Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebels say supportive to Southern Sudan referendum

June 12, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The rebel Justice and Equality Movement reiterated its support to southern Sudan referendum saying it should held as scheduled in January next year.

A rebel from JEM poses in front of a tank captured by the rebel group during a battle near Adeela Mountains near Muhajariyya, south Darfur ealier this month
A rebel from JEM poses in front of a tank captured by the rebel group during a battle near Adeela Mountains near Muhajariyya, south Darfur ealier this month
Ahmed Hussein Adam, spokesperson of the rebel group, said his movement reaffirmed its position in a meeting held in Berlin with Luka Biong Deng, former GOSS Presidential Affairs minister on the sidelines of the 15th International Berlin Gathering, an annual forum to debate on conflicts resolutions.

The meeting discussed the upcoming referendum and the resolution of Darfur conflict.

“We believe that Khartoum government should refrain from seeking to spread chaos in southern Sudan in order to delay the referenda,” Ahmed said from Berlin, referring to the rebellion of some former SPLA members after April elections.

He also stated that Luka Biong stressed the SPLM support to a peaceful settlement of the seven year conflict in Darfur region.

JEM froze its participation, last May, in the Doha peace process accusing the Sudanese army of breaching the cessation of hostilities. JEM since clashed with the army several times in the restive region.

The rebel group released today a picture of a tank claiming it captured during the recent fighting in Darfur. The tank is one of two tanks captured after a battle against the Sudanese troops near Adeela Mountains near Muhajariyya, south Darfur.

A third tank is destroyed, JEM said.

Ali Alwafi, JEM military spokesperson, said the seizure of the tanks demonstrates that JEM keeps the military upper hand and Sudanese army soldiers are unwilling to fight for the government of the National Congress Party.



  • choldit

    Darfur rebels say supportive to Southern Sudan referendum
    Thanks JEM for your support but you need to seek a peaceful solution to your cause that doesn’t mean I am asking you not to seek military solution if GNU is not in position of doing the same thing.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Darfur rebels say supportive to Southern Sudan referendum
    I always fear the future of Durfurians and Nubians if South depart from Arab Government. The two parts need to make their decision as earlier before we hit the nail. Obviously the arabs will crash them to ash after we separate from norther, for sake we must not let our brothers and sisters carrying the pain. lets put our religions choice aside and focus on the real foes who want to eliminate the African identity in Sudan. Nubian have contributed to long struggle as the result they deserve a credit and we must accompany them with us. Durfurians are our fellow African brothers and sisters regardless of religions and political choice. Time to work as African brother toward the common enemy.

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