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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan to participate in France-Africa summit next May

April 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese government intends to send a high level delegation to France to take part in the France-Africa summit that will take place next month at the Riviera city of Nice.

The pro-government Akhir Lahza newspaper quoted sources as saying that Sudanese presidency will work on picking the members of the delegation to the summit, saying they expect the delegation to be led by 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha and Presidential Advisor Ghazi Salah al-Deen Al-Attabani.

The French ambassador in Khartoum Patrick Nicoloso reportedly told Undersecretary for foreign affairs Mutrif Sideeg that the arrangements for the start of the summit has been completed, stressing the need for the participation of the Sudan in light of the broad African attendance.

Last December, the Egyptian government canceled its hosting of the same summit after failing to settle the dispute with Paris over the attendance of Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged war crimes committed in Darfur.

Cairo and Paris agreed to move the summit venue to France which would effectively mean that Bashir will stay away for fear of being arrested on the territory of an ICC state party.

Last month the Elysee made a clarification reports carried by Sudan state media on Sarkozy’s invitation to Bashir stressing that the latter would not be welcome on French territory.

“The president has indeed sent a letter to Omar Hassan al-Bashir to ask him to nominate the person who will represent Sudan at the Franco-African summit,” said an unidentified French official to Reuters, making clear that the Sudanese leader himself could not come.

Sideeg and Nicoloso also agreed on the convening political consultation dialogue between Khartoum and Paris, after the post-election government is formed for the purpose of reaching common understandings on bilateral issues, regional and international stressing the need to convene on a regular basis to boost relations between the two countries.

France has become a frequent target of criticism by Sudanese officials over the last few years including Al-Bashir. He accused France of having a hidden agenda aiming at toppling his government.

Khartoum is also angered by French refusal to support a s suspension of the ICC arrest warrant and its hosting of the leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Darfur rebel leader Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur who resides in Paris.



  • man of men
    man of men

    Sudan to participate in France-Africa summit next May
    I knew nuer boy plus riek machar will not like this humiliation becaused it go deep into nuer norrow politices but just read it. it will help you to improve your bad manier.

    Lets talk about the nassir doom wicked oafish evil gang leader riek machar teny dogz

    Thanks brother Malakal. because i’m going to teach those dumbs nuer how the preciouns wark in this handsome government of brave people of south sudan.

    talking about corruption late see what your nassir gang doom leader done lately on his fail KPA CRITICALLY

    He[riek] subsequently formed Government of the South Sudan in Khartoum, and appointed 90% members of the so-called Southern Coordination Council from his tribe (Nuer).

    The largest tribe in Southern Sudan (Dinka) was left out because Garang was Monyjang (Denka).

    This clearly reflects the true malicious nature, wishes, and hopes of Dr. Riek as an Architect for tribal bloodshed and conflict in the entire Republic of Sudan.


    Dr. Riek Machar teny dogzgonis established a weak parasitic alliance with President Bashir which he thought will safeguard his selfish political interests.

    He hoped that such alliance may be strongly effective enough to oust out Dr. John Garang de Mabior of leadership in Great Upper Nile Region as well as the SPLA/M. death to him.

    His real intention was to destroy the SPLA/M. However, Dr. Riek realized (at late hours) that this alliance will not lead him to the corridors of power in Southern Sudan since the SPLM/A occupied over 50% of the strategic and major parts of the South, and moreover SPLM/A were not party to the Khartoum Peace Agreement. As his usual character, he wrapped out and ditched his alliance with President Bashir when he saw the gallant SPLM/A Forces making tremendous strides towards Peace.

    Dr. Riek therefore smuggled yah baby he did smuggling himself to Nairobi and shamelessly approached Dr. Garang to accommodate him into SPLM/A rank. Consequently, his followers and militias were left at the mercy of NIF, and many paid with their lives, a big price for Dr. Riek’s selfish ambitions. What a doom wicked oafish devilish gang leader!? do you called this a leader?

    for your infromation nuer brothers and sister your leaders are not yet born to rule sudan or south sudan.

    so brother nuer you better enjoy your freedom under the DINKA GOVERNMENT PLUS THEY REST OF BRAVE PEOPLE OF SOUTH SUDAN.

    Death to him

    now there are reunion of riek machar and his abandon childrent and their stringe mother ms Agelina gon. she whan to get marry to taban deng gai becaused she see mr gai as a leader than her Ex_boyfriend risk macheeeer dogzgon she told riek that you are joke and death to him how could you make me fail in election if you are a strong leader she said she keep contune by saying that now the DINKAS are suporting Taban will you be every to get chance of leadership you are a doom husban that is why i get marry nyuon beny she said death to you. ahaha the family is failing apart what may ngundang help them Adoom

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