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Sudan Tribune

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Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state

May 2, 2010 (JUBA) – An independent candidate who was recently declared loser to the incumbent governor elect, Taban Deng Gai, during the gubernatorial race in Unity state, said she was disturbed by a looming humanitarian situation in the Sudan’s oil rich state.

Angelina Teny shakes hands with some supproters
Angelina Teny shakes hands with some supproters
Angelina Teny told Sudan Tribune on phone from Khartoum that there was an exodus of people moving out of the state because of fear as a result of the incumbent governor’s policy of targeting her supporters, especially those who actively campaigned for her, following the hotly contested election.

“They are evacuating because of unrest; they are evacuating because of harassments; they are evacuating because of fear for their lives,” she said.

Mrs. Teny added that on 24th and 25th April a violent conflict erupted between the Southern Sudan’s army and the population in Panyijiar County because of such harassments perpetuated on the pretext of disarming the county’s civil population.

She further added that on the 30th of April, in Mayom County, the compound of popular Nuer spiritual leader, known as GatDeang, was stormed by the army with the same pretext of disarming him. His son and two aides were wounded in the process while GatDeang’s whereabouts were not known, she added.

“GatDeang is a very peaceful spiritual leader who has always been preaching about peace among the people of Unity state and even with their neighboring Dinka communities in the adjacent states,” Mrs. Teny explained.

She condemned the harassment of the spiritual leader, saying there was no justification at all to harass such a peace-loving and peace-maker personality in the state and called on the state authorities to free him immediately if he was under its custody.

Mrs. Teny earlier said she would neither “accept” nor “recognize” the declared winning of her SPLM rival, Taban Deng Gai, saying the election result was “rigged” and “untrue.”

About 95% of preliminary results counted in the eight of the nine states showed that Mrs. Teny was ahead of Gai by 24,000 extra votes with the exception of the least populated County of Parieng which registered voters were not expected to have exceeded 10,000.

However, in the last two extra added polling days the figures began to dramatically change, throwing doubts that they were inflated in favor of the incumbent by the NEC local officials in Bentiu.

After securing victory, Taban Deng called on his former rival, Angelina Teny, to accept the results.

He earlier denied any wrongdoings and that he was not ordering for any harassments or tortures in the state.

Three people were killed and several others were wounded on the day of announcement for Gai’s victory when the police responded to supporters of Mrs. Teny who came out of streets protesting against the locally announced victory for the incumbent.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state
    It seems that the lost independent candidate of Unity State want chaos and fight in this State. That spiritual leader with his family and the rest in Unity Statemust be disarm like others. Taban Deng Gai Oyeee, SPLM oyeee.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state
    I knew this would happen eventually when Taban was imposed again and allowed to rigged the elections. now the people of Unity state will know how nasty and tyrant is Taban Deng, he enjoys the full support of Kiir and he enjoy flogging the people of unity state in behave of his boss.he appoint himself and behave like a king in the state(when he go out for a visit at least he have to use 30 tatchers, five trucks full of soldiers, 5 trucks for the police, in contrast, Even kiir don’t do that). how can that lunatic be stopped?

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state
    the oil money(2%) is letting Taban to be cocky and show off his power. Now he started to harass the supporters of Angelina in the state. we know that he didn’t win the election but rigged them and Pariang is the county to blame, we have proves for that. if Madam Angelina Teny wants to take the case to court am sure that she can win unless the court is blinded and biased.

    by storming the house of GatDeeng , Taban is calling on himself all the forces whether human or heaven. since time immemorial, Gatdeeng was untouched and he is considered as revered spiritual leader not only in Mayom County but even in the states that have common border wih Mayom Such as Warad State. he is a peaceful leader who cares for all not his people a lone, for example some warap inhabitant left their homes and came to leave near him with their animals and families and they are untouched by those who have enmities with warap especially knowing that they are under protection of Gatdeeng.

    some readers may remember that Kiir pay him a visit in 2008 in his home and also Taban always visits him whenever he is in Mayom County and that shows his statue as a recognized spiritual leader.

    If the army want to disarm him, they should send some officers and talk to him personally he will not object, may be he will deliver the guns to them personally. but to go and attack him in his house that show disrespect, and injudiciousness.

  • Raan Naath
    Raan Naath

    Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state
    Hi Angelina,

    Taban will leave our state soon and he will go to his state in North Sudan. Taban is an Arab from North.

    He used the Unity state resources to enrich his Friend Kiir and poor Dinka in Warrab state.

    Unity state will reform soon after Taban left. Taban was defeated by Angelina with more than 24,000 votes.

    Taban Just grab the power like the dog which always grab the bone .

    If Taban will continue as a Governor in the Oil Rich state of Bentiu, the Unity state Citizens will not participate in his Government.

    Kiir is having big hand in Unity state destruction, by forcing the citizens to accept Taban who failed to delivered basic service to the people. If Taban is Southerner he can delivered the good services to people like other Governors in the South.

    Now i have a two question for Dinka Boy who always support the Arabs.

    1. If the South separated from the North, So are we going to keep the Arab in the power in the South?

    2.As people of South Sudan are calling Separation, Why Some Dinka are supporting an arab man In Unity state?

    these questions should be answere by Dinka Boy

    Just to inform the people of Southern Sudan that Dinka boy is an Arab blood like Taban in Unity state. These group wnat to take our Country back


  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Angelina raises concerns about humanitarian situation in Unity state
    wow,for how long shall southern sudanese who have differences of opinon with others keep going to khartoum. northern sudan has become refugee camp for most discontented south sudanese individuals who claimed themselves politician, yet they are not. one does not becomes a leader if he or she left behind those who are to be lead.it doesn’t makes one a concerns citizen to his or her compatriots.if you are patriotic person with goal in mind to make change for the better in your own country, then why running away instead you should stood your ground and challenge the other part politically face to face. i’m mentioning any names here figure it by yourself guys. i believe 2011 will be berlin wall to those who southerners who see north sudan as safe haven or an avenue of ploting the distruction of south sudan.to them, north sudan has became a place with freedom of press,as it was the case with American HOUSE-NIGROES who keep running back to slave-masters in the farm, after blacks were granted their freedom.

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