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Sudan Tribune

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Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei

April 30, 2010 (JUBA) – A defeated candidate and former Lt. General and Deputy Chief of General Staff for Moral Orientation in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), has launched a deadly assault on the army’s military barrack of Doleib Hills area near the Upper Nile state’s capital, Malakal.

Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers parade during the fourth anniversary celebration of the signing of the CPA -(UNMIS)
Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers parade during the fourth anniversary celebration of the signing of the CPA -(UNMIS)
Southern Sudan officials on Friday confirmed that General George Athor, who recently contested as independent candidate for governorship of the region’s largest state of Jonglei, was behind the attack.

The SPLA’s Head of Information and Public Relations, Colonel Malaak Ayuel Ajok, on Friday in a televised statement on Southern Sudan TV announced that the surprise attack occurred at around 1:30AM in the early morning of Friday.

Col. Malaak said many of the attackers were killed and five of them captured. He said the captured soldiers confessed that they were ordered by General George Athor to carry out the attack.

He said hundreds of soldiers loyal to General George Athor involved in the operation.

The defeated Gen. Athor denied ordering any attack. He told Reuters that soldiers in Doleib military barrack had mutinied after receiving orders to arrest him.

Col. Malaak said Gen. George Athor got angry after he was declared the loser in the Jonglei state’s gubernatorial elections. The independent candidate said he won the elections but the results were later on rigged in favor of Kuol Manyang Juuk, the incumbent governor and declared winner in Jonglei state’s gubernatorial election.

The first elected governor of South Sudan’s vast-populous Jonglei, the incumbent Gov. Kuol Manyang scored 165,387 votes. George Athor Deng (Independent) comes second with 67,639 votes as Joseph Duer Jakor (NCP) trails with 16,704 votes.

Senior government officials also confirmed the clashes, saying the cabinet for the semi-autonomous region was briefed on Friday by the minister of Internal Affairs, General Gier Chuang Aluong, about the developing situation.

Also, Jonglei elected Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk, held a closed door meeting with SPLA senior officers but there was no public statement.

The number of casualties was not yet confirmed as officials said more details were still emerging, but according to the security chief, among the dead SPLA soldiers included many SPLA officers in addition to a number of civilians who were caught in cross fire.

Military depots were also looted by the attacking force and among the weapons they captured included a number of anti-tanks and 12.7 artillery.

Eye witnesses in Malakal town said about six vehicles were packed with the wounded and taken to Malakal Hospital.

General George Athor, who confirmed the incidence, however told the BBC that he was not directly involved in the incidence, saying it was an internal mutiny within the SPLA forces.

He however added that it was an action against the “corrupt SPLM” system, saying he was sympathizing with the soldiers who carried out the attack.

The attacked military barrack is located inside Upper Nile state, not far from Khorfulus, the home town of General Athor, where is he is currently based and situated on the other side of the border in Jonglei state.

Officials suspected that General Athor was planning heavy attacks inside targeted locations within Jonglei state and that his initial attack on the barrack across the border in Upper Nile state was to snatch the weapons and ammunitions for use in his planned activities in Jonglei state.

Officials quoted General Gier Chuang as saying that General Athor has already coordinated his activities with other SPLA elements including in the Southern Sudan’s capital, Juba, and that he has about seven Brigadier Generals and several Colonels on his side.

General George Athor lost to the incumbent Jonglei state governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk, according to the declared results by the National Elections Commission (NEC) but earlier warned that he won the elections and the ruling SPLM party latter on rigged it in favor of Kuol Manyang.

Jonglei state is the largest state in Southern Sudan inhabited by about five different ethnic groups which population is pre-dominantly of the Nuer ethnic group. Both General George Athor and his rival, Kuol Manyang, are from the Dinka tribe, the largest ethnic group in Southern Sudan.

Officials said the government would take measures to control the situation before it gets out of control.

Col. Malaak Ayuel in his televised statement on behalf of the SPLA Chief of General Staff, Lt. General James Hoth Mai, warned General George Athor to stop attacking the SPLA forces, saying the army was capable of responding to the situation with full force.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    According to this report, George Athor has hand in the attack of SPLA Barrack.
    He must be accountable with any thing in the South if it want our of controlled. This guys is really stupid if he does this because he was among the respected fighters during the war. He lost the election by big Margin.

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    General James Hoth Mai, this war is planned by your boss, Kiir, you just need to be patient.


    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    If General George Athor launched an attack in Jonglei, then this mean that the Government of Southern Sudan under Salva Kiir is completly weak and weak. I wish Arab should take over and slave us we Southerners instead of slaving ourselves. I believe when people said that Money is enemy. This is really sound true to me. Salva Kiir forget the hope of Southerners and now he is counting $$$$$$$ on his bed. If the Southern Sudan Government was really strong and active, then George Athor can not intimidate the Civilians without investigation. In fact, it is time for Salva Kiir and tomorrow it will be a time for somebody. Enjoy it and die for your own interests.


  • Kur

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    This is a pathetic behaviour from Mr. Athor. Violence is not the way to achieve political success. The people of South Sudan have chosen the path of freedom and democracy. We will not allow any military takeover of our government. Athor must face the full force of the law.


  • choldit

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    God! help the Greedy generals and the corrupt Dinka lead GOSS. General, the Referendum is just about 8 months away. Please let us reach the mission of the SPLM.

    I believe after Referendum NO corrupt person will be left on SPLM’s powerful organ, PB. Plse step down for the sake of South Sudanese citizen for they cannot afford another cycle of civil war with North Sudan if a Referendum is fualted.

    Nobody in the SPLM didn’t understand irregularities committed by the SPLM PB in favour of some individuals in the party.

  • belle gatlueng liah
    belle gatlueng liah

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    That is what i’m talking about, kiir killed three people in UNITY STATE after his 2% share lost the election from most powerful ANGELINA TENY, see what had happened after GENERAL ATHOR go banana about KIIR IS 100% CORRUPTION IN SOUTH SUDAN. genaral ATHOR,I will support if you only attack military base not they civilians base. it is time to stop kiir corruption before it worse. kiir only care about money not better South Sudan. i will not prevail that kind of skeptical jugement.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    Dear readers,

    First of all, i want to tell you that we Dinka don,t generally cover up someone whom we seems very silly and uncapable in leadership. That is a fact!
    George Athor Deng need to understand that he will be captured if he want to distruct the referendum which is few months to come. He must know that he is not powerful than SPLA. We had stop many things like this and he must choose his life before things want our of control. Thanks God, Athor did not win the election in Jonglei other the State would be nowhere in term of development. He will not smell any governorship in Jonglei till his death because he mess his reputation that we all know about him. The guy is impatience and therefore he is not a great leader at all. Mr Athor this the end of your political career at all because the Jongeli State is now aware of you and any thing that you want to attempt in the State.

  • Gatwech

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei

    May God bless South Sudan

    This is the unfortunate incidences I was predicting before the elections. It may spread like wild fire to other areas or states.

    If you remember my comments before elections I was saying if there could be a way out as an understanding between the NCP and SPLM, it was better that the elections be postponed indefinitely until the referendum is conducted first in January 2011.

    My fear was for such post-elections violence in the South.

    Now the NCP will use this violence to delay the conduct of the referendum. Registration for the polls is supposed to begin in July but I doubt that it will happen given the seriousness of the current situation.

    Jonglei state may soon be in complete mess as rumors indicated that General George Athor is targetting Bor town and other some counties in the state.

    My friends, this is a result of incompetent and corrupt system applied in the SPLM. It started with those unpopular nomination of candidates by the so-called political bureau and then when those popular candidates decided to run as independents, then the SPLM disowned them.

    And when they won elections, then the SPLM rigged the results in favor of unpopular official candidates.

    It is unfortunate that there are those in the SPLM leadership who only entertain the mess they have caused. Now they are reaping what they sow in the system.

    Even the recent incidence in Bentiu, Unity state, would have been a serious issue like that of Jonglei state if the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar did not intervene by telling his wife, Angelina Teny, to forget about the elections results even if she won it and allow Taban Deng Gai to continue as governor.

    But who will do that in Jonglei state which is known for any thing bad such as underdevelopment, corruption, ballots manufacturing, etc.

    I appeal to General George Athor to take it easy and forgive the SPLM for now. This is for the sake of our people and the coming referendum. We cannot afford to fight ourselves now before we secure our independence.

    Please, General Athor, stop the fighting. Let us do our referendum first and then after that, any body can kick butts on any side, left or right.

  • babadit

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    I had always told you that Dinkas are power angery animals in south sudan, i therefore, would want to predicts today that there will be Genocide in south sudan after referandom between Dinkas and other tirbes wether you like it or not, you have to keep this in you old and delapided minds.
    your action should rather remain in your areas but not those areas that does not belong to your juridictions.
    Poor and waked people who camw to Equatoria necked , shame on you

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    George Athur is not a wise man at all . Who will benefit from the chaos he is trying to create? Not him of course.

  • Marco Nyak
    Marco Nyak

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    Dear Southern Sudanese;

    Trust that, who ever comments in this website; one day would like to be a leader in South Sudan, i urge all whom are using this platform to use it as learning medium to enhance individual political knowledge and skills.

    referring to this unfortunate incident which cause the life of innocents people of southerner Sudanese. it is very regrettable that every time Southern settle their political differences through the use of force, which show our backward in the region.

    GOSS should strength their institution to handle such situation and bring South Sudan to be a developed nation.

    for brothers in this website whom are always diverting the political topic into tribalism, i have to tell you the truth, you are not different then those leaders currently in power embracing tribalism, please be reminded that your exactly same with them if not worst.

    i love all southern Sudanese whether is Dinka, Nuer, Bari etc…….. regardless of mistaken happen in the past. i could differ with anybody from any tribe including my own politically but will not go aganist him/her because of his/ her tribe.

    please follow Southern be mindful of danger of tribalism else you will fall in unlimited hell and Arab will laugh greatly at you all.


  • mayombo

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    Dear Southern brothers,

    I just want to thank you all for showing concern about the barbaric assult luanched on SPLA barrack near the Upper Nile region in Jonglei State. Many were happy, and thannkful to the citizens, and candidates of Jonglei State during election process for maintaining calmness, and peaceful atmosphere until election ended with out incidents of clashes.

    Jonglei State in the past two was the point of focus on tribal clashes which caused more 2000 death, which planted fear and concerns during the elections, but nothing happened. I give the citizens of Jonglei State big thank you for their understanding of democratic process.

    As recent assult on SPLA forces is concerned, I want to send my condolescence to the families of the victims of the attack allegedly have been incited, and encouraged by, “Generaal George Athor former independent rival of State Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk.

    I would also like to thank the other candidates who accepted the feat as its will lead our State to peace, freedom, unity, and democracy. If General Athor is believed to have hands or behind the attack, therefore, it is such a big mistake he has ever done in his military career to turn his fellow army, and citizens of South Sudan.

    I would not rush into judgement before I have trusted evidences that General Athor is sincerely responsible for this recent insane, and vicious military operation which left civilian death in the cross fire.

    Although there are evidencs or not, I extremely condemn this kind of act which hinder peace, and unity in the State of Jonglei. GoSS must work cooperatively with Jonglei State authorities to investigate the incident so that whoever is behind it to be bought to justice.

    Kiir must be so serious, and commading for rapid investigation so this incident does not escalate to and outburst stage. Again, and again, I condemn this kind of act that politicians are playing in the process of democracy in south Sudan, and should not be taken slightly.

    This is a serious national threat to the deomcratic process to our country. Lastly, if it is found out that George Athor is the master mind player of such attack, he must face charges for displaying rebellion act against the Governor of South Sudan. The people of South Sudan should not respect him as a hero and more for his current evelish behavior, and military operation in the cillian areas.

    I urge the people of Jonglei State to remain calm not to take it personally, but to leave the situation to be handled by the government. Government officials must take to swift action to investigate, and assess the situation immediately.

    I would love to see SPLA/M armed forces to maintain calm atmosphere, and leave the investigation to on, and be vigilance any other possible incoming attack on them. May God rest in peae the fallen citizens of Jonglei States, and SPLA soldier. May God bless South Sudan. United South Sudan must prevail. Thanks you all.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    This is the comment I posted earlier, but with corrections.

    Dear Southern brothers,
    I just want to thank you all for showing concern about the barbaric assault launched on SPLA barrack near the Upper Nile region in Jonglei State. Many were happy, and thankful to the citizens, and candidates of Jonglei State during election process for maintaining calmness, and peaceful atmosphere until election ended with out incidents of clashes.

    Jonglei State in the past two was the point of focus on tribal clashes which caused more 2000 death, which planted fear and concerns during the elections, but nothing happened. I give the citizens of Jonglei State big thank you for their understanding of democratic process.

    As recent assaults on SPLA forces is concerned, I want to send my condolescences to the families of the victims of the attack allegedly have been incited, and encouraged by, “General George Athor former independent rival of State Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk.

    I would also like to thank the other candidates who accepted the feat as its will lead our State to peace, freedom, unity, and democracy. If General Athor is believed to have hands or behind the attack, therefore, it is such a big mistake he has ever done in his military career to turn his fellow army, and citizens of South Sudan.

    I would not rush into judgment before I have trusted evidences that General Athor is sincerely responsible for this recent insane, and vicious military operation which left civilian death in the cross fire.

    Although there are evidences or not, I extremely condemn this kind of act which hinder peace, and unity in the State of Jonglei. GoSS must work cooperatively with Jonglei State authorities to investigate the incident so that whoever is behind it to be bought to justice.

    President Kiir must be so serious, and commanding for rapid investigation so this incident does not escalate to and outburst stage. Again, and again, I condemn this kind of act that politicians are playing in the process of democracy in south Sudan, and should not be taken lightly.

    This is a serious national threat to the democratic process to our country. Lastly, if it is found out that George Athor is the master mind player of such attack, he must face charges for displaying rebellion act against the Governor of South Sudan.

    The people of South Sudan should not respect him as a hero and more for his current devilish behavior, and military operation in the villain areas.

    I urge the people of Jonglei State to remain calm not to take it personally, but to leave the situation to be handled by the government. Government officials must take to swift action to investigate, and assess the situation immediately.

    I would love to see SPLA/M armed forces to maintain calm atmosphere, and leave the investigation to on, and be vigilance any other possible incoming attack on them. May God rest in peace the fallen citizens of Jonglei States, and SPLA soldiers. May God bless South Sudan. United South Sudan must prevail. Thanks you all.
    Peter Nhiany.

  • Achuil Manyuat Tong
    Achuil Manyuat Tong

    Defeated candidate launches destructive attack on South Sudan army in Jonglei
    This generals who are trying to cause chaos did not know what politic is all about.
    The should preserve themself in the army other than causeing chaos like some have just done.
    The didn’t know that democratic election involve only two thing which one person can’t go with together at time WIN OR LOSS.
    The paintfull part of democracy is when you go with ‘LOSS’ which one has to tolerate until the next chance to compete.

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