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Sudan Tribune

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Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit

June 5, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The Ugandan president Yoweri Musevini asked Sudan to send any figure but president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to attend the African Union (AU) summit in Kampala next month.

Musevini.jpgAl-Bashir faces an outstanding arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges that he orchestrated massive war crimes allegedly committed in Darfur.

Uganda is one of 30 African countries that have ratified the Rome Statute making it legally obligated to arrest Bashir if present on its territory.

“President Yoweri Museveni has disclosed that his Sudanese counterpart General Omar Hassan Bashir has not been invited to attend the African Union Conference,” a statement from the Ugandan presidency said.

Sudan is free to send other government representatives to the summit, the statement said.

Museveni made the disclosure on Friday during a meeting with ICC president Sang-Hung Song, who is in Kampala for the court’s ongoing review conference.

Almost a year ago, Uganda backtracked on an invitation it sent to Bashir for the Global 2009 Smart Partnership Dialogue conference and asked Sudan to send another official instead to avoid a “diplomatic incident”.

Despite a phone call from Musevini to Bashir at the time apologizing for one of his cabinet ministers saying that the latter would be arrested, Khartoum expressed fury at Kampala for making the suggestion that its president could be arrested.

Sudan even demanded that the Ugandan official who blew the first whistle on arresting Bashir be sacked and accused its Southern neighbor of breaching the African Union (AU) resolution made last year that no country in the continent will be cooperate with the ICC in executing the arrest warrant.

The announcement will mark a new embarrassment to Bashir who was sworn in last month for a new term after winning April’s presidential elections with a 68% majority. The comfortable win was facilitated in part by withdrawal of several heavyweight opposition figures from the race.

Last month, the South African president Jacob Zuma told lawmakers that Bashir would be apprehended if he set foot in the country for the opening of the 2010 FIFA World Cup starting this month.

Bashir has continued to conduct foreign visits but avoided states which are members of the ICC.



  • maumau

    Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit
    I think president Museveni is afraid to arrest Al-Bashir on his soil because of this warning. He should just lay a trap in Kampala and hook him.

  • Kur

    Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit
    Do not warn him. Let him go and be locked up in jail. He has shed more innocent blood than any one can imagine.



    Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit
    President Yoweri Musevini is one of the African leaders of the old generation but he is very quickly developed. Its because he is educating himself knowing what is going on in this world not like the rest who regards themsleves as GOD Vicegerents on their countries. As far as I know that no one is free of mistakes but Musevini and Presidnet Zuma of South Africa symbol of good leaders. Now let the rat Bashir step in to Uganda.

    Viva Africa

  • James Deng Dimo
    James Deng Dimo

    Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit
    Appercaition to Museveni, you some time say rights at the the right place but with out standing behind them.

    Museveni, you would have not condemn Bashir,s from attending the submit but you would have let him to attend of which the handing over Bashir to CC would have been widlly.

    You do not trape some body with the seen of telling him what you want to do.

    Bashir is not un removable stoon in Africa but must be accepted by African to hand him to ICC.

    We are all tied of him in Sudan, those who had voted for him were the full idiots of Sudan in the last April elections.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Uganda says Sudanese president not invited to next month’s AU summit
    Museveni/Uganda scored one nil(1-0) against UN Ban Kin Moon.

    This time i predict a hundred nil(100-0)against AU.

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