Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile

By Ngor Arol Garang

May 23, 2010 (TURALEI) — Major General Kuol Deim Kuol, Spokesperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army has on Sunday dismissed reprisal engagement of forces allegedly loyal to Southern army with local population in southern state of Upper Nile, at Panyikango County in the Shilluk Kingdom.

This came following reports alleging that reprisal attacks on local population in the village of Obay, between Malakal town, capital of Upper Nile and Panyikango County, were orderly carried out by armed groups purportedly identified as SPLA forces angered by the death of a Paramount Chief named as Oyath who got killed by groups of unknown gunmen.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune from Juba, General Kuol said he does not have any information that SPLA forces have a conducted reprisal attack in the area in protest of the death of paramount chief.

“I do not have any information that our forces have clashed with civil population anywhere in Upper Nile state. The only information we have is that a paramount chief known to have been a strong supporter of the SPLM in the area has been killed by unknown gunmen yesterday on Saturday while returning to his home village from Malakal,” General Kuol said.

The deceased paramount chief, who is believed to have had strong relations with SPLA forces in the area as well as key leaders in the SPLM leadership, is reported to have been killed with eight others who were accompanying him in a vehicle described to have been Toyota double-cabin Hilux allegedly given to him by SPLM led government of Southern Sudan.

These relations with SPLA forces and key leaders of the SPLM leadership were however misconstrued and interpreted differently as betrayal of the Shilluk traditional and cultural beliefs hence reportedly warned not to collaborate with what his foes described as enemies of Shilluk existence.

As paramount chief of the area, he was involved in local mobilization against holding illegal arms and appeared to have favored voluntary disarmament. This engagement met with resisting voices from those who accused him to have led betrayal mission.

His involvement in this peaceful and voluntary disarmament by identifying individuals holding illegal arms was equally taken as betrayal for he was implementing administrative orders from the regional government circulated to all chiefs to actively participate in the civil disarmament.

The untimely death of the traditional Shilluk chief has been received with anguishes by most military and political leaders in the regional government hence prompted fear from local civil local to flee the scene.

However, General Alfred Akuoch, a key figure from the area who reportedly lost elections to SPLM-DC candidate alongside General Oyai Deng Ajak among others in the Shilluk Kingdom urged against fear of reprisal.

“The false information being speculated that SPLA forces will carry out attack in the village where the incident has taken place are manufactures of enemies of peace and Shilluk as a tribe,” General Akuoch told Sudan Tribune from Sudan.

Dismissing and describing them as “dreadful allegations”, he said government of southern Sudan in collaboration with Upper Nile state government will form a fact finding committee to investigate the killing instead of allegations of reprisal attack.



  • Peace Lover
    Peace Lover

    SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile
    The end of Donkey(DINKAS) regime is coming to final. The way they treat people is already turn around.

    Kiir last time said he will close the borders, so how will dinkas servive with the rebblion from every where?

    I know that the Dinka Boy and his family managed to run to the U.S, but what about the other Dinkas clan?

    Tomorrow you will hear that Miss Tony will rebble against Unity State(Taban Deng).

    The biggest will soon bomb in the southern capital with unknown general who disagreed with the Dinka administration(trible)

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile
    I don,t know what these sectional part of Shilluk who are the part of Dr Lam Akol-SPLM-Dc will get from killing of this great Paramount Chief named as Oyath. May God rest the soul of our great hero who just die in the hand of criminals.

    It means that most shilluk people conceived that SPLM-DC is their party,but they will not get asingle benefit from it because only Lam Akol own it as for his own benefits,but not the one of civilians or Shilluk.

    SPLM knows the curse communities in the South becasuse they are always in the opposite to the proggress of South Sudan.

    Dr Lam Akol is the worst enemy of South who deserved hang because his mind is jallaba.

  • king

    SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile
    Please we need peace in the South Sudan. Don’t let any temptation driven us away from our main goal which is independent of the south Sudan. We are just inches away from that goal. If it is a disarmament is a problem why you leave it until the right time to do it after independent of the south Sudan. GoSS or splm/a need to be careful the way they handle any issue concerning civilians because they are the one who can blow it up into the point of no repair or reconciliation.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile
    Rabang Deng,

    I knew that you are from born empty community on how you reason. I believed you because that is how you and your nature were born- they are born empty and they will die empty. See, you are proud because Naath killed their own leaders. Wow!
    May God happy born empty community.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    SPLA dismisses reprisal clash with civilians in Upper Nile
    This is South Sudan we want to have under Kiir’s bad rule. May God rest the souls of those who were killed in peace. As we speak here now many SPLM-DC supporters from the Shilluk have been arrested in Malakal folowing the incident, including three MPs-elect. Many Shilluk youth are also being arrested by the SPLA MIs for more torture and traumatization. What a hell on earth the SPLA/M is creating in the Shilluk Kingdom!!!

    Please SPLA/M release those innocent people you arrested and go to search in the bush for those who killed the Paramount Chief; they are not living in town or the villages you burnt down. They are your own SPLA rebels! Leave the Shilluk civilians alone? What you are doing now is exactly or even worst than what the jellba army were doing to the shilluk people prior to the CPA. Please don’t increase the degree of hated with your oppression of the civilians. The consequences shall never be desirable if more reactions comes up.

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