Lam, South Sudanese knows what they are doing. That is why you only got 07% while Dr. Kiir got 93%. You are now the loser you would have enjoy money without doing campaign.
    South Sudanese loves you but they hate your behavours.

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Wel come back President Bashir and Kiir for second round term of CPA ! Your votes are very clean, but other votes under your responsibilities are very dirty at all states.Both all in Sudan at large.

  • man of men
    man of men

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    gatwicked lam should have being better than your wicked doom nasir gang leader if he is the one who cantasting boy.

    nobody in our blessing clan [Awun] will vote for riek leave alone DOINKAS. do you know where kiir came from? no stay away from us or we will revised our decision of lating him to be runing mate which was about to caused my brother his leadership from great BOR DINKA.

    don’t bring that attitude of yours to our relationshipe between us and BOR DINKA.

    riek get nothing in this election becaused he deserve death and that death is waiting for him now son

    say death to risk machar teny dogz and you will be bless mr tot yual

  • Acid

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    I think Kiir Mayardit doesn’t deserve to be congratulated because he rigged the said election. All South Sudanese knew that Lam Akol will lose that election by wide margin but the dim-witted Kiir spoiled what suppose to be cake-walk victory by intimating, arresting, detaining, and threatening the supporters of expecting loser, what a shame!

  • babadit

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Congritulation Mayardit, what is remaining fullfillment of you promises to the southerners.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    It was a wild dream for Dr. Lam to think that he would win South Sudan’s presidency. He doesn’t have any chance at this time when war pictures are still vivid in the minds of Southerners. At this time the Southerners are standing with their liberaters not with deserters. Dr. Lam is seen as a traitor in South Sudan and I am sure he knows that very well. He should now calm down and show Southern Sudanese that he is truthworthy.

  • Manyang

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    I do not see the reason for people blindly congratulate Kiir for the Victory. If the south sudanese voted overwhelmy as stated in this article, then it was not because of Kiir good leadership but because of lack of alternative candidate.

    Dr Lam was not any choice to any wise south sudanese. People voted for SPLM and not Kiir individually. Kiir leadership must tackle the rampant corruption and the deterioting insecurity in the south. Kiir must deliver his party promises to the south sudanese. This time no sitting idle and posting for pictures.

    Genuine SPLM supporters must recognised the failure of the party. Without recognising the party’s shortcomings then the Splm is doom for failure.

  • Thomas Athian Lual
    Thomas Athian Lual

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Barvo! our President Salva Kiir Mayardit and thanks to the people of Southern Sudan for your kindness support to our great leader Kiir, and let us hope for the Independent of our beloved motherland Southern Sudan in 2011 which is soon. God bless you all.
    Thomas Athian

  • Chol Mading
    Chol Mading

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    Congratulations to President Salva Kiir and VP Dr. Riek for wining their election. People in the South will depend on your guidance and leadership to make all possible for independent South Sudan State immediately.

    I can’t congratulate thief, thug, and liar Bashir, I would say hell to him. It’s unreal for him to win with a 68.2%.

  • choldit

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections

    To Salva Kirr and Dr.Riek Machar in South Sudan and Bashier/Dr.Tah in the North.

    It is time now for SPLM and NCP to turn their tension to questions like how thier government formation will reflect on the inclusiveness they talking about that we Sudanese are expecting them to exercise.

    We the Sudanese citizens are NOT willing to be seen as aliens by the rest of the World nore willing to be bulled by big brothers in the world’s richest countries or killers in the name of Hala/God but willing to do a genuine democratic world politics with our fellow human beings in ways that respect humanity.

    This should be a time to stop war but enhances development in the Sudan.This should be started by finishing the remainding protocols in CPA e.g. border demacation(if not solve now will definately will get South and North back in war) and puting an end the Darfur war in the west of the country.


    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    New sudan oyeeeeeeeee……….oyeeeeeeeeeee.Dear leaders,referrendum should not be like the past election whereby NEC mazed up the papers cose the referrendum is most important either in the side of self-determination or unity.I’m separatist because since the independent of sudan we have see a life we are now to.we have gone mistreated and abuse by brothers in the Northern sudan I better live and myself without you.I promise you play of rig the south sudan is the death of the citizen of south sudan as whole.That fool Alam Akol whom used as tool of unity is thrown out of citizen of south sudan.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Bashir, Kiir officially win Sudan’s presidential elections
    How can Arman got the second large vote by 21.7%,while he has been withdrew from electral board? who again vote for him,after his withdrawal? how can Dr Lam Akol got only 7% which is too much less even than shilluk population? if the two presidents call their winning, the official winning let them step forward the coming referendum in 2011 for official succeess in separetion south from north.

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