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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report

May 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) is leaning towards picking the chairman of SPLM-Democratic Change Lam Akol as the new foreign minister to replace Deng Alor from the mainstream Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) dominant in the semi-autonomous Southern region, according to a newspaper report.

Chairman of SPLM-Democratic Change Lam Akol
Chairman of SPLM-Democratic Change Lam Akol
The NCP achieved a landslide victory in the elections concluded last month giving it a comfortable majority allowing it to form the new government without requiring a coalition with another party.

Akol was Sudan’s foreign minister starting in the year 2005 when he was still a member of the SPLM until the latter demanded that the NCP replace him with Alor.

The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) provided for the formation of a national unity government consisting mainly of the NCP (52%) and SPLM (28%) and other smaller parties.

However, the coalition was marked by tension between the former foes and dominance by the NCP in the decision making process within the government.

Since the signing of the peace agreement, the foreign ministry post was allocated to the SPLM in agreement with the NCP.

Akol was seen as too close to the NCP and thus spelled out positions during his tenure that differed from those of the SPLM. He has been a staunch opponent of the International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The independent Al-Tayar newspaper said that presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen Al-Attabani has agreed to allowing Akol to NCP’s choice after he was originally nominated for this post.

Such a choice will likely infuriate the SPLM which has been at odds with Akol since his establishment of a breakaway party with the same name.

Akol ran against SPLM chairman Salva Kiir for South Sudan presidency as a lone challenger.

Kiir won the presidential race in the south with 93% majority promoting Akol to challenge the elections in court saying they have been rigged.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Good luck Dr Lam Akol.
    The ministry position is not NCP position,so SPLM will allowed his favorite member but not traitor who was once expelled out because of his mishandling of his office. Go and aply for another job but not ministry job because you have very little knowledge about the interest of South Sudan. You only know El Bashier and the NCP in Khartoum. Sorry!

  • parajok

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Dinka or Muonyjang your greedy will cost you everythings! not only Garang is life, but also isolation by all Southerners or Sudanese in general.


  • babadit

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Dictator Lam Akol had been sponsored by the NCP against SPLM snd now that he failed the Election, according to their agreement he should be given what they sgreed for.
    So southerners must watch this with a very kind heart, Trator has now joined NCP in open brode Day light

  • Kur

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Let’s wait and see whether Lam will deliver his boss from the ICC. Desperate criminals will try everything to survive but I am afraid they’ve limited choices. It is just a matter of time but Bashir will soon find himself languishing in jail leaving his servants, Lam and Bona Malual, in anguish forever. Poor idiots! They think that they can also cheat international criminal laws.


  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report

    Funny thing. The NCP should distance itself from those southerners who are not liked by southerners if it is intelligent and wants a really unity. ( unity = 7% & separation = 93% ).

  • 1-1

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Lam Akol shouldn,t become a foreign minister in the Government of sudan through the SPLM ticket, therefore lam should wait his party to succeed to grant him ministerial position and the ticket must remain pending for SPLM not the so called SPLM-DC, in oder Mr Lam Akol to be soundful is to stand firm with SPLM and follow the rules of high command to bring you up though you are so to reach high command.

  • Omujwok

    Lam Akol favorite to become Sudan’s foreign minister in upcoming gov’t: report
    Let NCP pick Lam Akol for this post. He’s been loyal to them and has betrayed southern Sudan for years. Let us focus on the big mission ahead; our new country that will be born in 2011.

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