Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Former commissioner of Yirol West county admitted to Rumbek hospital

By Manyang Mayom

June 10, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The former commissioner of Yirol West County, Mr. Agok Manyiel Dhieu, has been admitted to Rumbek state hospital with complaints of typhoid.

Mr. Dhieu was arrested on the 9th of April after being accused of having stood behind the killing of one civilian in Annuol Payam of Lakes state during his term as county commissioner. However, Mr. Dhieu strongly denied the accusations during the court hearing held last week in Rumbek.

Dr. Chan Deng Malual of Rumbek’s hospital told Sudan Tribune that Mr. Dhieu needs critical medical attention for two months before he could go back to jail. He added that Mr. Dhieu suffers from serious general body weakness and typhoid.

The Lakes State High Court of Appeal Judge, Alak Makelele agreed to the doctor’s request and confirmed that the case will continue after Mr. Dhieu is released.
For the last two months, Mr. Dhieu stood his ground and maintained his innocence. He allegedly attributed the murder case to his bodyguard.

The court has yet to make a decision.


1 Comment

  • ethiopia

    Former commissioner of Yirol West county admitted to Rumbek hospital
    Dear readers

    This is how problems increase in lake state, the culprit should stay in prison until case be settle. To have a serious general body weakness in prison is a part of punishment. Not sickness, all prisoners have the same problems,
    Frankly speaking revenge will take place within these two months given to Agok Manyiel .Judges and others officials have hands in murderer’s cases in lake state. Shame on you guys

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