Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor

May 3, 2010 (JUBA) – A veteran senior officer in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) is reported to have joined the former army deputy chief of staff who has carried out deadly attack against the SPLA forces.

Brig. General John Jok Gai has reportedly joined Gen. George Athor Deng, who turned violent after losing the Jonglei state’s gubernatorial race to the incumbent governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk.

Brig. Gen. John Jok was a popular army officer during the formation of the SPLM/A in 1983 in Itang, Ethiopia, and was the officer in charge of the police stations in the residential area which accommodated most of the SPLM/A senior officers in 1980s.

He is the first Brig. General to be named after the Government of Southern Sudan’s statements suspecting about seven Brig. Generals who have sided with Gen. George Athor.

Other generals are suspected to be mostly from Gen. Athor’s home area and have a coordination in many areas in Jonglei state.
Brig. Gen. John Jok was recently deployed in Wau, Western Bahr el-Ghazal as deputy in charge of the police force in the state.

He was also the former Commissioner of Nyirol County of Jonglei state and was removed by a presidential decree two years ago.
His family members told Sudan Tribune that they have confirmed that he is no where to be known. He has since two weeks ago cut off his phone lines.

Wild spread rumors in Bor town talk of Gen. George Athor warning the town residents to leave the town until May 8 dateline, or face the consequences of his imminent attacks.

He is also reported to have recruited former SPLA unconfirmed officers and foot soldiers on his side and already promoted some of them.

Gen. Athor possesses a number of pick up trucks and ammunition depots, according to security sources, who said the number of his forces could have now reached about nearly a thousand.

His exact location is not known as of now since his withdrawal from his home town, Khorfulus. Military analysts say his recent denial on phones about his innocent on the Doleib attacks was just a maneuvering tactic.



  • Dengka

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Dear readers,
    George Athor has the right to fight incumbent governor as he was only in favor by NEC and SPLM political Bureau. I would like to encourage others to join George Athor since he is claiming his rights and want to governs his citizens. Go a head George Athor and we are planning another attack in Unity State – Bentiu. God bless you for being braved.

    Thank to John Jok for backing up his colleague George Athor since South Sudan government believes on destroyers not the populars people.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    that is disturbing news and unfortunate for the south. at the beginning i thought that may be the incident was small scale and can be solve easily but it seems that it has larger dimensions.

    if a number of SPLA Generals joined LT general George Athor Deng as exemplified by this report to start a rebellion and a fight escalated ,no one in the south could be blamed except Kiir Mayardit and his colleges in the political bureau because they were the ones who messed avery systematic democracy to a dictatorship practice by handle picking those they favor while leaving out those who were selected by the electoral colleague and the constituents who were very popular.

    in addition, during the election, the party acted rather foolishly by treating the independent candidates as enemies and intimidate them, and eventually, rigged the results in favor of those unpopular candidates and now we have a looming war due to that foolishness.

  • Takpiny

    /Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    The disaster is coming again after south Sudan’s almost to achieve it long term aim which is self determinations. Kiir Mayardit and his hand pick corrupted government must watch out to bring a wise solutions on this matter before things get worse.
    Mr George A. Deng and his flower have right but I am not support the way they claimed their right,because democracy is all about to win the mind of people to vote for you and not about to kill them , please Mr G. A Deng look beyond do not squeal your good record for fighting a loser war which will not benefit you as well as people of south Sudan .

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Such an illiterate political move of Lam Akol and his military wing under Mr. Athor is totally disloyalty and power greediness.
    We will not tolerate such a foolish rebellion and betrayal act despise your contribution during the war Mr.Athor! As a brother and comrade who contribute to freedom of southern Sudan we wish you reverse such shameful and crazy insurgence otherwise we are running-out words Mr. Athor and Lam!

    Arab through Lam Akol is another severe war that need attention and action!

  • voice of junubin
    voice of junubin

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Gen. Athor should not be blamed coz KIIR and his gogrial group are trying to dictate southerners by making many unpopular decisions as if they own the whole of southern sudan.The only way will be to use fire to quell kiirs greed for power.Acts like the recent bor officers retirement will forever haunt kiir and the president shoukd not be suprised to hear some jonglei own sons following john jok and athor.kiir should come to his senses and treat others with respect!I on the other hand george should think of his 20 yrs in the bush ,it gonna end up in waste,he should wait for 2011 and i will 100% support any war against kiir.

  • Marco Nyak
    Marco Nyak

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Dear Southerner Sudanese;

    You all not mature enough to be democratic or even to hold election, how do you even think of election? any and every political differences has to be settle through arm. the only language you all know is fight fight and fight.


  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor

    your ignorant seems to defy logic and facts, who told you that those independent candidates are power hungry? there were some indendent candidates who contest the elections based on the requests by their constituents because they were popular. i think the little void mind that that you have will not deny that every one has a right as a citizen in the country to contet and compete in the election let alot being heavy weigh personality as independent candidate.
    you know that independent candidates were were harassed,intimidated, and tortured and eventually were cheated and their results which were higher than those crooks and thieves you are defending.
    and if you can not understand words let me give you a visual image to prove that you should consider you thinking skills and reasoning

    as for unity state voter counting, let me give you the preliminary results which were announced in the present of each party and independent candidates which had candidate in the election. the results of of the eight counties was announced as the following for the forunners , Taban and Angelina

    Angelina, 17,079(mayom),14,232(rubkona),10376(panyiyar),6793(Koch),7053(mayiandit), 785(Abeinnom), 9243(Ler),2919(Guit). 0(pariang withheld).

    5008(mayom), 11,809( rubkona,)3105(panyiyar),2121(Koch), 2166(mayiandit),3602(Abiennom), 3443(Leer)12854(guit), 0(pariang withheld).

    these are the results as per each county, if you little head know how to count you can find how many votes for each candidate.

    when your little bastard Taban saw that he lost the elections he run to the local radio and urge them to announce him the winner although he lost the lection. before that he storm the local NEC and ask them to inflate his numbers.

    and the only place that was not announce was panaruuor pariang county which can not exceed any county of the above in terms of voters it is the least populated in the state.

  • Kur

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    These people who want to derail the referendum process need to be crashed. They are no more than the devil. They have evil conscience of those who drink the blood of their own people.


  • Santino Nuan
    Santino Nuan

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Cursed and cursed to dead Gen. George Athor. I cannot understand how stupid this immoral SPLA officer could lost moral and commit this deadly rebellion in this critical time when enemy is denying Southerners right to exist. Goerge will die before he sees the PROMISED NATION of blacks right like others crazy wariors who turned Kalangshikov against their co-southerners. What has gone wrong for Athor to rebel against the anticpated promised independent South Sudan?

    Whether Salva Kiir’s Government is bad or not, we are breathing slowly to let dream of our martyrs come true in 2011. There is no meaningful way for Athor to defend his rebellion in this critical time when Southerners are badly denied of their dignity. Look Arabs in the north, did they one day take arm rebellion against Omer Al Bahir despite numerous genocidal crime labelled against President Omer Al Bashir? I think their leaders are wise and not power-hunry like our leaders.

    Athor’s rebellion would cause him thing he would have not imagined before. Athor cannot be trusted with good leadership because of his pasts. He blackmailed people of Atar and had them killed like fish while SPLA did not make him accountable. He should have been arrested right away like Gen. Mammur Moboto if SPLA military intelligent was doing its job. How come a General and leutenant in rank possessed thausands of cattle at home gaurded by Country’s official soldeirs? Athor’s behaviour was beyond Somalized kind of warlod’s behavior. Better for him to surrender at right time before Korfulous could tunr into unremember area in South Sudan history.

  • Akuma

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    People have really confuse in Sudan. if you are can ask yourself now. What make you to be veteran? Both can pay deaf ears because they were fighting Arabs to have freedom rather than Conflict among Southerners.

    What develop this election fighting is to grape people’s money because they take as their sources of eradicating poverty people in Sudan are in poverty world.
    We need to answer what took our part of our bodies away before we take decision.
    Dr. Akuma,
    Chicago, USA

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Some people are already taking their food a way from their mouth. Let us wait and see .

  • Controller

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    Dear Readers
    Lt. General George Athor Deng and many other Generals who joined him have right to fight for their right for several reasone:
    First of all. LT. General George Athor Deng won the the election in Jonglei state for governor position.

    Lt. General George Athor Deng is supposed to be next governor of Jonglei State.

    However, the SPLA/SPLM turned him down to be a looser in favor of incumbent governor Kuol Manyang.
    Everone know that especially coward Dink Bors that LT. General George Athor Deng won the election of Jonglei State like Queen Angelina Teny in Unity State, LT. General Dau in NBG Region, LT. Gatluak Deng in Upper Nile and many General independent candidates from Greaters Equateria.
    SPLA/SPLM turned these independent candidates down thinking that they don’t have power to do anything to SPLA.

    Well, I think the SPLA misculculated it wrongly.

    These independent candidates Generals have soldiers who support them in SPLA/ SPLM who will soon join them in just a matter of time.

    These independent candidates Generals fought very hard for freedom.

    Salva Kiir and Pagan Amum have no right to turned down these freedom fighters by tealing their victory and gave to the coward ones like Taban Deng Gai and Kuol Manyang who have never been in frontline during the fighting with enemy Arabs.

    SPLA/ SPLM must be changed and LT. General George Athor Deng and many other Generals will change it very soon.

    This country gonna run red with blood in just a matter of time, unless Salva Kiir step up and give back these independent candidates their victory of the election that he steal from them.
    Thank you all.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Another veteran senior army officer joins Independent candidate Gen. Athor
    I do not think fighting is the solution for all problem in Southern Sudan. let only leave that for our common enemy NIF. we have been fghting with jalaba 21 years and at the end two side sign win-win agreement.If Athor and Koul were having conflict before God knows i donot think that this seat of governorship is more then bieng general in Army.
    God be with South Sudan let not be like that of 1992 which let us back to square zero.

    Remember Mazlum Batallion

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