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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar

June 9, 2010 (JUBA) – The upcoming referendum on Southern Sudan’s independence can be conducted even without a complete demarcation of the North-South borders, says the region’s second powerful man.

Riek Machar
Riek Machar
The Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, on Wednesday said the border demarcation cannot hold hostage the conduct of the referendum, pointing out that the exercise can be carried out without official borders.

He made the remarks during his meeting in Juba with Fouad Hikmat, the Special Advisor for African Union and Sudan in the International Crisis Group (ICG). The US-based ICG is an internationally recognized independent institution working to prevent conflicts worldwide.

The Vice President of the semi-independent region earlier said about 80% of the North-South border has been agreed upon by the joint committee of the two parties. The remaining 20%, which constitutes some of the oil fields and agricultural lands in the South, have remained contentious while the dialogue is ongoing.

He however expressed optimism that the borders will be demarcated before the conduct of the referendum in order to avoid any risk of relapsing to post-referendum violence like in the case of border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia in 1998, following Eritrean’s vote for independence from Ethiopia in 1993.

Machar also maintained his view that the people of Southern Sudan are more likely to vote for independence given the failure by the North to make unity attractive with the South for the last six years. He criticized the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the North for campaigning for a unity without a vision or acceptable program on which such a unity could be based.

The meeting also coincided with a peaceful procession in Juba in favor of separation, which was organized on Wednesday by thousands of South Sudanese youth from different political divides and civil society organizations, matching in the streets and chanting the slogan, “Yes For Separation”.

The event kicked off as the campaign to persuade the people of Southern Sudan to vote for independence in the next six months.

The campaign would also be organized in the ten states of Southern Sudan as announced on the government-owned Southern Sudan TV on Tuesday, though the message might not have reached most of the youth across the mostly remote region.

Currently, only about 5% of the population in the South, particularly in the urban areas, has viewing access to television programs in the region while about 95% of them do not have access to the programs broadcasted on TV.

If the ruling NCP will give up shariah law, Machar stressed, it would then open the door for the proposed re-structuring of the Sudanese state which would reflect its heterogeneity.

He further explained that had the Sudanese state been re-structured as a whole on a secular basis, with the shariah law eradicated, coupled with implementation of major development projects in the South for the last six years, this might have helped in shaping the attitudes of the people of Southern Sudan towards unity option with the North.

The first deputy chairperson of the Southern Sudan’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) however added that even if the South would still have separated from the North after implementing such proposed radical changes; it would have been in the interest of both regions to have two neighboring secular independent states cooperating with each other on mutual interest.

The two regions, he said, currently have a lot in common at least in the area of natural resources and facilities such as oil, Nile waters, pipeline and refineries in addition to the cross-border movements of people, adding that it would demand creation of good relations between the North and South in the event of the South seceding.

On internal insecurity in the South that would threaten the conduct of the referendum, Dr. Machar said the government of Southern Sudan should not be underrated, adding that it was capable of talking to the post-elections renegades such as George Athor Deng, Gatluak Gai and David Yauyau, among others, and to address the underlying issues that led to their rebellions with the aim of resolving the conflicts before referendum takes place in the next six months.

He stressed the importance of achieving unity among the people of Southern Sudan and stability of the region prior to the conduct of the referendum.

On external insecurity, he warned that should the North or anybody else intentionally obstruct the people of Southern Sudan from exercising their right to self-determination freely and fairly in the referendum, the members of the elected Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba, as a last resort, can also decide the future of the South on behalf of the people they represent in the parliament.

He said, as the last option, the inserted “inter alia” clause in the provision of the self-determination in the CPA could also be used to mean such a parliamentary decision on behalf of the people in case of any “evidenced” direct obstruction of the exercise of the referendum by the people of Southern Sudan.

He also warned that going back to war over the referendum or North-South borders would result to unfortunate shared loss in terms of material and human resources between the two parties and should therefore not be in the interest of either party.




    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Dr Riek Machar Teny,

    If you are comfortable sitting on the sofa-seat as you are in Juba, then not everybody is on the sofa-seat. Land Demarcation is really vital to the Southern Sudanese people especially Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom county, Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County, Dinka Jok of Abyei and Dinka Malual Gieernyang of Aweil as well. After all, saying a word by mouth is what is basically known from the Southern Sudanese leaders. If you are a leader, how come for you in order to expect Referndum without border Demarcation? Dr Riek Machar Teny, this is the facts that make some Southern Sudanese people in order to dishonored you in term of politic.

    You are not straight at all. Why are you being drived like a car? A leader do needs to be firm in what he said, but not just to throw some words without analyzing the out-come of it.


  • Samson

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Congratulation Dr. Macher you have done most of your part for the past five years this up to the people of South Sudan. I warning big bally who eatten with no future. this upto us we the people of South Sudanese. I have quote like what Thomas Jeferson said ” give me liberty or give me death”, and you did also said South may come up neither “by bullet or by vote”.
    Thank we ned to hear more from you… south Sudan Oyee, and SPLM/A oyee.
    God will bless you Dr. Macher and also this nation it has been for long.

  • thieleling

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Dear Readers,

    ‘The inserted “inter alia” clause in the provision of the self-determination in the CPA could also be used to mean such a parliamentary decision on behalf of the people in case of any “evidenced” direct obstruction of the exercise of the referendum by the people of Southern Sudan’.

    What a great strategy!! Thanks Dr. Riek Machar Teny for being a great strategic thinker. Your complex & multi-prong, consistent approach, strategically brought about the superb “inter alia” to be used for the benefit of south sudan independence by our very south sudanese so-called parliamentarians to deliver the long-revived Self-Determination/Referendum, thanks to you and few of your other colleagues.

    Your highly strategic thinking is a blessing to the African Continent and that of marginalized sudanese in particular. Islam is the way of life in the North, and life is Islam there. Unless Islam is abolished and trashed as a wife of life in Sudan, there would NEVER be a united peaceful sudan.

    So, Dr. Riek is very right about using the so-called “inter alia” to peacefully gain the indepepndence south sudan. War will be a mutual assured disaster for both north & south sudan. People of sudan, please hear this peace champion, and hear him well. Let’s have a peaceful divorce!!

  • thieleling

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Dear Readers,

    ‘The inserted “inter alia” clause in the provision of the self-determination in the CPA could also be used to mean such a parliamentary decision on behalf of the people in case of any “evidenced” direct obstruction of the exercise of the referendum by the people of Southern Sudan’.

    What a great strategy!! Thanks Dr. Riek Machar Teny for being a great strategic thinker. Your complex & multi-prong, consistent approach, strategically brought about the superb “inter alia” to be used for the benefit of south sudan independence by our very south sudanese so-called parliamentarians to deliver the long-revived Self-Determination/Referendum, thanks to you and few of your other colleagues.

    Your highly strategic thinking is a blessing to the African Continent and that of marginalized sudanese in particular. Islam is the way of life in the North, and life is Islam there. Unless Islam is abolished and trashed as a wife of life in Sudan, there would NEVER be a united peaceful sudan.

    So, Dr. Riek is very right about using the so-called “inter alia” to peacefully gain the indepepndence south sudan. War will be a mutual assured disaster for both north & south sudan. People of sudan, please hear this peace champion, and hear him well. Let’s have a peaceful divorce!!

  • thieleling

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Dear Readers,

    ‘The inserted “inter alia” clause in the provision of the self-determination in the CPA could also be used to mean such a parliamentary decision on behalf of the people in case of any “evidenced” direct obstruction of the exercise of the referendum by the people of Southern Sudan’.

    What a great strategy!! Thanks Dr. Riek Machar Teny for being a great strategic thinker. Your complex & multi-prong, consistent approach, strategically brought about the superb “inter alia” to be used for the benefit of south sudan independence by our very south sudanese so-called parliamentarians to deliver the long-revived Self-Determination/Referendum, thanks to you and few of your other colleagues.

    Your highly strategic thinking is a blessing to the African Continent and that of marginalized sudanese in particular. Islam is the way of life in the North, and life is Islam there. Unless Islam is abolished and trashed as a wife of life in Sudan, there would NEVER be a united peaceful sudan.

    So, Dr. Riek is very right about using the so-called “inter alia” to peacefully gain the indepepndence south sudan. War will be a mutual assured disaster for both north & south sudan. People of sudan, please hear this peace champion, and hear him well. Let’s have a peaceful divorce!!

  • murlescrewed

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Traitor Teny,

    It does not make sense whatsoever for South to vote for a region that is not clearly demarcated from North. We all know where the borders should be. If you are letting the NCP carve oil-producing areas of South to be part of North, then that is not going to fly. North is stonewalling on the border issue so that referendum can be done without clear border between the two region.


    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Doc, this is the most of the strongest statements you have ever made!! Then let for the war too they will never leave the South alone.

  • Aturjok

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Common folks, give Dr. Machar the benefits of doubt. I thought he spoke very clearly and eloquently about the vision of Sudan in general and of Southern Sudan in particular. I know some folks would still like to hold Riek responsible for 1991 incident as long as he lives, which is your right to do so, but honestly what are you going to get it out of it? Someone once said, bitterness is like drinking poison thinking it will kill your enemy. The referendum is right around the corner and our unity as Southerners is badly needed more than ever regardless of our tribal or political affiliation. Southern Sudan cause is way bigger than our tiny individual interest and we must think about this. With this, I will leave you with one of Dr. King’s words of wisdom. “We must live together like brothers or perish like fools”.

    [email protected]

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    DR Machar thank for the comments you had made it did impress many people like my self however if you uses to sticks out matching your attitudes with your words and then you would receives extraordinary pardon despite the haram you have done to your party before.

    Conjuntion to what you have said about relaping to the war no one like the war but if there is likely and then people can do it as a means to get what the desire for, I do means that if our needs are not fulfil by NCP then we will back to the war. first all I don,t want them in any territory which we believe as belong to Southeren Sudanese people eventhough located to the North.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    Yes DR. Machar,

    That work can be done later after the referendum.Do not waste time on delaying tactic of the NCP.

    Embark on the preparation for the referendum.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Referendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar

    Live In Illusion, Wake Up with SPLM Nothingness

    This is the suitable description for those who think and dream that the so-called Referendum for Self-determination of Southern Sudanese shall be independence of a new Republic in Africa called “South Sudan”. What has been written in the CPA and enacted as law for the Referendum is just full of treacheries that shall give the illusionists a last minute shock. There is not going to be peaceful independence of South Sudan. Believe me! Just revisit the article I wrote recently titled “Secession Is Not Given Independence: SPLM/A Championship Without Trophy!” and get some details of my prediction.

    Therefore, let’s time and money not be wasted for achieving nothingness even if you held pro-referendum demonstrations in Juba and launch “Countdown to Southern Sudan Referendum” in expensive hotels when, in fact, many poor Southerners are suffering from hunger fangs right in the face of corrupt GoSS and SPLM. If you want independence of South Sudan seriously just prepare to have it by right war of liberation without any confusion of the aim.

    But under whose leadership shall this war-of-independence be conducted? Shall it be under SPLM/A which means Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army which has nothing to do with South Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SSPLM/A) like the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) which had something to do with Eritrea only and nothing to do with Ethiopia? I doubt because Mr. Salva Kiir and the clique are already refusing and promising not to go for war of independence of South Sudan as they are afraid to lose their present corruption wealth and comfort. The real liberation of South Sudan lies elsewhere; not with the SPLM/A.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    ndariesReferendum can be conducted without demarcated borders – Machar
    the boundaries know themsleves.we all know where the arabs will stand.no matter even if the referendum will conducted with out border demarcation,southsudan know all its territories.

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