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Sudan Tribune

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Peacekeepers will react toughly to Darfur gunmen – Gambari

May 11, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Peacekeepers will react robustly to defend themselves if they are attacked in the restive region of Darfur, the head of the hybrid mission said today.

Tripartite Meeting on UNAMID in Addis Abeba. Main participants, from left to right: UNAMID JSR Ibrahim Gambari, Representative of GoS General Matound Al Badawi, African Union (AU) Commision for Peace and Security Ambassador Lamamra Ramtane, USG DPKO Alain LeRoy, Head of AU Liaison Office in Sudan Ambassador Mahmoud Kane, May 10, 2010. (Photo UNAMID - Olivier Chassot)
Tripartite Meeting on UNAMID in Addis Abeba. Main participants, from left to right: UNAMID JSR Ibrahim Gambari, Representative of GoS General Matound Al Badawi, African Union (AU) Commision for Peace and Security Ambassador Lamamra Ramtane, USG DPKO Alain LeRoy, Head of AU Liaison Office in Sudan Ambassador Mahmoud Kane, May 10, 2010. (Photo UNAMID – Olivier Chassot)
The joint African Union-United Nations mission in Darfur (UNAMID), deployed since January 2008, lost 24 personnel killed in ambush or attacks. Also, several members of the mission had been abducted or briefly detained.

In a meeting of the tripartite mechanism held in Addis Ababa on Monday, Sudan once again pledged to take all the necessary measures to guarantee the safety of the peacekeepers as the government is responsible of their protection.

“(As) UNAMID we are going to be very strict in terms of a robust position so that people will be discouraged from even attempting to attack us,” Ibrahim Gambari, head of UNAMID and the AU-UN Joint Special Representative in Darfur, said in an interview with UN Radio on Tuesday.

“We also want to make it clear that an attack on international peacekeepers is a war crime, a violation of international criminal law,” he added.

When he arrived to Sudan last January, Gambari said there is no peace to keep in Darfur but a peace to make. He pledged to involve the UNAMID in different activities aiming to help ongoing efforts to make peace reality on the ground through humanitarian, rehabilitation and reconstruction as well as supporting local initiatives in this respect.

However the increasing attacks on the mission and its personnel besides the growing tension between the government and Darfur rebel groups seemingly are hampering his plans.

Earlier this year unidentified gunmen attacked and disarmed a convoy sent to Jebel Marra to assess the humanitarian needs. Sudan accused the UNAMID of collaboration with the rebels. Also rebel groups blame the mission for its silence on the attacks carried by the government army. In addition they say the peacekeepers do not protect the civilians.

In accordance with the UNAMID mandate, the peacekeepers have to support the Sudanese government in the protection of civilians but also Khartoum has to ensure the security of the blue helmets.

The tripartite meeting this week was dedicated to the security and safety of the peacekeepers on the ground, particularly after the killing of two Egyptian peacekeepers in South Darfur last week.

“The Government has assured us that they will do their best to enhance the security of our staff,” Gambari said.

Reacting to the decision of the rebel JEM to suspend its participation in the Doha peace talks, he urged the two sides to resume the negotiations adding there was no other alternative to the signing of a ceasefire agreement the two parties were discussing.


1 Comment


    Peacekeepers will react toughly to Darfur gunmen – Gambari
    The Government has assured us that they will do their best to enhance the security of our staff,” Gambari said.

    Who will enhance the security of the innocent civilians, failed Gambari. UNMAID is there because governemnt of Sudan kills its own civilians; so do you expect the governemnt to protect them. The governemnt will protect them when UNMAID start killing the civilians my dear.

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