Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan to re-conduct census in Southern Kordofan s

May 10, 2010 — Sudanese official from the presidency, census commission and Southern Kordofan governor and his deputy discussed today final arrangements related to the reconduct of census in the state during the months of May and June in order to organize regional elections there..

An enumerator from the Sudan Commission for Census and Statistical Evaluation, right, interviews a family on the opening day of Sudan's 5th National Population and Housing Census in Khartoum, April 22, 2008.
An enumerator from the Sudan Commission for Census and Statistical Evaluation, right, interviews a family on the opening day of Sudan’s 5th National Population and Housing Census in Khartoum, April 22, 2008.
Last January, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in southern Kordofan state contested the results of the fifth census of 2008 saying the counting was partially conducted in the state and that the geographical constituencies were determined unfairly.

The census, which is used to draw up constituency boundaries, had missed out large areas occupied by SPLM supporters, said Abdel Aziz Hilu, leading SPLM member and deputy governor of southern Kordofan last January.

Today’s meeting identified the time frame for reconducting the census during the months of May and next June, in order to determine dates and detailed timetable related to the procedures and financial budgets which would be discussed at the next meeting, said Ahmed Haroun, the state governor following the meeting.

His deputy governor, al-Hilu, stressed that the two peace partners are cooperation very well in the state, he also pledged to keep working with the NCP for the success of the census and programs or plans for Southern Kordofan.

The SPLM and the NCP had agreed that the Southern Kordofan would only participate in April 2010 elections on the national level only. The elections for the state assembly and governor position would be conducted after the re-count of Southern Kordofan.



  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Sudan to re-conduct census in Southern Kordofan s
    This steps of recounting or re-registering the voters should be taken place in various parts of SouthernSudan,to eliminate the doubt of the masses that the election is rigged and the independent contestants has to assort to their miltia miltary power.At the contrary,SPLM/A cadres,who are not from SouthernSudan proved their patriotism,and pressured the NCP Government to accept their demands.

    Are we keen about the future of our liberation struggle commrades?!Those who are from the other regions??!!Do we consider them,or look at them, the same way we look our South-Sudanese Liberators??!! No and we will never aknowledge our mistakes against our fellows NUBAS,just because of our foolish tribal pride.How about those who we misused during the war and abandoned after what we achieved politically…The Malakias and the Arabs of SPLA…..What a shame!!!!!!!!

    We have to learn from our commrades in Nuba Mountains,before it be too late……


    Sudan to re-conduct census in Southern Kordofan s
    Please Nubians this time try to stand on your feet never be explioted again by the Jalabas. You are the only tribe who still holds the name of the Nilotic do not let us down by being divided among yourslef by Jalabas; Nuba Arabs and Nuba Muslims and Christians and so…………..forth.
    Nuba Mountains is the only African place in Sudan that has not yet been utterly liberated. No one will do your work; do it yourself without blaming others.

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