Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable

June 16, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The newly appointed foreign minister in Sudan Ali Karti started his job on a critical note pointing blame at Egypt and other African nations for their policies towards his country.

Karti-2.jpg Karti was sworn in along with his peers today as part of the new government announced this week which follows April’s multi-party elections, which were the first since 1986.

The conservative Islamist who was the former coordinator for the popular defense forces during the 90’s called for dealing with referendum as a “reality”.

“We are well past time where we can talk about a miracle during the [remaining] period to talk about searching for miracles to make unity attractive” Karti said at a forum on South Sudan self determination.

“The pressure and media [that is] charged for unity is raising expectations high for the people at a time when no satisfactory [was done in unity]” he added.

The top Sudanese diplomat called on the media to address the parties that has clout over the referendum calling for a realistic perception of the process for a better assessment on the odds of unity versus separation between North and South.

The Sudanese government signed a peace agreement with the ex-rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in 2005 that ended a devastating civil war that killed two million people and lasted more than two decades.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) also gave South Sudan a measure of autonomy until the future of the country is determined in a referendum due to take place in January 2011.

Most observers predict an overwhelming vote for independence by Southerners.

Karti directed unexpected criticism at the Egyptian government describing their engagement in the issues in Sudan as “weak”.

“The Egyptian role in the issues of the country is weak”, adding that the Egyptian elite’s knowledge of the situation and complexities in Sudan is shallow.

“Sudan is the strategic backyard of Egypt” Karti said.

Relations between Egypt and Sudan witnessed a silent crisis over hosting the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim last month.

The Sudanese foreign minister also accused some unspecified African nations of promoting secession “for their own greed” before naming Uganda as one of them.

Many countries in the region are wary from the possibility of a new state in Africa fearing it could encourage secessionist sentiments in other parts of Africa.

Last month, the African Union (AU) chief Jean Ping publicly spoke about the fears shared by many African states.

“From the outset we’ve argued in favor one of the options, making (Sudan’s) unity attractive,” Ping told journalists during events marking Africa.

“That’s a major problem for all African countries which could be confronted by similar situations, that’s what concerns us,” said the AU Commission chief.

“Such a decision could lead us again to a number of major difficulties, including war.”

However, Ping said that if the referendum does go forward “we have no other choice than to respect the decision of the Sudanese.”



  • Gatwech

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    And so in this case, Mr. new minister of FM, Karti, should not waste his time searching outside the realities of the situation.

    The South will definitely vote for separation. Karti’s focus should be on how to cement future relations between the two regions instead of fluctuating between war and peace remarks.

    Conduct the referendum even without borders being demarcated and cement good relations in other areas as the two parties eventually settle the remaining issues about the borders. Respect the outcome of the referendum.

    Don’t waste time with Egypt because what it can bring to Sudan is internal war.

  • Lorolokin

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable

    You are a useless person to blame any country, Are you not been the one who was mobalizing your muslims peers to go for the Jihad in the Jungle of S.Sudan and now you want Unity.Hey what do you really want from us Southerners ? we don’t want you.
    Karti for your information this time around is not like 70’s we are now prepared to depend the south with all our blood and remember,always there is time for every thing ie your time has come and the living example is South Africa.
    So man wait and see only time will tell.


  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    Southerners should handle things carefully under Karti Foreign Administration in the remaining 6 Months, he is a man along with Nafi and others, are the policies makers inside NCP , this Man marginalized Deng Alor in his Office, and you can realize from his speech just one Day after been sworn in.

  • Apalangorok

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    Katia, you are mad Minister. Do not let crazyness drvir to southernes affairs, we are going weather by conphernsive dialgues or comphernsive war. All are invitable if someone dream about unity. Even babyborn today will not and never be deceipt about unity leave alone us who fought the war.
    Think about your president Bashir who is waiting for crimianal court in Hague.


    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable

    I am sure and you are very very very sure that non-of these countries you are blaming has killed a single Sudanese person. But you are the one who was the head of zealous Islamist popular forces who sentenced all Southern Sudanese to death by a decrees from GOD as you have claimed. Now who is to be blamed? only you and your God if what did on people of South Sudan, blue Nile and Nuba Mountains, was realy from your GOD as you claimed.

    Karti; the train of Sudans’ dismanteling has started roling long ago, my dear. instead you should talk to create good relation with the new state of South Sudan, to guarantee the free flow of Nile water to the North of Sudan, or other wise you will drink your own swet to quench your thirsty in near future.

  • Nubian

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    Had I had power in Sudan, I would publicly execute all members and previous members of the Islamic Brotherhood of Sudan. Afterwards I would take their bodies and drop them in the sea as not to poison the land with their filthy remains!

    The NCP/NIF/Muslim Brothers have brought Sudan to its end and have deepened the divide between the brothers and sisters of this Nation. Sudan was never given a chance to become the African Giant it should be, because greed and power has blinded it’s children from spreading the love, knowledge and wealth.

    Criminals like you Karti, Nafie, Gosh and senior thug Al-Bashir will pay dearly for this, we the people will not let you escape as your previous master criminal Nimeri has. Soon you will meet your end as you have brought our country to it’s end! This is a promise…

  • stephen

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    It is better to think twice than to blame
    Ali kerti should know that what he has done in south sudan during the time of war has its price, he was the leader of Defa al shahabi(popular defence force) and he was preaching about Jihad against the people of south sudan during the time of war.
    we south sudanese will not accept any unity which is valueless, now we are still in united sudan what have we gain from this unity, a unity in which only one side gain we don;t want any more, to be a second class citizen in my own country and to be treated as a slave, we don;t want.
    my advice to you mr kerti it is better to think of better relationship in case we separate, base on benefit of the two nation, we have given enought time for this unity but it is not valuble, do waste time by attacking your neighbour because time for accountability of criminal committed by all northerners has come, south sudan will in peace and western sudan will also follow us, and all the marginalized people of sudan will united and become strong nation in south, western sudan, nuba mountain and blue nile will come together leaving behind their personal interest and ask for their right also.

  • Kur

    Sudan’s new FM criticizes Egypt & African nations, suggests secession inevitable
    The chief coordinator of the evil and terrorist popular defence force must know that those who were killed, raped, and tortured by his group were neither Egyptians nor Ugandans. They were nither people from other African countries other than the people he is now asking to vote for his evil, cynical united Sudan.

    Mr. Ali Karti, you have killed as many Southern Sudanese as one wants to remember. You were not expecting anything like this to come to your own backyard when you’re the commander of PDF. But here we are. The people of South Sudan have suffered enough and have resisted slavery, killing, torture, discrimination, and all kinds of humiliations since the time the so-called Sudan was born, as we know it today. If the unity of Sudan was something good for both the North and South, why war was necessary in the first place? Now the people of South Sudan are masters of their destiny and nobody needs to tell them what to do.

    We’ve tasted the unity of Sudan and we know what it means. So you can’t tell us what it means. The people of South Sudan are experts on what the unity of Sudan means. Hence, the NCP must shut up and wait some where with tears on their eyes.

    You must also know that the people of South Sudan cannot be intimidated by war or the threats of war. We do not want war but we will never allow anyone to take anything that belongs to us through the backdoor.


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