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Sudan Tribune

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Defeated ANC candidate rejects Lakes election results

By Manyang Mayom

April 29, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The defeated African National Congress (ANC) Candidate for governorship in Lakes State, Gabriel Kuc Abyei, rejected the announced results in the region saying he is the rightfully elected governor.

Samuel Mathiang Keer SPLM Lakes state secretary dance after hearing SPLM have lead in Election result in Rumbek (photo by Manyang Mayom- ST)
Samuel Mathiang Keer SPLM Lakes state secretary dance after hearing SPLM have lead in Election result in Rumbek (photo by Manyang Mayom- ST)
The SPLM candidate Chol Tong Mayay Jang won the post of Lakes State Governor with a large majority of 228.080 votes ahead of the ANC candidate who got 26040 votes.

Kuc said that the results were achieved through what he described as “corrupt and crooked means” adding that the state elections committee had been compromised and made to announce results which, in his words, “they are not sure of.”

The ANC candidate pointed out a number of irregularities committed by his rival and SPLM candidate during the electoral operations. He claimed that the SPLA soldiers, who were conducting disarmament campaign in the state, casted their votes in different polling stations while they had not been registered. He also spoke about voters’ intimidation and use of government logistics in favor of the SPLM candidate, accusing the caretaker governor of being involved in such violations of elections law.

Mr. Kuc further lamented that electoral committee had been notified about what he described as “scandals” but ignored it. He also said that he would not recognize the poll results, reaffirming he would not congratulate the governor elect.

The elected governor Tong Mayay, denied claims of intimidation, saying that SPLM had the most peaceful campaign. He further said that it was SPLM which had been continually harassed and intimidated by their political opponents during the campaign period and voting days.

However, Lakes state caretaker governor Telar Ring Deng said that he will defend himself in court if there are evidences showing that he did irregularities during these elections.

“I was brought here as caretaker governor to ensure that all political parties rights are respected and preserved during the elections campaign and I hope my present administration has done a lot to protect rights of everyone in this state,” he said, stressing that Lakes state is only state in Southern Sudan whereby a peaceful election was carried out successfully without harassment.
Other candidates for the position of governor are Joseph Malwal Dong Riak of United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF) who managed 4,995 votes, and Isaac Awan Maper Ater of National Congress Party (NCP) who had 4,435 votes.

Meanwhile, SPLM Lakes state Secretary, Samuel Mathiang Keer, said he was pleased that his party has won more seats in the state legislative assembly. “I am really happy indeed, the people of Lakes state have behaved in a democratic manner while they didn’t practice since more than 24 year,” he said.

He also disclosed that his party on the state level would not form a comprehensive government including the other parties that lost the elections.

He also paid little attention to the accusations made by the defeated ANC candidate saying he is confident the party won fairly the elections.”The SPLM is now celebrating its victory with the party supporters,” he added.

Commenting the election of two independent candidates in Wulu County, the state SPLM secretary said it was due to irregularities committed by local officials who supported the two Independent candidates.

However Simon Waiwai Ali, Wulu County commissioner and Sunday Dhuor, the election CEO both denied any wrong doing and also strongly rejected all accusations leveled by SPLM state party secretary.

Dhuor affirmed that “SPLM have to accept defeat, I am just CEO and my work does not allow me to support any particular party – I have done my work and that is all”.

Meanwhile, county commissioner Simon said that party accusations leveled against him are unfounded.

I have received a number of security personnel at night threading the CEO and ordering its workers to open a box at night and in this such a practice, I order army garrison to disarmed this security personnel at that night and I think it is what paining SPLM state secretary because his agenda of sending security did not yield fruit.



  • Gatwech

    Defeated ANC candidate rejects Lakes election results
    What a mess in Lakes state!

    Dear readers,

    What is really ‘new’ about the so-called ‘New Sudan Vision’ which people have been making unnecessary noises about as the people of South Sudan are concerned? To me, New Sudan’s “uniqueness” is only about maintaining ‘unity’ of Sudan.

    Look, both separatists and unionists alike since 1955 and 1983, respectively, have been dreaming about peaceful, democratic, and prosperous nation, with justice and equality, in its diverse cultures, ethnicity or races, etc. Federalism was even demanded since 1947.

    The difference in the South was that unionists of the ‘New Sudan’ vision wanted such a dream realized within a united Sudan while separatists wanted such a dream realized within an independent South Sudan. That is all!

    So the principles were the same but whether to implement them under a united Sudan or under two separate Sudans was the main difference between these two camps which became very visible since 1983.

    Self-determination then became the best intervening vision which seeks the political opinion of the masses whether they want such dreams pursued under a united Sudan or under an independent South Sudan.

    So there was nothing ‘new’ at all to qualify the word “New Sudan” as long as its ideology was concerned in respect to the position of separatists. Its first ideology of socialism in 1983 was the only difference which separatists did not want but after 1991 in Chukudum Convention in 1994 the ideology became one. The difference among South Sudanese politicians was on either about forced unity by unionists or forced separation by separatists.

    Thanks to self-determination for intervening in 1991 in order for the people of South Sudan to give the politicians a break and decide by themselves whether they want an independent nation where peace, democracy and prosperity prevail with justice and equality, or they want to continue pursuing the same dream in a united Sudan.

    So, the principles were the same but the ‘uniqueness’ of the so-called New Sudan was only about pursuing such principles within a united Sudan unlike the separatists who were convinced of the failure of unity and wanted such principles (vision) pursued under an independent South.

    As a staunch defender of ‘New Sudan Vision’ responded on southsudannation.com earlier by saying that the Vision of New Sudan “…means Sudan with PEACE, EQUALITY and UNITY.”

    Well, there is nothing ‘new’ about the New Sudan vision on PEACE and EQUALITY because the same are also called for by separatists. Separatists since 1955 want ‘peace’ within independent South Sudan and also want ‘equality’ within its diverse groups in an independent South Sudan.

    Yes, I would only agree that UNITY of Sudan is the only thing that makes the vision of the so-called New Sudan “unique” in the South. Otherwise, separatists could achieve peace, democracy, prosperity with justice and equality, etc in an independent South Sudan.

    It is like the story of the two hunters who couldn’t agree on what to do with the meat when the Nuer said “ba bul” while the Dinka argued “ba nyop” and later on found out that they were saying the same thing; and that is to “roast the meat.”

    So gamblers of the so-called ‘new whatever’, please spare us from unnecessary noises about new, new, new and whatever unless you just like the word that begins with any thing ‘new.’ There is nothing new there which was not known or demanded before. Okay? Sorry, if I have offended you, but that is the reality of the matter.

  • Jupiter Maguangdit
    Jupiter Maguangdit

    Defeated ANC candidate rejects Lakes election results
    Dear readers,

    First, I would like to thank the Care-Taker Governor of Lakes State, Mr. Telar Ring Deng for leading his people during elections to participate peacefully in the exercise. Telar is a strong character I ever know. Kiir should have appointed such people as caretaker governors in the states of Unity, NBG, Western and Central Equatoria States.

    Second, thanks to Simon Waiwai Ali and Sunday Dhuor for standing firm against the challenges and the attempts made by the SPLM party trying to rig election results in Lakes State. Well done guys.

    Finally, for Gabriel Kuc Abyei of the ANC, you haven’t seen what happened to your colleagues, the candidates in the Unity, Western Equatoria and NBG State. In those states, independent candidates and candidates from other political parties were treated like prisoners of war. The SPLM party acted in those parts of the south like the Janjaweed of Darfur.

    Please, accept the defeat; go to both Telar and Mayai and check hands with them.

    All the best

  • Bill Dhieu Manyang
    Bill Dhieu Manyang

    Defeated ANC candidate rejects Lakes election results
    Dear Kuc,

    I think the people of lakes State love you as demonstrated by their turn out and the few vote which were counted in your favor. Too, the care taker Telar Deng has tried his best to make sure that peaceful election are held although it did not happened the way you and your party would want it to be.

    My own understanding is that the atmosphere was not generally conducive in the Sudan which gave an opportunity to everyone to say what he think about the election. This is election has not only been crucial but unique in a sense that even United State of America never voted for 4 days like it had happened Sudan.

    Accept the result Gabriel because Eng. Chol has won and plan for the forthcoming election. Remember election are all the same in Africa.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Defeated ANC candidate rejects Lakes election results
    Ladies and gentlemen,

    It is a surprising statement from ANC candidate Ustaz Gabriel Kuc Abyei to say he rejected the announcement of the results and that he would not congratulate the new elected governor of Lakes State. First of all, it was Engineer Chol Tong Mayay in 2008 who has been much concerned about Kuc to bring him to the State government during Daniel Awet Akot’s rule. However, he himself (Kuc) refused saying he will not joint Awet’s government because they are corrupt despite that Chol Tong is against corruptions. Even before elections, Kuc Abyei knows very well deeply in heart that he will never win in front of Chol Tong, leave alone SPLM as a party. Chol has number of reasons that people like him to be the next governor more than Kuc think he is.

    Why is it hard to accept defeat Kuc?
    Having been defeated does not over shadowed your tomorrow’s hope of being one day elected has a governor. Please Kuc, don’t create chaos in the only State where people elected candidates of their own choice who will represent and deliver services to them.

    John Malou Manyiel,

    University student in Khartoum

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