Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap

May 5, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Tribal fighting over livestock in southern Sudan state of Warrap resulted in killing some 26 people , the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) said on Wednesday.

“Nuer coming from Mayom county (in the southern state of Unity) attacked Dinka in (neighbouring) Warrap state. Eleven Nuer were killed and 15 Dinka,” said Malaak Auyen Ajok, SPLA spokesperson

“This involved fighting over livestock,” he said.

In 2009, the two states witnessed a similar tribal clash when armed Dinka cattle raiders attacked a nearby Payam in Mayom County inhabited by a section of the Nuer ethnic group in Unity state, resulting in looting of 1,500 head of cattle belonging to a Nuer spiritual leader.

Clashes between Dinka and Nuer ethnic groups last January in Warrap state left at least 139 people dead. The fighting, purportedly over cattle, also left at least 90 wounded and several thousand head of cattle looted.

Neighboring communities in Warrap and Unity states had been experiencing minor retaliatory clashes over cattle, but the recent clashes are seen as more severe.



  • kumkan

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    Yep, more attacks are coming soon so be ready my Dinka foes.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    Another attack for the thousand time between Unity state and warap, 26 lives lost again and before that hundreds and even thousands. my questions are, where is the police? where is the SPLA? how come this sad story continue like that without any solution? does anyone have a clue on how to solve that problem not only between unity and warap but in all south?

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    Bar Alqhzal is a goood place for gangs. You can get rich easy and quekly.

    The land where everybody has his own law. You can attack whoever, wherever, and whenever you feel you want to attack your enemy.

    Haaaaaa.That’s bullshit. This is a dog’s live.

  • Controller

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    Incorrect report

    I talked to one of my friend in Mayom county of Nuer, and told me that only one Nuer Warriors was wounded and 26 of them who died are all coward Dinkas.

    Remember cowardic Dinkas, Nuer Warrior don,t die when they are attacking people like you, because Nuer Warriors don,t die from the bullet of coward Dinkas.

    I would like to see the Nuer Warriors burning down that state of Warrap before the end of this year.


  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    Dinka the largest tribe in Sudan not even Southern Sudan and the third largest tribe in Africa after Hawsa of Nigeria and Oromo of Ethiopia never offend any of his minor tribes in Southern Sudan except jalaba only in the North which is our traditional enemy.God let it not happen that one day Great Dinka call thier elders from all corners and paln to offend any of her brothers in South Sudan, if it happen then that will be like that of Rawanda between Tutsi and Hutu in 1994.I hate that initiation of tribal conflict, even our gandfathers were not like that and they were having more cows then ours and never loot each other although they were not educated like us now.
    Brother let preach for peace not internal problem and wait for our common foe the so called Arab who want to grab pure African land to settle palestian in the part they take. Do you know that secret.Watch outside thebox and see the long term strategy our enemy is about let not bother with our internal conflict.
    Anticipation/predict the future of Southern Nation.

    Remember Mazlum Battalion

  • Michel Fleury
    Michel Fleury

    26 people killed in tribal clashes over livestock in Warrap
    From Mgr Desmond Tutu:
    “If we are truly to understand that God loves all of us, we must recognize that he loves our enemies… God’s love is too great to be confined to any one side of a conflict or to any one religion. And our prejudices, regardless of whether they are based on religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or anything else, are absolutely and utterly ridiculous in God’s eyes.
    In war, for example, we keep score of our casualties and their casualties to see who is winning. God only sees His dead children, and these statistics hide the mourning and suffering of the mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers of those who have been killed. We become unable to see their dead as we mourn our own….

    Perhaps only when we care about each other’s dead can we truly learn to live in the same world together without our irrational prejudices and hatred. Perhaps this will be possible when we eventually realize that God has no enemies, only family.” (“God has a dream” p. 46)

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