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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results

By Ngor Arol Garang

April 27, 2010 (WUNROK) – The southern Sudan authorities have Tuesday warned against any violence protest connected to the recently announced poll results urging that it does little to settle disputes over discrepancies.

Following announcement of executive and parliamentary results in southern states on Monday 26, by the National Elections Commission, some political contenders lost elections against their expectations hence prompted tense situation in most areas including regional capital.

In Juba, the Independent candidate for Central Equatoria Governor Lado Gore denounced the election rigging and his supporters had been expected to reject the electoral results particularly he had decried the circumstances of vote counting .

Dr. Sebit Nickson Lukure, in Juba, told Sudan Tribune that yesterday’s result has resulted to placement of curfew from early as 9 o’clock in the evening because situation is tense, real tense. Police in riot gear and some soldiers in armored vehicles are in control, especially of the area surrounding the house of the independent candidate for Central Equatoria State, Lado Gore.

“I tried to visit but the area has been cordoned off,” he said; adding “A military officer in uniform plainly told me that the area was off limits because some people had gathered and began to throw stones”.

He continued to say that Juba is actually in mourning, the moment the announcements were made, shop-keepers rushed to close, people began running home, and there were no usual yells of ululation in celebration. If elected governor Clement Wani Konga has never read the public mood, this is a chance for him and his backers, he said.

Additionally, another results angered intellectual who requested anonymity eloquently adds that, just as the ball was in their court to announce the election results, fraudulent or otherwise, the ball is in their court to let us also know if Lado Gore is under house arrest because his house was immediately after announcement of the results declared no visiting area.

“People are not allowed particularly intellectuals of my likes regardless of relationship. Relatives are even the worst. We are denied access to his house by security forces deployed outside his residence,” he said.

Reconciling results announced in Central Equatoria with Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal, another intellectual who did not want to be named too, urged affected citizens to forget it saying there are a lot of elections to come in the future. This is over, he said.

Calling on the citizens of the most affected states, he advised that people should embark on initiative that would enhance mutual trust and seek common ground while shelving difference caused by elections results.

“We should all come together in seeking cooperation and adhere to principle of mutual respects, treating each other as equal brothers and sisters.”

General Achuil Tito Madut, Inspector General of southern Sudan police service, at the ministry of internal affairs, confirmed placement of curfew saying it is for safety of all residents of Juba. ”

Yes, there is a curfew from 10 o’clock in the evening to six o’clock in morning, he said. This curfew is applicable to all in all areas in Juba. It is not targeting specific groups. It is for all residents of Juba town,” Achuil told Sudan Tribune.

Acknowledging the right of the citizens to demonstrate as means to express their dissatisfaction, he said all should be peaceful and with knowledge of security forces.
“Nobody should go to the street without the knowledge of security apparatus so that clashes with other security organs and citizens are avoided,” Achuil said.

Similarly, Gier Chuang Aluong, minister of internal affairs in the regional government, of southern Sudan, in a statement aired by South Sudan TV, announced placement of curfew and warned against violence connected to elections. If you feel cheated, seek other avenues not violence, said the powerful minister who appeared prepared to launch crack down on violators.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    Honestly, anybody who want to discriminate South Sudanese base on where to live is agreat enemy and this need to be spread out in ten States because countless people die in various part of South Sudan. Many people liberate towns in the absence of others. Town don,t liberate themselve, people(SPLA) liberate them. Warning!

  • man of men
    man of men

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    Anybody who whan to protest will be shot dead becaused this is not LRA adiminstration death to protester

  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    Aah! The defeated candidates and the leadership of south Sudan should now turn their face on-to the coming issue known as Referendum. That the biggest target and an everlasting freedom.
    The defeated candidates should cope with the environment and let all stand firms with the hope that that election was not the end of campaign. We knew, the positioned contested for could not be divided into two to fill the 2-candidates.
    I argue those who want ratification and justification for the so-called suspected vote counting, you should please bear with the unsatisfactory system and African ways of leadership. I think you should understand what does the African system good for.
    Please! Please!! Please!!! our main target is Self-determination so that to abandon the Arab’s forgery system.

    Thank all by Kuer Dau Apai

  • babadit

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    Dear Citizens,

    Let’s give time to Democracy if there is to be a Country called south sudan in future, by not allowing the voters to show their grivenceses to the government through peaceful means, shows us that this government only want work with a click of individual who say yes to their orders.
    And if there was democracy in the just concluded Election, the government should have respected the choices of the Citizens by not rigging the votes in favour of its own candidates who are less popular at the grassrooy level.
    But Let’s forget about that and rather focus on the up coming issues in 2011

  • paul

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    surely for God’s sake, i do not think this guy gore alfred is a mature politician.
    he might as well be in his political napkins. why can’t he accept defeat? till when is he going to behave this way? moreover he has made so many enemies just in one month!! during his campaign times i remember him talking of driving some groups or people out of juba if elected gov, e.g dinka, mundari and muslims! what a pity. who then was he going to lead? and for this idiots calling themselves intellectuals here, please advise ur boss to slow down, he is driving his ambitions at a terrible speed!!!!!! not even the too ambitious ones i have come across do it that way. maj gen. clement wani konga is not a monster. he is human and equatorian just like him. some people may call the CE gov. race tribalistic but i call i JEALIOUSNESS an MALICE from the bari people. many bari men and women have ruled juba during the war. and for sure did nothing as governors. sometimes like during james loros time this very man they love to hate, clement wani had to leave his duties as vice president in the sscc, and help solve peoples problems in juba. just coz the then governor was not able. SHAME ON YOU GORE AND UR BARI.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    South Sudan warns against protest in Juba over poll results
    Oh keep quiet people of southern sudan,it is the nature of Africa democracy.

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