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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM

By Julius N. Uma

May 14, 2010 (JUBA) — The South-based ruling Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) will offer no room for negotiations aimed at delaying conduct of the much-hyped referendum for a possible Southern independence, a senior party member has warned.

Pagan Amum
Pagan Amum
Mr. Pagan Amum, the SPLM Secretary General made these remarks upon arrival from a consultative meeting organized by the African Union (AU), during which he tabled party issues on the forthcoming referendum earmarked for January 2011.

“Any attempts to delay the referendum shall threaten the enduring peace,” Amum reportedly told the AU meeting.

According to the SPLM Secretary General, the entire African continent as well as members of the international community have embarked on a coordinated effort to ensure that Sudan’s referendum, a key requirement of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, is not only a peaceful, free and fair, but also a smooth transition that respects the right and interest of all concerned citizens.

“In short, any delay in the referendum is non-negotiatable, and if all efforts are coordinated, then the referendum will go on well without incidences and Sudan will continue to move on its path to total democratic transformation,” he said.

In recent months, the Southern ruling party accused their northern counterparts of using delaying tactics; a move it (SPLM) thinks will delay the entire referendum exercise.

On Wednesday, several leading US lawmakers on Wednesday called upon their congressional colleagues to refocus on Sudan’s instability, saying it was a critical moment for Africa’s largest country ahead of the forthcoming referendum.

American lawmakers called for the urgent need to help shape the Obama administration’s policy on Sudan, re-echoing Mr. Scott Gration, the US envoy to the country’s concern of the referendum being behind schedule.

In Khartoum, a leading member of the Sudanese opposition and Juba alliance, Farouk Abu Eissa, rapped the resolutions of the AU meeting saying it aims at implementing an American scheme to divide Sudan.

“This meeting did not take into account the interests of Sudan but had been used to put Sudan under US mandate” he said in comments to Al-Ray Alam daily newspaper. He added that the US administration wanted to replace Scott Gration with the former South African President Thabo Mbeki to pave the way for South Sudan separation through the gate of Africa.

The two ruling parties in northern and southern Sudan were the only Sudanese forces invited to attend the meeting as observers.

Mbeki was today in Juba for talks with the southern Sudan government president Salva Kiir Mayadrit on the border demarcation and the formation of referendum commission.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM

    The ringleader of self-determination for South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon will never let it happen on his watch. The referendum must be done on time or else.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM
    Thanks to Pagan Amum. We can not afford the delayment of referendum as well the consultation of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain. NCP need to undestand that without proper respect of South referendum and the consultation of our two respected State,then we will go to square root of one. Blue and Mountain states are more important then other food lovers in the South. Dr Garang Mabior plus CdR Yussef Kuwa plus SPLA knows Nuba moutain and Blue Nile. Undermining those two referedum means war.

  • Kur

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM
    Who is this guy called Farouk? Please swallow your idiocy. The Americans did not fight in South Sudan to bring us where we are today. The people of South Sudan and other marginalised people of Sudan established the CPA through their blood. Forget about your rubbish Sudan. The interest of those who been suffering for decades at the evil hands in Khartoum is more important than a stupid country built on the basis of religious fanatics. The referendum must take place on its appointed time. Even a one minute delay is never acceptable.


  • babadit

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM
    Daer All

    Southerners and the SPLM are more serious than any thing else coming to the issues to do with the referendum,we are more committed and prepared to face the challeges ahead of us.
    Let the North just try what they can this time no one will listen to them but rather we can course papular upraising to declear Unilateral Independence for the south

  • Gatwech

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM
    Dear readers,

    I am glad, though cautious, that Pagan Amum is trying or pretending to look like a real nationalist southerner for separation (lasting political freedom) and defense of the people’s referendum on independence.

    This communist semi-illiterate Garang’s adopted singer boy, Amum, has been reckless like undisciplined child in his low understanding of real politics. He thinks politics is all about making contradictory noises irrespective of their consequences based on analytical understanding.

    Very good that the man was humiliated in the recent polling on sudantribune where about 12,000 people voted. The voting was about who should be the successor to Salva Kiir Mayardit.

    The man (Amum) who thought he owned the SPLM as the only living clever child of late John Garang was beaten by a very wide margin by Dr. Riek Machar within the first day of the voting.

    By Saturday, Dr. Machar climbed very fast and reached 43% while Amum was trailing far behind with only 33%.

    By Sunday Dr. Machar reached 46% while Amum dropped to 32% despite getting most of his votes from northern unionists.

    This I guess prompted the Sudan tribune administration to stop the polling probably at the request of Amum’s supporters who did not want to continue with the expected humiliation.

    I believed that if the internet voting was given another two more days like what happened during the recent elections, Dr. Machar would have reached 60% while Amum would have dropped to 20%. Unfortunately may be Pagan Amum complained to the internet moderator and called it a quit!

    The other so-called popular leaders were far behind and humiliated with Yasser Arman getting only 5%, Deng Alor Kuol, 9% and Malik Agar 6% of the 12,000 votes cast.

    The votes have proved that Dr. Riek Machar is the most popular and preferred SPLM official to take over from Salva Kiir Mayardit.


    As I was watching Pagan Amum on SSTV satelite channel yesterday with my American girl friend, something reckless appeared in his eyes. His eye balls were ever moving left and right uncontrollably.

    I asked my girlfriend why was his eyes rolling like this while he was trying to give a statement on SPLM meetings in Juba.

    My girlfriend made me laugh when she told me that according to her psychology studies, those whose eyes move in that uncontrollable reckless way are usually liars.


    She could be right!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM
    Dear Southerners,

    Who did not used Nuer?
    The reasons why Nuer feel happy about the defect of general Athor against SPLM.

    They have to know that we Dinka are no that fool like them whereby evertbody can fall in the dirty game of individual like the way traitor Riek Machar fools them before against SPLM to keep supporting our great enemy Arab North.
    Naath must know that your dream of conflict among Dinka will not come because we reason beyond the wall and that help us not to fall the wrong doers.

    For example, we defeated the militia especially Nuer who was brought by Karbino Kuanyin- Lt general Mathok and the rest chased him away. Why not the whole Twic west not join his militia? it’s because we don,t support wrong doers.
    Also, Twic East did not followed Lt general Arok Thon Arok- it’s because we don,t support wrong doers. Now, Dinka ngok is not going to support general Athor only his sectional will support and that is becuase we don,t support wrong doers.

    The only people who support our( Dinka) wrong doers are Nuer because they hust go with the follow. They are easily influence tribe whereby Dinka defect and used them. Who did not used them? Bashier used them, Karbino used them, Nyuon Bany used them, Wurnayang used them, Ngundeeng used them, Lam Akol used them, Riek Machar used them( he finished Lou), Athor is now using them. Even me, i will still used them in the future.
    Yes, Naath are celebrating the media fabrication thinking that Dinka will fight themselve,but that will not happened.

    How many Nuer section defect during the war? 7 section of defects.
    Paulino matip with his own forced( employed by Bashier), Riek Machar and Lam with his own militia, Gatdet with his own, Tanganyang and Chebetek with their own militia.

    Haaaaa, if Dinka plus our belove Blue and Nuba and few others,then we would be in Bashier ass. Othewiser say a men to Dinka and the few others for liberating South Sudanese. We formed about 24 battalions by ourselves and we offer our lives till 2005. George other will be alone because he is wasting his time with those militia of Nuer who can killed him anytime as a revenge.

  • Gatwech

    No negotiations for referendum date delay, says SPLM

    I am glad, though cautious, that Pagan Amum is trying or pretending to look like a real nationalist southerner for separation (lasting political freedom) and defense of the people’s referendum on independence.

    This communist semi-illiterate Garang’s adopted singer boy, Amum, has been reckless like undisciplined child in his low understanding of real politics. He thinks politics is all about making contradictory noises irrespective of their consequences based on analytical understanding.

    Very good that the man was humiliated in the recent polling on sudantribune where about 12,000 people voted. The voting was about who should be the successor to Salva Kiir Mayardit.

    The man (Amum) who thought he owned the SPLM as the only living clever child of late John Garang was beaten by a very wide margin by Dr. Riek Machar within the first day of the voting.

    By Saturday, Dr. Machar climbed very fast and reached 43% while Amum was trailing far behind with only 33%.

    By Sunday Dr. Machar reached 46% while Amum dropped to 32% despite getting most of his votes from northern unionists.

    This I guess prompted the Sudan tribune administration to stop the polling probably at the request of Amum’s supporters who did not want to continue with the expected humiliation.

    I believed that if the internet voting was given another two more days like what happened during the recent elections, Dr. Machar would have reached 60% while Amum would have dropped to 20%. Unfortunately may be Pagan Amum complained to the internet moderator and called it a quit!

    The other so-called popular leaders were far behind and humiliated with Yasser Arman getting only 5%, Deng Alor Kuol, 9% and Malik Agar 6% of the 12,000 votes cast.

    The votes have proved that Dr. Riek Machar is the most popular and preferred SPLM official to take over from Salva Kiir Mayardit.


    As I was watching Pagan Amum on SSTV satelite channel yesterday with my American girl friend, something reckless appeared in his eyes. His eye balls were ever moving left and right uncontrollably.

    I asked my girlfriend why was his eyes rolling like this while he was trying to give a statement on SPLM meetings in Juba.

    My girlfriend made me laugh when she told me that according to her psychology studies, those whose eyes move in that uncontrollable reckless way are usually liars.


    She could be right!

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