Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession

April 27, 2010 (CAIRO) — The First Vice President and president of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) Salva Kiir criticized the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) saying its policies had made the choice of independence more attractive for the people of South Sudan ahead of the 2011 self determination referenda.

Kiir.jpg“We are trying to change the administration system, which led to the outbreak of war during the past period, and live as equal citizens with the same opportunities, the SPLM is seeking to achieve unity of Sudan on a new basis, and also try to tell the government in Khartoum, that it should restructured the governance and offer opportunities to all citizens equally” Kiir told ‘Private Meeting’ show aired on Egyptian TV.

Sudan is eight months away from a referendum giving the people of its largely autonomous south the choice whether to split off as an independent country, guaranteed under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended two decades of north-south civil war.

It is widely expected that Southerners emerging bitter after two decades of civil war that claimed 2 million lives mostly through hunger and disease. One of the major objectionable items to citizens of South Sudan is the application of Islamic Sharia’a law which they demanded that it be abrogated if they were to remain united with the North.

But the NCP made it clear that the issue of Sharia’a law is not up for negotiation. Currently the CPA exempts the South from these set of laws.

“I said before, wherever they unity is found then strength is found and Sudan could be a strong power if the country remains one country as it is, but the South is not seeking the partition, but the regime in Khartoum is the one dividing Sudan,” Kiir said.

“If this regime continues, then not only the South will be seeking to secede, there is war in Darfur and war in the East and [people] must confront this reality as well as [even] individuals in the far north are not satisfied with the current situation and therefore this regime is the one dividing Sudan into small countries and this is the outcome of governance that prevails in Khartoum” he added.

The GoSS president said that people in the South are blaming the North because the latter is the one making the decision and formulating policies leading the people in the South to go to war.

“Who is to blame? The Southerners do not have any authority to blame and Khartoum is the one to blame” he said before adding that despite a spirit of unity among the Southerners, it has been frustrated by the “state partners in the North”

He further pointed out that the SPLM has not felt stability since joining the government but had to struggle for the implementation of the CPA.

Asked on president Omer Hassan Bashir announcement that he will work for making unity attractive in the remaining pre-referendum period, Kiir expressed skepticism that this could be achieved with little time left.

“This requires a miracle because there is only two or three months left in order to make the south a ground similar to heaven, but he [Bashir] announced that he would put the unity of Sudan on his priorities and I think that after the success the elections, he will face difficulty in doing this because it is not about words, but needs into practical action” Kiir said.

He revealed that he suggested to Bashir that an office is established in Juba allowing him to tour the South and see what the people need in terms of development project to make unity attractive but said that his proposal has not seen the light.

Kiir stressed he would give the people of the South the freedom to pick unity or independence and will support any decision they make.

On the recent polls that saw him and Bashir reelected, Kiir said that the SPLM lost a number of parliamentary seats in the South which he said indicated that elections “were fair to a great extent”.

Today, nine south Sudanese opposition parties said they would challenge the election of the region’s president and state governors in court, adding they had documented evidence of fraud.

Kiir, won the presidential race in the south with 93% of the vote against 7% for his lone challenger Lam Akol.

“The elections have been rigged,” said Akol at the press conference. “We have documented evidence of the (army) taking over polling stations and arresting party agents.”

International observers have said the elections across the country did not meet international standards but emphasized there had been intimidation by security forces in the south.

Kiir said that those candidates who split from the SPLM to run as independents could return to the movement if they submit a formal request to the political bureau to be taken back in.

Many aspirants from the southern Sudan ruling party decided to break away from the SPLM and to pose their candidacies as independents refusing the selection made by party’s political bureau. All of them contested the party’s decision and asserted that they are popular among their supporters.



  • maumau

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession

    You have missed out the point here, that means you are a unionist following the footsteps of Hero Dr. John Garang. Be advised that we are going to sessede and if you don`t want it, leave the the position of presidency orelse, there is going to be mutiny and wrangles in the country. How cheap can you talk like that!!!. MAUMAU.

  • parajok

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    STUPID, and Alcoholic Dinka. your party is not better than Umar Beshir’s party, why not a single member that was elected in these fraudulent elections to the Legislative Assembly or to the Sudan Parliament have genuinely reflected the opinions, desires, urges and grievances of the people of it constituency. are you trying to tell me you are democratic a Leader?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    This is an excellent speech Salva Kiir Mayardit because you have chosed your words appropriately. I like the way Kiir Mayardit examined his speech ;for instance, he said Sudanese want unity to make the country a strong nation,but the NCP was the one encouraging the seperation,great indeed.

    When South Sudanese under SPLM want referendum at the right time so that we can choose our destiny. It is the right of Bashier if he can afford to make Unity attractive within this few months leave,but we don,t think if he can make it to happen because the time and his discriminatory against the Southerners will judge him.

    Dear South Sudnaese, our hero Dr John Garang de Mabior brought this chance to us and we have to make it valuable to our favor because this opportunity is hard to gain back if we missed it at the moment.

    I encouraged SPLM PB and leaders to engage Bashier to impliment the border demarcation, Southern Kordufan, Southern Blue Nile, Abyei, and oil avenues to be clear before December because those will be the major problems that need to be solve by Bashier right from his start before dreaming for the Unity of Sudan.

    This time i called the whole South Sudanese to finished the task without any prostitution between the parties because this is aclear system used by our enemies to gain their strength against the South.

    SPLM has brought us the fresh air and we have to fight for it until we clear it from our oppressors in Khartoum. Thanks,
    SPLM/A oyeee.

  • king

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    That is disgusting. Why this man keep contradicting himself? What is he talking about? Please lord help!!


    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    By the way, what Unity did the Southern Sudanese President Salva Kiir Miyardit mean really? Is it the Unity to join the Southern Sudan with the Northern Sudan together or what? In fact, the Southern Sudanese President Mr Salva Kiir Miyardit is criticizing the Northern Sudan for no reason. In the last previous vote, Salva Kiir Miyardit casted his vote for Omar Bashir and now he is trying to accuse the (NCP). What is the point of accusing the NCP and he is the one giving them power? What referendum is Salva Kiir Miyardit is claiming about? He voted for Omar Bashir and now Omar Bashir become a President of Sudan which make no sense at all. I thought that Mr Salva Kiir Miyardit will become a president of Sudan.

    If Southern Sudanese people know that Salva Kiir Miyardit will vote for Omar Bashir, then Southern Sudanese people could not even claim a Referendum. We could just join Omar Bashir and Mohammed Taha as our President and Vice instead of nominating Salva Kiir. What Salva Kiir Miyardit is doing is just like “someone who give the gift to his friend and claim it back again”. In other meaning, I mean that Salva Kiir Miyardit give the power to Omar Bashir and now he is trying to claim it back again. Salva Kiir Miyardit said that”We are trying to change the Admininstration system”. What Administration system did he want to change? Did he mean the Administration system of Khartoum or the Administration system of the Southern Sudan Government?

    It will sound good to me if Salva Kiir Miyardit want to change the Administration of the Southern Sudan Government. Khartoum Administration is fine since they know what they are doing. Kiir Miyardit needs to put more effort in order to change his Administration. SPLM under Salva Kiir Miyardit is really a dead Party!!!


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    Mr Master( pretender to be Arab North),

    You are among the weak heart Southerners who like enemy more than their brothers and sisters. Ask yourself and say amen if you are not South Sudanese.
    What are the duties being done by Bashier without South Sudanese leaders?
    You people need to wake up because you are the one who drag us back always because of your weakness. Shut up!

  • babadit

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    Kiir is such a disgrace to the southerners.
    stop making such remarks we are already a break away state/Republic.
    Shame on you Salvatore

  • Gatwech

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    Dear readers,

    Salvatore Kiir is inviting God’s wrap upon him. Why flop-flopping?

    He has forgotten that he was elected not because he is a good leader, but because people want to concentrate on the road to independence which is only eight months away.

    Without Dr. Machar’s popular support among the people, Kiir would have got only 13% of votes cast.

    But why confusing the people at this late our to independence. Why is he encouraging Egyptians to help northern opposition parties to remove NCP’s “regime.”?

    when in Juba Kiir tells citizens about his strong view towards separation. When in Khartoum or Cairo or any other Arab countries he talks of being a unionists and even one day said the SPLM killed separatists because of this veiw.

    Look at how he is inviting doom to himself by calling the NCP’s recently elected government a “regime” that he dislikes and blames for coming separation. Why appease Egyptians like that. He should have told Egyptians that southerners are for separation and that is what the NCP has sensed. Period.

    Well, Kiir knows very well that NCP is the SPLM’s only partner in the CPA. By encouraging the demise of the “regime”, he is also encouraging the demise of the CPA.

    Kiir also knows that he will be part of that Khartoum regime as its First Vice President and his SPLM members will part of its cabinet and parliament.

    Now that he is talking against an elected government and exposed it to Egyptians who hate self-determination, what if something is cooked against the regime to implement the dislike, would Kiir like it?

    What if a military coup supported by Egypt against the “regime” he is a part of but preaches for its demise occurs while Kiir, Bashir and Taha are sitting in the presidency meeting hall in Khartoum Palace, would Kiir like it?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    Gatwech and Nya miraan,

    There is no way that Naath(Nuer) can understrand the great speech of Salva Kiir Mayardit because it’s beyond your reasonable mindset or capability.

    If you guys don,t learn in the public on how to reason then you will be leaders when Jesus came on earth while others we lead you guys until your death in the South because of your lack of leadership style.

    This is an excellent speech Salva Kiir Mayardit because you have chosed your words appropriately. I like the way Kiir Mayardit examined his speech ;for instance, he said Sudanese want unity to make the country a strong nation,but the NCP was the one encouraging the seperation,great indeed.

    When South Sudanese under SPLM want referendum at the right time so that we can choose our destiny. It is the right of Bashier if he can afford to make Unity attractive within this few months leave,but we don,t think if he can make it to happen because the time and his discriminatory against the Southerners will judge him.

    Dear South Sudnaese, our hero Dr John Garang de Mabior brought this chance to us and we have to make it valuable to our favor because this opportunity is hard to gain back if we missed it at the moment.

    I encouraged SPLM PB and leaders to engage Bashier to impliment the border demarcation, Southern Kordufan, Southern Blue Nile, Abyei, and oil avenues to be clear before December because those will be the major problems that need to be solve by Bashier right from his start before dreaming for the Unity of Sudan.

    This time i called the whole South Sudanese to finished the task without any prostitution between the parties because this is aclear system used by our enemies to gain their strength against the South.

    SPLM has brought us the fresh air and we have to fight for it until we clear it from our oppressors in Khartoum. Thanks,
    SPLM/A oyeee.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    YEAH YEAH Kiir Mayaardit the great flip- Flopper

    kirr alwayys reckons to appease the useless Egyptians, he want to sing to the them the song they want to hear, the unity of sudan becsause the damn Egyptians are Scared to death about the independent and secession of southern Sudan. well, let me say this to the Egytians suck it and go f*k yourselves.
    the move for southern Sudan to independent has gained tremendous speed and can’t be stopped whether by Kiir flipping today or flopping tomorrow, it is not in his hands, the people of south already are eager to snatch their independent comes 9 January of 2011 whether through fight and unilateral or by referendum.mr kiir can blame bashir NCP thousand times but the truth, from the beginning of the southern sudan movements the main objective was independent of south after they saw with their own eyes how unscrupulous it is to share the same country with the Islamic fanatics in which they clinge to sharia and religion oblivious that there are other non muslim groups in the country . southerners saw the abrogation of addis ababa agreement by Nemiery and his Islamist, the khartoum peace agreemt , the Fachoda agreement and many others by Bashir and Notorious Tarabi ‘s NCP and NIF.
    this time around for the CPA we wouldn’t be deceived again or bribed using woman and money or positions .the game now is very clear ,never again to be deceived by the north. for those who still have some sentiments for unity, it is hopeless scheme, the independent is already at arm length.

  • David Glenn
    David Glenn

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    Dear Mr.Vice-President
    You are right,the united Sudan can be a stron leading nation in Africa and that is what the late Dr.John Garang set to achieve,with his vision.perspecacity and sense of history.He refused to be a hostage of the past.He did not seek a movement that is a(reginoal sub-species).
    That vision was about to come true,had you not abruptly decided to withdraw the SPLM/A candidate Yasser Arman,as the results of the elections clrearly show.
    You may have your reasons,Sir,and they may be convinving,but blaming the NCP for the secession of the South,will not spare you the judgement of history.
    I do not intend to defend the NCP,nor do i deny the past,but i am more concerned with the future,and i still believe that the SPLM/A is still the hope of all the Sudanese,North,South,East and West,and not only the South.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    It is not a little choice for the people of southern sudan to be away from arab rule.we are about to have our independent country like other African nation,said the people of southern sudan.eventhough Salva and Bashir take back the case of unity,the people of southern sudan will not accept.please mr president change your mind from unity with arab,we don’t want it.

  • Madhod

    Kiir says Sudan’s unity makes it a strong nation, accuses NCP of encouraging secession
    This is a confusing statement, why is splm conflicting its plaform. I thought its should be the other way around. As far as everyone know, it is the SPLM who is supporting the self-determination. When is this become a NCP’s objective, and for reason would be willing to do that? Either Kiir is lying or NCP is blind fouling the SPLM.

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