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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor

May 19, 2010 (JUBA) – Jonglei Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk has dismissed as “spread allegations” that defeated gubernatorial candidate George Athor Deng may attack the State capital, Bor.

Kuol Manyang Juuk (ST)
Kuol Manyang Juuk (ST)
Speaking to the Sudan Tribune by phone on Tuesday after taking the oath of office in Bor, Mr. Manyang said the “unity of our people” is paramount to attaining peace and “attract investors”.

“In order for us to stabilize and develop our state we need to promote security,” he said. “Security is above everything and we should not listen to allegations being broadcasted over radio about the advancement of Athor (Deng) to Bor and that he has heavy arms.”

“He has no arms,” he reaffirmed.

Mr. Manyang observed that Athor threats to attack Bor do not amount to causing panic among the town residents “because I can sit in my house and speak in my house that I will attack such a place and (media) broadcast”.

The governor calls for what he calls as “the unity of our people to maintain peace and prepare for referendum on self-determination due next January. On job creation, Kuol says “unemployment is insecurity. When we make peace, we make (our state) attractive for (foreign) investors.”

Southern Sudan minister of information rapped Miraya FM for airing an interview with George Athor, a former SPLA who rebelled after losing in gubernatorial elections in Jonglei last month.

During the interview, the renegade general threatened to attack Jonglei capital Jonglei.



  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor
    Governor Manyang Juuk we are proud for your adacity and great committement you had made to give a freedom to poeple of Southern Sudan. Keep up with your trac we are not listening to this malicious news for this criminal Called Athor Deng he is now worrying to come to your office to apologise but we know that you don,t play or joke with primtive people who dosen,t deserve aspect life for it people.When Athor report to your security force just send him to Juba to deserve his punishment under the current laws exists in South for his attitudes. Kur

  • Machingela gai
    Machingela gai

    Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor
    Media is the one that spectulating the news that Mr. Athor is possibly matching toward Bortown with the aim of toppling State’s Government and Undermining Southern government for its failed management as well. That is a political iniquity. It is good that you reasured State’s citizens through your position as governor, by clarifying those flying bias, non-existing news with no where to be found. The media and the wish foil individuals will never win devil’s heart. Let them wish what they wish without a major concern in the State. Give citizens some briefings on weekly basis in order for them to have a safety assurance on the matter.

    I Have to give you thank for the victory Mr. Koul Manyang.
    Welcome to the seat and impact citizens’ lives like you always do through you hard work. You give them what they did vote for you. Make sure you display your qualities in what they want you to do. Be a doer like you had been during the war, and that will make things easier for you and your subordinates, likewise.

  • Controller

    Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor
    To Coward Dinka Bors
    Wy don’t you go and fight with LT. General George Athor instead of talking like women? Look at you coward Dinka Bors with stupid mark that look like chicken legs on your faces.

    Folks no Dinkas commanders from SPLA can fight with LT. General George Athor Deng, unless is from Nuer, Shuluk or Greater Equatoria.


  • Gai Kuol Deng
    Gai Kuol Deng

    Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor
    Congratulations Mr Governor.

    The priorities you have outlined are the key to any nation to prosper, please go ahead and God bless your tenure in office.

    I thank the great people of Jonglei for electing you to finish the total liberation of our country.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Jonglei governor dismisses allegations of probable attack on Bor

    Indeed George Athor needs Medication; How can he terrorize the very people he wants to rule. His repeated statements (“I will attack Bor ” I will attack Bor “,I will attack Bor” ,I will attack Bor ” ,”I will attack Bor” ) tell me the guy is a real terrorist.

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