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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town

May 20, 2010 (JUBA) – The official spokesman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), has denied allegations that there was fighting in Malakal, the Upper Nile state’s capital on Wednesday.

Major General Kuol Deim Kuol described such allegations as incorrect. On Thursday a UN-sponsored Miraya FM radio broadcasted news that forces of the renegade General George Athor Deng had attacked the state capital, Malakal.

Kuol said what happened was an exchange of fire that took place and involved cattle raiders at a place called Anakdiar near the state capital.

He called on citizens of the state to continue their daily activities as usual without any fear.

Earlier Athor had warned the citizens of Bor town to leave the town before any imminent attack.

Kuol however downplayed the threat, saying Athor had no more than 100 soldiers and warned the renegade former SPLA Deputy Chief of Staff to stop the allegations or he could risk being crushed militarily.



  • king

    SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town
    Uncle Kuol Diem Kuol, there is no need of denying everything happened. Look you said it was exchanged of gun fire between cattle raiding so those news radio where not lying. They are trying to tell the true. Any exchange of gun fire in any kind of way is an attack. Uncle your government need to make peace instead you talking about military crushing. Any fighting going to happen amount will be failure to your government and it not going to give room to referendum put that one in mind. I don’t know why you don’t get. Look out side the box don’t look at military action in your nose. People who talk about military action I considered them to be idiots and fool. They need to think about the out come of military activities and time and insecurity it will brought and so forth. People need to think very deep or if you don’t have solutions for this conflict turn to the experts. We are here listen to us because You look you consumed by something else that make you choose the wrong path. Take care guys don’t mess up our chance of be come independent country. We already suffered for so long if this current government going to fail us again like the past government that is going to be a heart break indeed.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town
    Athor Deng is a poor hearted empty-headed general.

    Alligations or no alligations all the same since Athor Deng is no where to be trace, any body who hate peace may post any thing to the media centres as per their interest. This of course is a defemation which not acceptable and all the Southern Sudanese must destained themselves from all these loud alligation.

    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism and corruption.

  • thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny
    thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny

    SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town
    General Athor is a paper Tiger who has no ability to attack any town in Southern Sudan.But my advise is that,Maraya FM must stop airing news which may destablise the fragile region.IF they have nothing to broadcast,then they must stay in their homes with thier wifes

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town
    what is really good to hears this lleagtion news that a criminal has been confronted we like to see this crimnal to be kill soon

  • Gatwech

    SPLA refutes allegations of attacks on Malakal town
    Dear readers,

    Some Shilluk, Lou_Nuer, Murle and Dinka of Padang and Duk fighters have joined George Athor Deng already and supplying them with weapons.

    Athor’s tactics will one day destroy Bor town. Mark my words.

    The way GOSS handles the issue will be disasterous during rainy season.

    Athor’s forces are now around Duk Padiet, Panyigor and Nyirol in addition to Khorfulus areas.

    Just the next two weeks will be unpleasant unless peaceful means is achieved with him before the rainy season.

    Mark my words, folks!!!

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