Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Civil society call for independent referendum commission

By Julius N. Uma

June 10, 2010 (JUBA) — With Sudan’s long-awaited referendum just months away, civil society members under the ‘Southern Sudan Civil Society Referendum Taskforce’ are already advocating for the formation of an independent referendum commission.

The taskforce, a coalition of various civil society activists made this resolution while drafting their position paper on Monday, a day before the much-hyped pro-separation procession organized by the youth fraternity in Juba.

“This civil society referendum taskforce will serve as a think tank for information sharing, analysis and dissemination. It will also act as an advocacy group that will promote the needs of the population prior to the forthcoming referendum,” a member told this reporter yesterday.

Meanwhile, members of the taskforce have declared the 9th of every month as the peoples’ referendum day, to be commemorated monthly till the referendum is held.

The position paper was officially presented yesterday as part of events marking the climax of a peaceful pro-separation match organized by Youth for Separation; an umbrella entity that brings together various youth organizations, including the SPLM Youth League.

While presenting their paper, members of the taskforce called upon government to ensure that the Referendum Act 2009 is widely circulated to create awareness among the population.

“How do you expect someone to participate in the referendum with relative ease when he or she does not even know what the referendum law says? This is ridiculous and we need to avoid certain unfortunate scenarios that unfolded during the past elections,” an angry activist remarked.



  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Civil society call for independent referendum commission
    that is great news!!!!!!!!!!
    southern sudan needs civil entities like that referendum commision to make our people aware about the referenda for self determination in the coming january. I expected such an organization to be form 2 or 3 years ago, but it is good news that such initiatives have been advocated eventually.

  • Kur

    Civil society call for independent referendum commission
    Ordinary Southerners have to move quickly to counter all the hidden evil. The politicians sitting on the realm of power in Juba are just a bunch of dump greedy dogs who yearn for money with out knowing how to make it. We need to take matters into our own hands and prepare for the referendum.


  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Civil society call for independent referendum commission
    This is a mandate not a call.

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