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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia signs new Nile treaty despite Egypt, Sudan opposition

May 14, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) — Four Nile basin states on Friday inked a new treaty on the equitable sharing of the Nile waters despite strong opposition from Egypt and Sudan who sweep over 85% of the river waters.

Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania, four of nine countries which stand to benefit from the arrangement, signed the agreement in the Ugandan town of Entebbe.

“This agreement benefits all of us and harms none of us,” said Ethiopia’s Water Resources Minister Asfaw Dingamo. “I strongly believe all Nile Basin countries will sign the agreement.”

Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo were not represented at the meeting; While Kenya issued a support statement.

The Nile Basin Initiative, which had been spearheading the talks, will now become the Nile Basin Commission and will receive, review and approve or reject projects related to Africa’s longest river.

Egypt has vowed to defend its water supply; calling its water supply a “red line” and threatening legal action should the process move forward.

“We regret the intentional and announced absence of our dear brothers from Egypt and Sudan,” said Stanislas Kamanzi, Rwanda’s water and lands minister at the signing of the treaty.

The upstream countries want to be able to implement irrigation and hydropower projects in consultation with Egypt and Sudan, but without Cairo being able to exercise the veto power it was given by a 1929 colonial-era treaty with Britain.
Yesterday, The European Union has urged seven Nile Basin countries to reconsider the signing of a new water sharing deal without prior agreement with Egypt and Sudan.

“It would not be a very good idea for seven countries to sign a document at this stage,” Marc Franco, who heads the European Union delegation, told a news conference in Cairo.

A separate deal would “make the political problems that exist worse,” added Franco, urging all countries concerned “to bridge the gaps” and “see what can be done to find a compromise.”

The water Nile is governed by two treaties. The 1929 agreement signed between Egypt and Great Britain (representing for colonies including Sudan), gave Cairo the right to veto projects higher up the Nile that would affect its water share.

The other document is the 1959 agreement, between Egypt and Sudan. It gave Egypt the right to 55.5 billion cubic meters of Nile water a year and Sudan 18.5 billion cubic meters per year.

The new agreement would replace a 1959 accord between Egypt and Sudan. The seven upstream countries have been negotiating for years with Egypt and Sudan to clinch a more equitable agreement but talks have failed to produce any fruit.

The upstream countries say past treaties are unfair and they want an equitable water-sharing agreement that would allow for more irrigation and power projects.

Egypt and Sudan are sticking to colonial-era pacts which give them over 85% of the Nile water. The two countries say the upstream countries have other sources of water while Egypt gets all its water needs from the Nile. Cairo also projects possible shortages by 2017.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Ethiopia signs new Nile treaty despite Egypt, Sudan opposition

    The Mighty Ethiopia will not only lead the move, but confront the arabized Nubian gov’t/NIF and its ally in all mean necessary.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Ethiopia signs new Nile treaty despite Egypt, Sudan opposition
    Britain Time had gone Please.

    Egypt and Sudan must accept a new Water Deal which would make all Countries to benefit from the Shares, abolishing Egypt Vito is very important, Egypt should know that it has no power to Vito on Water issue .
    South Sudan should be included in the Share.

  • solo

    Ethiopia signs new Nile treaty despite Egypt, Sudan opposition
    All Ethiopians fully support the right to use our river.But do we have the nationalist leader who can deal this effectively ? The answer is no, Melese he get another ball to play poletics in the future to come

  • Othogomoi

    Ethiopia signs new Nile treaty despite Egypt, Sudan opposition
    I like it very much, when i heard that Four Nile Basin State signed the agreement without presence of So Egypt & Sudan.this is a good step, for liberating African Nation from the colonial link, and Terrorist year South Sudan will secede & Support the initiatives, leave the terrorist alone.dont listen to them even when they calling for another agreement.only two states want to distablize the four Great African States.if they call for EU interfere, dont associate with them.
    let them know that African are now becoming strong.
    who say that the only source water for Egypt is river nile, while others have another sources, what about Red sea & Mediterenean sea(north Of Egypt)? are these sea not another sources.
    Let these confused & terrorist generation(Arabs Nation)know that African of today are the decision makers, not the one of the past who have been directed by colonial because of their illiteracy.

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